Project V17/Powers/Shard/Upgrades/Hound Of Hell

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Hound Of Hell

Cost: 9 SP

Required: Bitch,Rachel Lindt,

Your empowering abilities have reached another level, allowing you to greatly enhance any dog you come across. Instead of granting armor, you empower the dog themselves; thus, the empowered state has no time limit. In their empowered state, their bodies are optimized, becoming imposing creatures with large, streamlined bodies covered in symmetrical bony plates and spikes, augmented with a prehensile tail for increased mobility. Their abilities are enhanced, now possessing durability that can withstand sniper rounds, strength that can rip through Tungsten, speed rivalling racing cars, regeneration that can let them heal missing limbs in minutes, senses that enable them to track prey across the city, sharp claws that can shred ordinary materials, and a sonic roar strong enough to disorient or confuse foes. Their intellect is also improved, making them more formidable. Furthermore, any dog that you empower will recognize you as their alpha, developing intense loyalty towards you.

Lycan’s Pack

You and anyone who has been enhanced by your power will gain a boost in strength when working together. You all will also gain a minor thinker ability that increases your teamwork. When using powers together, some will gain a boost based off synergy, allowing for unique usage. Finally, they will all gain Bitch’s original power as well.