Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/True Vampire

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True Vampire

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Vampire Lord

Incompatible: Vampire Noble

You are one of the few True Vampires of the world, an ancient among ancients. As one of these Nobles, you have all the abilities of your lesser at enormously increased levels of power. The few weaknesses they possess, such as the limitations on their regeneration, do not exist for you and even immortal hunters find it difficult to inhibit your immortality or regeneration. It’s quite likely that you’ll have a wide variety of additional vampiric abilities that a normal Vampire would not have access too as well. You are able to create Vampire Nobles when you pass on your curse.

Your raw power alone is truly ridiculous. While you are not unbeatable, especially to teams working together, you’re more than strong enough to match the magic or bodily power of anyone short of another Vampire Noble or Loup-Garou or powers that could contest an Endbringer. Any other power you pick is increased in strength to reflect this. In addition, you can split up to 250 years of experience between any powers you have if their strength increases with skill.

Your True Form is not the humanoid body you have now but instead an amalgam of magical beasts and demons. A dimensional slaughterhouse filled of writhing black monsters that surge forth from your shadow as you please. These shadow beasts are your true form, every one of the many thousands present able to act independently or under your control as you will, separating to act from a long distance or attacking as a horde with the rest. The creatures range from those that even a weak parahuman could kill to mighty monsters that threaten entire an entire Protectorate team. They are parts of your body, allowing you to use any of your powers through them or survive so long as one creature does, and you can even include any creature you slay and drag into your shadow as part of your True Form.