Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Fortunate Circumstance?

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Fortunate Circumstance?

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sleigh Beggy (the Ancient Magus' Bride)

You've become truly beloved, as your allure to supernatural entities reaches unprecedented heights, transcending boundaries of morality and thought. Even entities with completely alien perspectives and moralities are drawn to you, their fascination with your presence surpassing any instinctual tendencies. They are inexplicably captivated by your charm, finding you endlessly intriguing and delightful.

These supernatural beings, whether gods, devils, or otherworldly creatures, view you not as prey or a mere mortal, but as a cherished companion or even beloved kin. Even from a single brief meeting, or just a passing sight, they will be compelled to extend their care and protection towards you, In fact, should anyone dare to threaten you, these supernatural beings may even come to your defense, angered by the audacity of such an act. They will protect you, their newfound fascination, against any who seek to harm you. Their love for you may be expressed in their own unique and unconventional ways, but it is genuine and heartfelt.

Moreover, time seems to warp and accelerate within your relationships, increasing the pace of connection and affection at an astounding rate. The bond that would typically take months to cultivate forms in mere weeks or even days. Passive interactions effortlessly forge deep connections, while actively pursuing a relationship allows you to compress years of courtship into a single week, defying the constraints of time for the sake of true love.

However, be warned that immersing yourself in the supernatural realm has granted you forbidden knowledge. Whether you become a cultist or not, you gain the ability to navigate their domains and craft rituals. But delving into these forbidden realms may pose a risk to your sanity, as the line between madness and enlightenment becomes blurred. Yet, the rewards granted by a god may make the perilous journey worthwhile.