Project V17/Powers/Shard/Lucky Mutations

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Cost: 5 SP

Good news, you still look human from the waist up. Bad news, you're attached to a very large spider body. Hopefully you're not arachnophobic.

You can climb walls and ceilings with your spider legs. You can also produce silk with your spinnerets and weave it, the silk is much more resistant than regular spider's silk. You gain a minor Tinker 0 power to easily weave clothes and various constructs from your silk.


Cost: 5 SP

All in all, you are rather unaltered… besides your limbs. Instead of human arms you have bird wings, and instead of human legs you have talons. This form does have its advantages. You gain the ability to move your talons with the same precision as normal human can move their hands, and using your wings you are able to fly as fast as an eagle.

You gain a minor T0 Mover power that boost your reaction time and spatial awareness.


Cost: 5 SP

Your upper body is unchanged, but your lower body is replaced with a long, serpentine form. It possesses enhanced strength, is extremely flexible, and it is fairly silent when moving.

You also gain a minor T0 Thinker power, granting you the ability feel the vibrations and movements of objects, creatures, and people around you through the ground, allowing you to "see" without using your physical eyes. You can even distinguish between the different types of stone, earth, and metal you touch.


Cost: 5 SP

Thankfully, you still have a fully human frame, however you are now closer to plants than to animals. Your skin is bark, botanical epidermis or a mix of both, and you have leaves and flowers rather than hair, growing on your scalp and perhaps in other spots. Your flowers may produce fruits.

You are tougher than before, and you can photosynthesize through your epidermis and leaves, taking care of a part of any of your energy needs. Additionally, your body constantly if slowly regenerates all over, allowing lost limbs to be regained, or even your heart, which is no longer vital; however, the more it is damaged, the more sluggish you will be. Finally, you also have a Thinker 0 power allowing you to understand the needs of plants, including your own.


Cost: 5 SP

Choose something related to the four classical elements, such as fire, water, earth or air, even lightning, metal, or magma. You are now made of that element, forming a vague humanoid body.

You gain some control over your element, and can even absorb it to heal to a small extent. You gain a sixth sense as to where more of your element is in relation to you.


Cost: 5 SP

You are big… really big.

Your size is somewhere between double to triple your ordinary size. This gives a boost to your physical abilities, matching your increased size.


Cost: 5 SP

You gain the body of a lion and wings of an eagle, with only your head remaining the way it was before. Your strength, speed and dexterity is triple to that of an ordinary lion. Your wings allow you to fly.

You gain a T0 thinker power, focused on understanding and solving puzzles. You also gain a T0 brute power that protects you from environmental damage, so stuff such as rain or snow won’t be able to affect you as much.


Cost: 5 SP

Your new appearance is now that of a fantasy elf. This means being generally more beautiful than a human, having unnatural hair color, long pointed ears, a naturally lithe body, a talent for archery, and having an easier time navigating in natural environments. Your vision is also better than a human's, and you can see a bit more in dark environments. Instead of a higher lifespan, you are guaranteed not to catch any illnesses and to have a perfectly healthy body.


Cost: 5 SP

Your transformed appearance is that of a Tiefling. You now possess distinctive features, such as demonic traits like horns protruding from your head, a tail, and perhaps even otherworldly skin tones. As a Tiefling, you possess a minor pyrokinesis ability. Your eyes may gleam with an otherworldly glow, and your resilience might be heightened.


Cost: 4 SP

Your whole body is now made of a transparent gelatinous substance that you can harden at will to match the toughness of human skin. This body grants you a great amount of resistance to physical damage, as you are capable of simply pulling your body back together when cut or crushed.

You can slowly reshape your body into any shape you desire, although you still need to respect conservation of mass when doing so.

The interior of your body is acidic, dissolving anything put inside. Anything dissolved in your body counts as you eating it. Due to your unusual biology, you cannot catch diseases or otherwise get sick because of anything you have eaten.


Cost: 5 SP

It appears that your new body resembles that of a fantasy dwarf. Despite being 4-5 feet tall on average, you still weigh around 160 pounds; this is because your body is much denser than human, making you moderately tougher and stronger than an average human as a consequence. You're also remarkably tolerant to toxins, extreme temperatures, and sudden pressure changes. Your vision also surpasses that of a human, enabling you to see well in low-light conditions. Additionally, you have extraordinarily nimble fingers, providing you with unparalleled precision when tinkering or handling small and delicate objects. As a final touch, you may choose to sport a magnificent beard if you lacked one before.


Cost: 5 SP

You somewhat resemble humans, as you are at minimum two meters tall with green skin, a muscular physique and large tusks.

You have an instinctive sense of combat, helping you fight better and adapt on the fly.