Project V17/Perks/False Corona Pollentia

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Revision as of 10:45, 29 November 2023 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:xhdc --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>False Corona Pollentia</h2> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Cost: 3 SP</div> </div> <div class="text">Your Shard no longer needs a Corona Pollentia to connect with you. Instead, it's somehow connected to your very soul. This removes the weakness of your Corona Pollentia. You can choose to have a fake Corona Pollentia in case you ne...")
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False Corona Pollentia

Cost: 3 SP
Your Shard no longer needs a Corona Pollentia to connect with you. Instead, it's somehow connected to your very soul. This removes the weakness of your Corona Pollentia. You can choose to have a fake Corona Pollentia in case you need one.