Authors/Worm Locations

From Worm CYOA Wiki
Revision as of 06:36, 12 June 2024 by Valkyrion (talk | contribs) (Addded the last of the Authors)
ID Object / Addon Author
5dr3 Random LtOuroumov
4tfy Brockton Bay LtOuroumov
qc37 Boston LtOuroumov
glz9 Chicago LtOuroumov
pdj7 Newfoundland LtOuroumov
s37b (East Coast) North America LtOuroumov
eb8e (Central) North America LtOuroumov
5wvn (West Coast) North America LtOuroumov
rzjt Europe LtOuroumov
8i2t Australia LtOuroumov
mjx2 South America LtOuroumov
y6j4 Kyushu LtOuroumov
eb5s Asia LtOuroumov
camv Africa LtOuroumov
p1oc Antarctica LtOuroumov
mpv4 Containment Zone LtOuroumov
nbxt Containment Camp LtOuroumov
id8l Radioactive Wasteland LtOuroumov
9bag Birdcage symball
gcma Personal Island symball
z66w Ocean LtOuroumov
c7oa Barren Island symball
p06k Forest symball
wev8 Underwater Cave symball
6f3x Moon LtOuroumov
a79v Sun symball
ydso Mars symball
z46k Asteroid Belt symball
d9nr Orbiting Earth symball
ofi1 Outside the Solar System symball
bp77 Edge of The Galaxy symball
4sv6 Wrong Planet symball
rbsm Blackhole symball
xqi9 A Random Universe symball
l8yzpd Earth Aleph mailadymistress_03350
lxt8ub Earth Shin mailadymistress_03350
lim97z Earth Gimel mailadymistress_03350
zovnrp Earth Eden mailadymistress_03350