Authors/Continuity Modifiers

From Worm CYOA Wiki
Revision as of 14:00, 30 December 2024 by Valkyrion (talk | contribs) (Updated to week 51)

Continuity Modifiers

ID Object / Addon Author
fwleyi Comic Origin rickytheplayer
qpxs Comic Book Pretty _crashdash
r4numd VFX On anaqix
ix9lb5 Separated Universe carnic321
a2l58c Multiverse? What the hell is a Multiverse? carnic321
db9n Varied Parahumans mrniab
ikfd Powered World katillno
5jhw Multi Powered World katillno
lc13 World of Supers katillno
fpwuw5 Power Communism a_zur
b75t Not All Men Are Equal katillno
yxw6 Softened Magic katillno
o88b A Brighter Yesterday katillno
zllj Brute Ltouroumov
c6tl Martial Artist anaqix
up60 The Boy Who Lifted anaqix
ii8p No Trigger Discipline Ltouroumov
i5x3 Natural Monsters anaqix
z3g4 Manned Monsters katillno
rf33 Calibrated Controls katillno
w5g7 Clusters Ltouroumov
aca3 Second Trigger anaqix
wnry Red Shirt Ltouroumov
1wr8 Not a Red Shirt anaqix
co6d Cops and Robbers Ltouroumov
gy2s Benign Ltouroumov
kssv Soft Trigger Ltouroumov
qf01 Merlin's Beard! Ltouroumov
fcnp Mind Reading is Real Ltouroumov
yoiy Scion, The Emotional Space Whale symball
as7p Peggy Sue Ltouroumov
n6wj Real Evil Ltouroumov
c2ae Without a Hero Ltouroumov
uozr Techie Ltouroumov
osiu No Tech anaqix
rkky Tinkers are Thinkers Ltouroumov
mqu0 Reroll Ltouroumov
w8lirv A Different Vision katillno
385k Shard Swap Ltouroumov
nkup Modern Ltouroumov
2az0 TINO Ltouroumov
78nr Powerless Hero anaqix
pwh0 Alt Power northernmage
r831 Powerswap Ltouroumov
9ne3c9 Gacha protagonist katillno
94ra My Space Whale boyfriend is denser than a blackhole Ltouroumov
kvjt My Space Whale girlfriend is dead symball
5r6q Dragon Unbound Ltouroumov
mjqu Human Endbringers symball
bpns Para-Endbringers anaqix
p26r One Over The Other anaqix
b9jh All dead!? anaqix
Addon: Running Amok anaqix
mauz Endbringers Scrambled symball
rjb2 Endbringers Untethered Ltouroumov
9bxo80 Winged One frizzthedark
Addon: Yandere Simmy xv._.x
bb4d Off-Kilter firstbrigade
fdop Off the Rails firstbrigade
jabx Shard Speak symball
mwk5 Shard Act anaqix
w8k3em Shard Rebellion carcassfrozenyogurt
w8k3em Power for Dummies carcassfrozenyogurt
Addon: Curiosity Drive carcassfrozenyogurt
Addon: Adversity Drive carcassfrozenyogurt
mx9v Gender Bent symball
livi Bond Villains symball
u63z Anti-Art symball
csk9 Scion, Hero of Earth ave_true_to_caesar
2un8 Eden, Heroine of Earth katillno
yklx World Size anaqix
2q7s Teacher & Student anaqix
psr5 Effective PRT anaqix
kyuo Parahuman Three anaqix
jefx Everyone can Trigger anaqix
i7we Seventh Generation Ltouroumov
lxjw Everyone has a power anaqix
2a0a Descendant anaqix
sky1 Queen of the Fay Courts northernmage
ousi Shattered Cauldron northernmage
7fa5 Up Close And Personal anaqix
wq9fr2 Fight Club x._anarchy_.x
674jtd Esoteric Protagonist katillno
u7wo A Father’s Strength anaqix
pv9l The Completely Depressed Father northernmage
Addon: Villain Gang anaqix
Addon: Redeemed Villain anaqix
0mln The Hypercompetent Father northernmage
Addon: Great Hero anaqix
fdfn Unbroken Family katillno
zin1 Second Gen Protagonist katillno
uy91j6 Super Family katillno
0elab5 Parent Swap katillno
klhqmx New Family New Heberts katillno
xudf6k Alien Romantic katillno
9bvm Genocide is inefficient katillno
g9xpm3 Symbiosis rickytheplayer
lunqas Captain Scion katillno
Gstorm Geostorm Valkyrion
Addon: Project Dutch Boy Valkyrion
2cmy Broken not dead katillno
ygkr Slaughterhousn’t ChecePuppu
twbb Manton Limit? What’s that? anaqix
9warwu Balancing Act a_zur
Addon: Innate Defense a_zur
o9cx7g Fallen Empire x._anarchy_.x
MarchLord The Marcher Lord Valkyrion
nje Not just Earth .forplot
ljl1 Layers, Jerry. Layers .forplot
wc84 Unmasked anaqix
u3wx No Masks anaqix
N-Fl Blooming Flower Valkyrion
Vikare Vikare Resilient Valkyrion
Addon: Triumphant Hero Valkyrion
ayakfm Laugh of Icarus carcassfrozenyogurt
Addon: The Impossible Dream carcassfrozenyogurt
yn3y9u No Avatar rickytheplayer
amhd9j Afterlife rickytheplayer
vp0nxo Death’s like Breadsticks for these People! the_legend_ranger
pgrxl1 Death Triggers the_legend_ranger
de6euz The Death Curse aionis_sawant
8sor8z Armsmeowster katillno
mr3080 The Second Set the_legend_ranger
jfgx99 Anubis has been Charged the_legend_ranger
hzdyne Judge A Book By Its Cover rickytheplayer
e0qspz The Universal Language anaqix
vhmb7f Not So Impossible the_legend_ranger
o7nuvn The Taylor Show (Worm the Truman Edition) katillno
l6gc5s Sleeping Warrior katillno
p5yl2l The Entity behind the Slaughter mr_perlimpinpin
tni6wt Mockery of the Divine Solozone
dgo4px Huh, isn't that... azachiel.
Addon: Colorful Crowd azachiel.
Addon: Wild Encounters azachiel.
Addon: Shout-Out azachiel.
Addon: Shard Variant mailladymistress_03350
9524 Delayed Change demoiceman
mbo4 One Of A Kind demoiceman
wu1iwl Customizer mailladymistress_03350
mptff0 Nanometers, Son! katillno
lmw0ry Editorial Edition greenkey17
cso6di Just Better rickytheplayer
m60645 Improved Technology rickytheplayer
g4o21e Hero of Kyushu the_legend_ranger
92qgat League of Villains x._anarchy_.x
lv7cdf Drunk Driving Ruins Families johnlasko
Addon: Attack on Titans johnlasko
altrnthstry Alternate History ave_true_to_caesar
ja382w Saint’s Living Nightmare katillno
dv6k The Omega Variants demoiceman
YandereSyndrome Yandere Syndrome ave_true_to_caesar
YanderePlague Yandere Plague ave_true_to_caesar
3b2bgn Lost Fantasy katillno

Different World

ID Object / Addon Author
m5eo Animal Conspiracy anaqix
4cd9 Animal Power anaqix
Addon: Demon Beast mailladymistress_03350
83uh Zootopia anaqix
Addon: Beastly War carcassfrozenyogurt
2gzs My Little Parahuman, Conflict is Magic! Ltouroumov
u1p8 High School Worm x Worm Ltouroumov
k93ajh College AU katillno
na22 Anime Logic anaqix
v79n A Brighter World symball
46jb God Of Games anaqix
xateq7 Musical Worm! mailladymistress_03350
blwun2 Just Dance! x._anarchy_.x
Addon: Lights, Music, Action! x._anarchy_.x
yyi00h Badass Normal Capes katillno
wrz58d Child Geniuses bluephonixfuckery
Addon: Super Talent bluephonixfuckery
0c8t The Masquerade Ltouroumov
zp2n5t Subtlety Is Best rickytheplayer
wc3r52 Administrative Invasion yackronin
px77 Parahuman Fiefdoms Ltouroumov
fksz Parahuman Royalty anaqix
q6pi Divided Ltouroumov
4vh1 Fractured Ltouroumov
zsra The Secret of the Swordfish Ltouroumov
Addon: The Global Threat Solozone
mbp9 Alea Iacta Est Ltouroumov
edf7r9 Human Extinction anaqix
drkueb Cosmic Neighborhood katillno
li5sjm Worm Notes katillno
b0k1 Galactic Ltouroumov
xkby Multiversal anaqix
9phe Connected anaqix
Addon: The Brockton Incident _bookmouse
f2tq Horror Bet Ltouroumov
f427 Mythology anaqix
Addon: Applied Theology sean666888
7b982b Reincarnation rickytheplayer
538h Dying Gods x._anarchy_.x
8tx1 Ragnarok x._anarchy_.x
omgl Fracture Sentai Kirakaiger banagher_asenion
cl0j Magical Girls symball
bbsb All Living Beings Just Vanished One Day symball
jdg6 Island Earth anaqix
Addon: Shattered Depths x._anarchy_.x
bbaw Stone Age anaqix
tv9ml1 A World of Monsters lordmaverickthefallen
xk46 Bizarre Ecology anaqix
dfb9y7 The Last Bastions ellie_angela
vf06f2 High Fantasy rickytheplayer
Addon: The Grand Quest rickytheplayer
ex8rxt Esper Earth rickytheplayer
Addon: Mythical LEVEL 6 rickytheplayer
l2lj The Path to Heavens symball
0dwe Immortal Journey of the Earth katillno
Addon: Cultivator High katillno
Addon: Always a Higher Realm katillno
Addon: Galactic Cultivation katillno
Addon: Beast Cultivators Solozone
ew5w The Last Civilization in The Universe symball
cp5x The Alien Invaders symball
n7s0hd Lost in Time anaqix
Addon: Heroes of a Lost Age anaqix
Addon: Information Alteration anaqix
uya6 Broken Timeline anaqix
Addon: Lostbelt anaqix
Addon: Bringer Of Fantasy anaqix
Addon: Alien Gods anaqix
7ale Incursions anaqix
Addon: The Broken anaqix
qjis Zombie Plague symball
45g2 Dreamers symball
sre0 The Snap symball
yhn4 The March greenkey17
Addon: The Beast greenkey17
msh7 Isekai'd symball
31fj Reverse Isekai anaqix
1xbj Pure Fantasy anaqix
skyu Welcome to Earth Hell symball
ghaf Reverse Roles goodfeelings2023
d3mz Amalgam anaqix
m7lp Cyberpunk anaqix
kuf9 Mecha Battles anaqix
o18a Thinker and Warrior Swap symball
z8m4 Biotech anaqix
x1v3pw Transhumanism x._anarchy_.x
j45x 20 Endbringers in 1 World symball
Addon: Terraforming Engines carcassfrozenyogurt
ip7m Buy now and get a 5% Discount! Ltouroumov
jyr0 Competitive Society symball
l70a Competent Eidolon northernmage
Addon: High Priest anaqix
3bd5 Solver of Entropy Eidolon northernmage
Addon: High Lord anaqix
w2v6 Heroes of Justice Ltouroumov
3ks3 The Technolord northernmage
62to The Legendary Star northernmage
r2sq Alexandria the Great northernmage
ika9 The Eye Wide Open carcassfrozenyogurt
qyhj New Gods greenkey17
Addon: Big Sister greenkey17
Addon: The Nine greenkey17
Addon: The Boogeyman greenkey17
Addon: The Court Overseer greenkey17
p0ab True Gods greenkey17
Addon: Machine Gods greenkey17
Addon: The Holy Nine greenkey17
Addon: The Moirai greenkey17
Addon: The Death Queen greenkey17
5j4o Hero of Ellisburg northernmage
d58i Goblin King anaqix
Addon: On the Run anaqix
bvvl The 7 Demon Kings/Queens northernmage
hnhx The 7 Seraphim northernmage
rjxl Ragnarök northernmage
e3b9 Moonshot hooshu
qxbl The Empire Strikes Back greenkey17
v8oq9a Old Empire greenkey17
btzr Gotta Catch Em All greenkey17
mik9 New Ice Age demoiceman
jffi Monstrous Awakening demoiceman
Addon: Beast King mailladymistress_03350
dal8tv Avant Garde greenkey17
Addon: Dual Fronts greenkey17
zxp2 What Hides in Shadows draconic_titan
Addon: He Noticed draconic_titan
zalv23 Worm: Game of The Year Edition greenkey17
Addon: Cheat Code greenkey17
xventq Genre Shift hooshu
lc83zy Rogue Planet wiwerse
nxhhf8 Strange Aeons wiwerse
Addon: The Hosts’ Dilemma, Nearer to Hubris itzezy
grfyvb Alien Earth katillno
vc9emx Guilds greenkey17
807du4 Heroes of the Horn wiwerse
zs4em7 Beastmen lordmaverickthefallen
Addon: Werebeast lordmaverickthefallen
h4kd09 DNA Redux katillno
aqj4 Entities' Graveyard Solozone
0psr2w Mimir's Well Solozone
ndpzs3 Relics of the Past xiodtensei
Addon: Fódlan’s Fury xiodtensei
rgv3w8 Invasion of Variants rickytheplayer
Addon: Infinite Earths rickytheplayer
advkhn Discordant Emergence xiodtensei
tr3qk9 Dragon Net lordmaverickthefallen
Addon: Steel Heart lordmaverickthefallen
6to56e Sheer Heart Attack xiodtensei
el4c0k The Matrix mailladymistress_03350
f5nakc Worm V1 anaqix
79vij0 Suicide Squad sleepingazathoth
gdvjb2 In the Deep x._anarchy_.x
Addon: Priest of the Great Old Ones x._anarchy_.x
ukxst1 Ferrymen greenkey17
RumorMill Truth. Lies. What's The Difference?! neonmondays
uvrf09 Age of Daikaiju oidthetoad
bnm9vc Hollow Earth oidthetoad
9vmvwl Earth Conspiracy lordmaverickthefallen
gjdvpv Alien Myths lordmaverickthefallen
Addon: An Alien Mythology lordmaverickthefallen
Addon: The End lordmaverickthefallen
Addon: Arms Race lordmaverickthefallen
4k8ydt Necrocapes yackronin
3fp2mx Deathmonger yackronin
9f8xco Planet of the Apes solozone
Addon: Life, uh, Finds a Way solozone
Addon: New Nations solozone
Addon: Sure, More Apocalypse, WHY NOT!? solozone
1jl71a 5D Earth sean666888
g2vk Dimensional Breached npt170
dasxt5 Earth for Harvest milliwaywatts
e9wzks Rey? Who? a_zur

Different Cycle

ID Object / Addon Author
9d09 Shard Dungeons Ltouroumov
xgia Shard Dungeons+ demoiceman
o0yh Human Dungeon Masters anaqix
Addon: Dungeon Master 101 anaqix
1xgy The System Ltouroumov
jnrz85 Triumph anaqix
45u6 The Neighbors Ltouroumov
n744 Beasts of Entropy assumingdirectcontrol10
966w The Cycle Continues Ltouroumov
tbee The Ancient 7722_84_1
ut9w The war between heaven and hell northernmage
kk4n I think I sent you to the wrong multiverse cluster. northernmage
Addon: Negentropy northernmage
SNORE Shard Network Operating Range Extension Valkyrion
6a1puj Celestial Cycle the_legend_ranger
r0ci6z History Does not Repeat… yackronin
z9ojrh Looping Cycle x._anarchy_.x


ID Object / Addon Author
xf1r Prehistoric Ltouroumov
94s4 Classical Era Ltouroumov
1doh All Roads Lead to Rome Ltouroumov
rpon Medieval Era Ltouroumov
qd2v Renaissance Era Ltouroumov
5aol Colonial Era Ltouroumov
2a1o World War Era Ltouroumov
e17o Cold War Ltouroumov