Project V17/Powers/Origin/Battle Hungry

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Revision as of 22:24, 5 December 2023 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:kloo --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>Battle Hungry</h2> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Gain: 5 SP </div> <div class="score"> Gain: 3 CP </div> </div> <div class="requirements"> </div> <div class="text"> You want to fight. Going a few days without fighting is fine, but going more than a week without a fight is nearly unbearable. </div> </div> </onlyinclude> </div> <!--...")
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Battle Hungry

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 3 CP

You want to fight. Going a few days without fighting is fine, but going more than a week without a fight is nearly unbearable.