Maltisis Device
In the year 1654, a visionary named Nathan Maltisis postulated the existence of a mysterious realm known as the Temporal Space. And with that, successfully created a massive machine that can send the soul into that alternate reality. And with that successful prototype, technology has grown leaps and bounds. Now in the modern era, that large machine can be compressed into the size of a sleek silver bracelet. The device known as a Maltisis Device, revolutionized the world and replaced the internet with its successful convenience.
But the main purpose of a Maltisis Device is the ability to bind the lost soul of someone from across time into one's own. This person could be from the past, present, future, or even an alternate reality. It is also due to this which led to the sudden jumps in scientific advancements. And the discovery of so much more, from magicians to espers, users of the Maltisis Device gain extraordinary powers surpassing normal humans. Due to this, tournaments pitting players against each other is a popular sport.
Additional Information
- The Maltisis Device comes in various versions, such as the Maltisis Pro, Maltisis Pro+, Maltisis Gold Edition, and so on. Although it only has differences in external appearances.
- The Maltisis Device's ability to send souls into the Temporal Space only works on those spiritually younger than 13. Any younger and it will be dangerous.
- Once a soul has been bound, it cannot be unbound. And it is impossible to bind more than one soul.