Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Mover

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(Mover) Fast as a Hedgehog

Cost: 2 SP

You can run at an additional 35 miles per hour than you could without powers, without breaking a sweat, 60 miles per hour if you really push yourself. Your legs have a small breaker effect that allows you to run without taking damage. You can exercise to increase your total speed, but your speed with your powers on will always be an additional 35 miles per hour without breaking a sweat and 60 miles per hour if you really push yourself. You might want high-quality shoes.

(Mover) Flying like a Chicken

Cost: 2 SP

You can jump 50 meters, and as long as you land on your feet you won't get hurt. Your feet are totally invulnerable to damage and act as shock absorbers. You can use this power to jump horizontally, but be careful to land on your feet. You might also want to learn kickboxing.

(Mover) Rail

Cost: 2 SP

You can move any object or person you touch a distance of up to 50 feet in any direction in a straight line. While moving, these objects are largely resistant to damage. Small, hand-held objects move at roughly seventy-five miles an hour, while objects the size of a car move at half that speed.

(Mover) Soaring through the Sky like a Flying Bison

Cost: 3 SP

You can fly! Your acceleration is kinda slow, 3 m/s^2, but your maximum speed is 120 miles per hour! If you're moving fast when you first start to fly, you'll keep your velocity, but unless you start by jumping off a motorcycle or have other Mover powers, that's only going to start you off at a couple miles per hour.

(Mover) Stairway to Heaven

Cost: 3 SP

You can walk, run, and stand in the air. You can also walk back down to the ground if you want. You can use this to stop yourself in mid-air or skid at any speed, just prepare for an impact.

(Mover) Stamina

Cost: 3 SP

You have limitless physical and mental stamina. With limitless physical and mental stamina, fatigue and exhaustion are mere concepts, freeing you from any physical limitations. You can exert yourself to your utmost potential indefinitely, never feeling worn down or drained. This doesn’t give any other boost.

(Mover/Thinker) Blink and you Miss it.

Cost: 4 SP

You have absolute awareness of any and all matter within 5 meters of yourself, and can teleport to anywhere within 4 meters of yourself. Your cool down is half a second. All living beings in the spot you're teleporting to will be teleported just outside where you chose to teleport.

(Mover) Summoning

Cost: 4 SP

You can summon anyone you've ever seen to any location within 10 feet of you as long as there is enough open space. The person you are attempting to summon is aware that you are attempting to summon them and can refuse if they so wish. This works on people you have seen an accurate image of. This does not work across dimensions.

(Mover) What He's Having

Cost: 4 SP

At will, you can target any object in your line of sight and 'lock' yourself to it. While 'locked', you always maintain the same relative position to it that you had when you first activated this ability. You can 'unlock' yourself at any time, disabling this effect. You are immune to friction while this power is active. Breaking the line of sight does not disable the 'locking' effect.

(Mover) Run Away!

Cost: 4 SP

You move faster when running away from a target. Your speed increases based on the speed you are being chased at. If there is no one chasing you, your speed returns to normal. Your speed will always be the speed you can move at plus the speed people are chasing you at. This means you can always out-speed whoever chases you unless they can teleport.

(Mover) Ground diver

Cost: 4 SP

You are able to move through sand, earth, and gravel like a fish through water.

You are able to dig through solid stone or stone-like materials at significantly reduced speeds.

You will not need to breathe while underground and will possess an innate sense of direction.

(Mover/Striker) Hotwheels

Cost: 5 SP

You can convert and store heat energy and later release it as kinetic energy from anywhere on your body. The release of kinetic energy won't hurt you... directly. If you release the force of a bomb from your hand, your hand will be fine, but if you hit a wall, you will be hurt by that.

(Mover) Flying Sword

Cost: 5 SP

You can utilize a sword, be it of Western or Eastern origin, to achieve flight while positioned on top of it. The maximum speed is determined by your body's abilities or capped at Mach 2.

(Mover) Warp Step

Cost: 5 SP

You possess the power to warp the space between you and your destination to close the distance with a single step. The distance you can travel in a single step is determined by the length of your maximum sprinting distance; this ability allows you to swiftly transport yourself, avoiding the time otherwise required to travel by foot or any other means.

(Mover/Shaker) Inc Incorporated

Cost: 5 SP

You are able to create a paint-like substance from your hands that you can throw to cover an area. You can enter any paint mark created by your power and emerge from any other paint mark you have created. Any paint mark you create will degrade to the point of uselessness over several days, and using them will cause them to degrade significantly faster.

(Mover/Shaker) Position Control

Cost: 5 SP

You can switch the location of any two people as long as the difference in mass is no larger than 50% that of the larger of the two.

(Mover/Shaker) Portal

Cost: 5 SP

You can create a permanent pair of portals that bridges the gap between two points in space. The more accurate your knowledge of a location is, the quicker it is to make portals that connect to it, with locations you can directly perceive being instant. Your portals may be in any form you desire, but each may have up to a maximum surface area of 10m^2. There is a slight gap in the bridge between the portals that may cause a slight delay, due to the need for them to perfectly sync with each other. Your portals must be created in empty space, though anything can go through them and it is a two-way connection. You may have only one pair of portals active at a time, but may destroy them at will.

(Mover/Thinker) Star-Nosed Mole

Cost: 5 SP

Your reaction time is 25x faster than it would be otherwise. If your reaction time was average, your reaction time to visual stimuli would be 0.01 seconds. You also can think and process information 3 times as quickly.

(Mover/Striker) Gravitational Shift

Cost: 6 SP

You can alter gravity's influence on your body to fly and launch yourself at high speeds. Anyone you touch can also have their gravity altered as well, although this stops once you stop touching them. You are immune to the fall damage you receive when colliding with something at high speeds.

(Mover/Striker) Spit Marker

Cost: 8 SP

Anywhere you've ever touched, or a part of your body larger than a cubic millimeter has touched, there will be a marker that you can teleport to. This does not allow you to travel to other universes, nor to other planets. You will not be able to teleport to it if there is no location within 2 meters of the marker that has enough open space for you.

(Mover) Gear Shift

Cost: 8 SP

You have the ability to move faster the longer you are in motion. Your speed and thought speed effectively doubles every minute you move at your top speed. This is counted in real-time and not the time you perceive while under the effects of this power. You are protected and can choose to protect your surroundings from the effects of your increased speed.

(Mover) Accelerate

Cost: 8 SP

Your speed gains momentum at an exponential rate the longer you move at your top speed, but this comes at a heavy toll on your body. Your stamina is depleted at the same rate as your speed increases.

(Mover/Master) Seeing Double

Cost: 9 SP

You can teleport anywhere in your line of sight. You leave behind a clone of yourself that has all of your powers besides Seeing Double when you teleport. These clones will crumble into dust after 30 seconds, or they are killed. You do not suffer mental degradation from this power. You can control your clones as if they were all a part of a hive mind.

(Mover) Blink!

Cost: 10 SP

You can teleport to anywhere you can see. If you're a Noctis Cape, you can teleport to anywhere you've seen since getting your powers. You can teleport to other universes with this. You cannot use this power to co-inhabit the same space as another being, you will either teleport inside the being or right outside of it.

(Mover/Breaker) Speed Connect

Cost: 10 SP

You can intuitively "connect" with inorganic and organic beings of your choice, allowing you to exchange their current acceleration and velocity at your behest. For instance, you can go abnormally fast by linking yourself to a moving car or plane at the expense of making them immobile. You could abuse this to slow people down by linking them to objects in their rest state. Your mind and body gain the necessary physiology to react and adapt to the changing speeds. However, the longer you attempt to maintain it, the more likely you will suffer from mental and physical damages.

Note: Trying to attach yourself to photons in an attempt to move at light-speed would only go horribly wrong as your body would be rendered near mass-less, leaving your mind in a vegetative state.

(Mover/Striker) Kaze

Cost: 10 SP

You can teleport up to 50 feet by swinging a weapon. While teleporting, innumerable versions of yourself occupy the space in the area between your departure and arrival point, each moving for a fraction of a second. The distance you teleport is determined by the arc of your swing.

(Mover) Sadako

Cost: 10 SP

Your power allows you to enter and exit electronic devices at will. When you enter a device, you are transported to a different dimension where the story playing on the screen becomes your reality. You can interact with the characters and the world of that story as if it were real. Additionally, you can move between electronic devices via whatever network the device is connected to, allowing you to travel between these different dimensions at a fast pace. However, it's important to note that you cannot bring any objects or entities from the virtual dimension into the real world, so your interactions in this realm remain confined to the device itself. Furthermore, while inside the device, you can also see the outside world via the screen of the device. Due to that, when you are inside, stuff such as timeskips can't happen. Additionally, if you were to enter the same story, you always arrive at the point you left after the first.

With Homecoming, you can bring any objects or entities from the virtual dimension into the real world.

(Mover/Striker) Quicker than Thunder

Cost: 11 SP

You can move anywhere from normal speed to Mach 5. You have a breaker rating stopping you from taking damage from running around, but if you run into something or attack something, the effect will break. If you're going too fast when you do this, you might instantly die.

(Mover/Shaker) Move Cancel

Cost: 12 SP

Within an area of 100m, you can "branch" your movements and/or actions, taking one maneuver as the "real" move. The magic happens when you choose to "collapse" or reach out to another "branch" of movement, i.e. effectively overwriting a sprint to a clothesline as if it was always the plan.

(Mover/Thinker) I am the Shadow

Cost: 12 SP

You can teleport to anywhere on the planet where no one is looking, as long as no one is looking at you. If someone is looking at you through Thinker powers, like Clairvoyant, your power still works. You have an awareness of everywhere on the planet that no one is looking. You can't teleport into contact with another living being either. If you try you'll find yourself a couple nanometers away.

(Mover/Breaker) Veloci…Raptor?

Cost: 12 SP

You can move fast enough to be just shy of breaking the sound barrier, with a jumping ability proportional to your speed. Your agility, coordination, reaction speed, stamina, and durability are all boosted to make this survivable, and allow you to move with the proportional grace of an Olympic athlete. This power is also supported by perfect traction, giving you the ability to make impossible turns and move on any surface, from the frictionless to the vertical, or even the inverted.

(Mover) Raven

Cost: 14 SP

You can open portals to anywhere your friends are, no matter the distance, no matter the universe. This is the only power that will allow you to return to your home universe completely unassisted. Family you're close to are also considered friends by this power. Your portals have to be within 5 meters of the person you wish to teleport to, and can't be opened inside of them (unless they have any holes in their body big enough for you to enter, in which case you can open your portals inside of those.)

(Mover/Striker) Dimensional Shunter

Cost: 15 SP

You are capable of teleporting yourself and/or anything you’re touching to the same place in another known dimension.

You cannot teleport into an occupied location. You instinctively know if attempting a teleport will take you to a place that is guaranteed to kill you (dangerous/no atmosphere, heavy radiation, into lava, etc.) although you do not know what the danger is.

You can preview any position you can teleport to with this power, so long as it is in a known dimension.

A dimension becomes known if you either have been there or viewed it directly through some form of Thinker power.

You can also blindly teleport to an unknown dimension that is “adjacent” to the current dimension you are in.

For the purposes of blind teleporting, there are two adjacent dimensions to every dimension for this power, forming a chain that contains every dimension in the multiverse not locked off by the entities (so blind jumping will never land you in Shardspace).

After blind teleporting, you will be unable to teleport using this power for a minute.