Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Stranger

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(Stranger) Off Record

Cost: 2 SP

You can no longer appear on cameras or be recorded in any way. You leave no trace on any electronic device. You appear as an indiscernible blurred figure in photos and the like.

(Stranger) Again, Sherlock?

Cost: 2 SP

If you fake your death, everyone will believe it, unless it's very obviously faked.

(Stranger) Vocals

Cost: 3 SP

You can mimic any voice you've ever heard perfectly. You also have perfect pitch.

(Stranger) Stealthy

Cost: 4 SP

You have knowledge on how to sneak past various things with powers to boost that. Your actions can't trip landmines, doors, or traps, and can blur you to surveillance cameras. Although the longer you stand in front of a camera, the weaker the effect.

(Stranger) Pocket Dimension

Cost: 5 SP

You can teleport into a pocket dimension at will. It is about as large as a warehouse and is furnished with all the necessities for living, such as a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. There is no way to see outside of the pocket dimension while inside. No one can detect this dimension or forcibly enter it without your direct consent.

(Stranger) Mime

Cost: 5 SP

You can make it so you can't be smelled or heard. You're still visible. You can extend this effect to anything within 8 meters (26 feet) of yourself.

(Stranger) Déjà vu

Cost: 5 SP

People who do not know you personally will find you interesting and somewhat familiar, they won't connect these feelings to any parahuman powers, and thinker power won't be able to tell either.

(Stranger) Average Joe

Cost: 5 SP

You blend in with any nearby crowds. Unless they're already on edge, any group you join won't realize you don't belong.

(Stranger) Tech Shutdown

Cost: 5 SP

Most complex tech has a tendency to fail when near you, even Tinkertech. Some Tinkers can build countermeasures and Tinkers whose tech does not require complex components will be largely unaffected. You can turn this ability off at will. This affects technology within 50 feet, as well as tech being used on you from any range.

(Stranger/Brute) Grave Face

Cost: 5 SP

You have the ability to fake your own death by shutting down your vital functions, such as heartbeat, breathing, and brain activity. As long as your Corona Pollentia (the part of your brain that gives you powers) is not damaged, you can revive yourself without any harm. You also have a slow healing factor that can mend your injuries over time, but it takes weeks to fully heal. Your power can fool even Thinkers who can sense life signs, but if you move or act, you will reveal that you are alive.

(Stranger) New Identity

Cost: 6 SP

All your records are removed from existence, and anyone who didn't either have a Thinker power or know you closely and personally will completely forget you ever existed. How many Thinkers remember you will depend on their powers. The more emotionally linked you and someone was, and the stronger willed they were, the more they'll remember you.

(Stranger) Stranger Danger? No way? This guy? He's so nice though!

Cost: 7 SP

People will instinctively trust you until you prove them otherwise. Even so, they might justify it to themselves, depending on their personality.

(Stranger) Magician

Cost: 7 SP

You are a master of surprise. Whatever you do, people will not expect it unless you allow them to. Thinkers are immune. People will be able to track your movements. Subthinkers are not immune.

(Stranger/Master) Schrodinger's Asshole

Cost: 7 SP

People will always believe you if you say a suggestion/joke/opinion of yours was a joke and/or not meant to be taken seriously.

(Stranger) Hidden Cover

Cost: 7 SP

You can hide behind anything even if you could not physically fit behind it. You could hide behind a street lamp pole just by stepping behind it and you would not be able to be detected by any physical means until you choose to step back out. While hidden you are still aware of the environment around you. You can even hide behind other people and if the person moves you will move with them and can step out from behind them in their new location.

(Stranger) Spooky

Cost: 7 SP

You have the ability to induce immense panic and hysteria in anyone who sees you. Every fiber of their being is flooded with an overwhelming sense of anxiety and dread. They are overwhelmed by fear, leading to irrational and chaotic behavior.

(Thinker/Stranger) Taboo

Cost: 7 SP

You are aware of whenever someone is speaking about you and have a rough idea about what they are saying and where they are. This is entirely a background process and will not inconvenience you or interfere with your life. This ability is Multiversal in range but not Omniversal, you will not be made aware of discussions about your doppelgangers.

(Stranger) Invisible Woman

Cost: 7 SP

You can turn completely invisible. You can still be smelled, heard, and touched. You can also be tasted.

(Stranger) Skin's Blue

Cost: 8 SP

You can make any retroactive information about yourself false. If someone previously thought that you were human, you can make them think you were a walking talking bird driving a mech. While this effect breaks if they can physically confirm that is not the case, you do not need to be around the person to use this power.

(Stranger/Shaker) Turtle

Cost: 8 SP

The user can influence the perception of time for those within their range, causing them to experience time at a slower rate. The user’s range is about 10 meters in radius. The closer the target is to the user, the slower their perception of time becomes. At the highest intensity, targets may experience a single second as a matter of hours. Additionally, objects like electronics are not affected by this power. Once targets move outside of the user's range, their perception returns to normal.

(Stanger/Master) Trend Setter

Cost: 8 SP

You can influence people who see you into accepting your actions as normal. The longer they have been around you, the deeper this effect can even cause others to follow you. This effect is not immediate or subtle, and cannot convince people who completely are against you. But with this power, you can influence the entire world and people won't notice. The influence of Trend Setter would usually be seen as a stroke of luck unless you use it too much.

(Stranger/Breaker) Hitchhike

Cost: 9 SP

You can transform yourself into a half-transparent ghost that can enter the bodies of people and control them from the inside. You have access to their powers while inside of them as well as your own. You do not have to always control them and can instead just hide inside a person undetectable by any other forms of detection. You cannot possess objects or corpses, only living organisms relatively as small as you or larger. Although you can cram yourself into humans regardless of your size compared to theirs.

(Stranger) Classified Information

Cost: 9 SP

If anyone tells you something, no one else can learn that information. The limitation on this is that the information cannot already be common knowledge; if more than about three-dozen people already know a piece of information, this power won't work on it. It also only applies to information that both parties believe to be true.

If someone tries to share this information, they'll be unable to. If someone tries to read the information, their eyes will just slide past it. If someone observes something that should clue them in, they'll dismiss it.

(Stranger/Thinker) Discount Genie

Cost: 9 SP

Whenever you hear somebody verbally wish for something, you can turn their wish into a reality, but only if you have the skills and abilities to theoretically accomplish it within one month. If you do have the ability to fulfill the wish, reality will shift to accommodate the outcome of your theoretically success. You are limited to using this ability three times per person, and you cannot use it for your own wishes.

(Stranger) Unnoticeable

Cost: 10 SP

People won't notice you unless you attack them. You could go the the bathroom on their food, and while they wouldn't eat the food, they wouldn't acknowledge your existence. They will know something is up though, since there was poop in their food.

(Stranger) Center of Attention

Cost: 10 SP

Everyone will feel their attention pulled to you. It isn't absolute, but most people wouldn't notice if someone else was being mugged right next to them while this power is active. People who either can not pay attention to a single thing for their life or who are very good at paying attention to one thing in exclusion to all others will have resistance to this power.

(Stranger/Master) Harem Protagonist

Cost: 10 SP

You become a Harem Protagonist, gaining a "magnetic aura" towards those who could plausibly hold mutual romantic interest with you, subtly causing chance encounters and progressively influencing emotions in your favor with each one, particularly in the case of parahumans. This even goes as far as to Trump powers, causing Thinker powers to conclude this power's influence is the result of coincidence and preventing parahumans affected by this power from unintentionally harming you with their powers.

Be warned that this does not come with an "off" switch and parahumans by nature are unstable.

(Stranger) Boring

Cost: 12 SP

You can, at will, activate a Boring aura which makes it so that everyone feels incredibly bored, restless, and fatigued.

(Stranger) Imposter Sus

Cost: 12 SP

You have the uncanny ability to blend in and infiltrate any group, no matter how ridiculous it would be otherwise for you to actually be in that group. People will instinctively trust whatever background you give them, and you will be treated befittingly. It would take hard evidence or a show of incompetence to convince others that you are actually an Imposter and not the actual identity that you have given them, but you also have quite the ability to shift fault and blame your failure on others rather than yourself, to the point of making others doubt that the imposter is the one you are trying to frame.

(Stranger) Truth

Cost: 13 SP

If you believe what you're saying is the truth, everyone will believe you, unless they have proof you're wrong shoved in their face. If you said the sky was purple, while believing it, looking at the blue sky would snap them out of the effect.

(Stranger) Bluff

Cost: 14 SP

People will believe any lie you make. However, the more absurd the lie, the quicker this effect fades. If they see incontrovertible proof you were lying, the effect will snap.

(Stranger/Shaker) Sensorium

Cost: 15 SP

You are capable of producing an invisible, intangible “fog” over a large area. This fog is capable of hijacking the senses of everything inside, living or artificial (like cameras and microphones), giving you the ability to access and override them at will to make them experience whatever illusions you desire, effectively turning the area into a holodeck. You are also capable of creating illusions of the same calibre that can be visible even to people outside the fog, although you will not get to access their senses or be capable of specialising the illusions to specific people like you would if they were inside.

You can range from giving everyone in the fog the same illusion to giving each individual person a different personalised experience, with their expectations and knowledge filling in the gaps for any details about the illusions you don't personally assign (how it breaks, what it looks like on the back, etc.).

Those inside the fog will instinctively act in such a way to maintain the illusions they’re observing (i.e. if they lean against an illusory wall they will unconsciously lean in such a way that they are still balanced and thus won't fall through it), if they push past these instincts and/or make mistakes the illusions automatically adjust to maintain realism and explain away any inconsistencies caused by the illusion in whatever way the subject thinks would make the most sense (i.e. if they tripped and fell through an illusory wall then the illusory wall will have “broken”).

Your power is even capable of hijacking and tricking exotic senses like thinker powers, although they take more focus to understand and manipulate.