Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Fusions

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Cost: 5 SP

Required: Dragon,Skeleton,

You were a Dragon once, but now you're a skeletal undead dragon. While physically weaker than the living counterpart, you don't need a head. Or organs, or anything for that matter to live. You simply exist. Replacing your missing bones is easy as any bones you do come across can be turned into compatible bones (but their durability is dependent on the bones themselves). You live as long as the phylactery inside you remains intact. But you can take it out and turn it into something else. Such as processing it into a valuable treasure. Necrotic or Undead Magic is much easier and stronger for you and Light or Holy Magic is your bane. Your Phylactery doesn't need to be near you for you to work. If Dragon was not selected then you gain a powerful boost in Magic.

Alduin (TES)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Ancient Dragon

Required: Dovahkiin (TES)

Alduin, also referred to as the World Eater, the Twilight God, and the First Dragon, is a mighty dragon who ruled over Skyrim. A powerful dragon that is believed to have a pivotal role in the reshaping of the world. Your shouts are far stronger and capable of mass destruction.

Celestial Dragon (League of Legends)

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Ancient Dragon

As a Celestial Dragon, you possess the power to create and manipulate stellar objects. You can shape stars, planets, and even black holes with a thought. These cosmic entities become your weapons or tools of immense power. You can hurl stars, forge planetary shields, and reshape the universe itself. Surviving and traveling through space is effortless, and you leave trails of stardust in your wake. Your arcane abilities are also greatly expanded, tapping into the limitless depths of cosmic energy.

Red Dragon Emperor (DxD)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Ancient Dragon

Required: Sacred Gear (DxD)

Incompatible: White Dragon Emperor (DxD)

In your ascension, you have absorbed the powers of the Red Dragon Emperor Y Ddraig Goch inside your gauntlet and became the new Red Dragon Emperor. You inherit all of his powers including Boost, Penetrate, Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames and various other abilities in his prime, and can use them without the limits placed by the sacred gear. However, do keep your arrogance in check, even the original Red Dragon Emperor was sealed in a gauntlet.

(Your power is at around planetary level. With proper training, boosts and all other power have potential to reach conceptual level.)

White Dragon Emperor (DxD)

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Ancient Dragon

Required: Sacred Gear (DxD)

Incompatible: Red Dragon Emperor (DxD)

In your ascension, you have absorbed the powers of the White Dragon Emperor Albion Gwiber inside your gauntlet and became the new White Dragon Emperor. You inherit all of his powers including Divide, Reflect, Reduce and various other abilities in his prime, and can use them without the limits placed by the sacred gear. However, do keep your arrogance in check, even the original White Dragon Emperor was sealed in a sacred gear.

(Your power is at around planetary level. With proper training, divide and all other power have potential to reach conceptual level.)

Dragon Rider ascension

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Dragon Rider

Required: Dragon

Rather than you becoming a dragon this allows dragon ascension to affect your bonded dragon increasing their power and knowledge to insane levels based on the bought version. Your dragon is now able to use their magic at will but will still experience boosts from emotions allowing them to perform spells only describable as miracles.

Twin Dragons

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Dragon Rider ascension

Required: Red Dragon Emperor (DxD),White Dragon Emperor (DxD),Unknown,Unknown,

Rather than lose your Ascension to your bonded Dragon, they are now instead your counterpart. They gain the same power they would have under Dragon Rider Ascension but gain the opposite Dragon Emperor power that you haven chosen. They are Albion to your Ddraig, Ddraig to your Albion.

Lor Starcutter

Cost: 10 SP

Required: SEED Platform

Required: (Changer/Trump) Kirby

The Lor Starcutter is an ancient vessel that was crafted by the ancients, people of the past who made legendary treasures and pieces of technology. The ship was apparently crafted using an “incredible power.” The ship has the ability to travel throughout space and time by creating dimensional rifts.

Unitrix (Ben 10)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Android Platform

The Unitrix is capable of storing the DNA of various different species. But unlike the completed Omnitrix, she can only hold one DNA sample at a time. You come with a module that can upload DNA you hold onto a selected Server.

You can copy the powers and abilities of different animals and then manifest the traits of these animals without changing your form.

You have full control over your body and can't be forced into your miniature form. But your miniature form serves as a reset should something go wrong with your physical body. Starting off, you automatically have human DNA.

Galvanic Mechamorphs (Ben 10)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Android Platform

Galvanic Mechamorphs are a techno-organic species composed of nanites. You are completely amorphous. Their humanoid forms can reshape and move as a liquid does.

Galvanic Mechamorphs can transform the technology they are possessing with seemingly no limit, such as upgrading a baseball pitching machine to produce a seemingly infinite number of baseballs.

A Galvanic Mechamorph's DNA is "programmed" with blueprints and intimate knowledge of every alien technology. In having a vast library to draw upon, some Galvanic Mechamorphs have been able to mimic and shapeshift into technology without needing to possess it, the same for non-electrical items

System Manager

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Nascent Divine

Required: The System,(Trump) Gamer System,Gamer System,

You are the manager of the System, rather than needing faith you collect a small portion of experience mortals gift you when they gain experience. They use your system to get stronger and you get stronger through the experience they gift you. You can control their system, strengthen them or even take it away. You can even create custom skills for those you favor.

Incarna (Exalted)

Cost: 20 SP (Solar Exalted (Exalted)Lunar Exalted (Exalted))

Cost: 15 SP (Lunar Exalted (Exalted)Solar Exalted (Exalted))

Cost: 10 SP (Solar Exalted (Exalted))

Required: Nascent Divine

Required: Solar Exalted (Exalted),Lunar Exalted (Exalted),Terrestrial Exalted (Exalted),

Now, you are no ordinary God - you are one of the Celestial Incarnae, the greatest in the heavens. Your power and authority are raised to staggering heights, such that you could challenge any ten high-ranking Gods and triumph easily, and command any deity or other spirit in the Bureaucracy short of another Incarnae. Your Domains are further expanded as well, having an entire three primaries and six secondaries to start with, albeit with a catch: One of your primaries must be a celestial body or location (such as the sun, the stars, or the void between), another must be an open-ended and influential concept (such as perfection, life, or order), and your secondary Domains are limited to two per primary.

Your charms are now cosmic or conceptual in scale, for instance, if one of your domains is perfection, you can unleash charms that hit infinitely hard or absolutely invulnerable for a limited time etc, and if one of your domains is the stars/the sun, your charms can unleash supernovae, create stars, etc, and over time you will gain more domains and stronger charms

Note that a Solar Incarna will be stronger than a Luna Incarna and so on and so forth.

You also have one more bonus available to you: You now possess a unique magical material to call your own, such as the Unconquered Sun's Orichalcum, or Luna's Moonsilver. While its appearance and mystical properties are at least partially influenced by your own nature and Domains, you may otherwise freely customize the specifics of your material within reason, and hold the knowledge of how to create and work with your material.

Primordial (Exalted)

Cost: 40 SP

Required: Incarna (Exalted)

You are not merely one of the divine. You are among those who not only created the gods to delegate the task of maintaining Creation, but also forged Creation itself from the formless Wyld. The sheer size and weight of Your existence is so great that You cannot be represented by just a singular being: You possess a Fetich soul, on a similar scale as the Incarnae if slightly less versatile, and 16 Third Circle souls, each as strong as the highest non-Incarna gods of Yu-Shan, that compose what You are, each of which possesses 7 Second Circle souls of their own. The immensity of Your being also produces whole species of First Circle souls, that to You are as numerous and replaceable as body hair might be on a human.

You also possess two distinct physical bodies in the form of jouten: The first, Your World-Body, lives up to its name, being an entire world in its own right capable of housing entire nations. The other, Your Titan-Body, is similarly grand and imposing, fit to crush entire armies and cities. The specifics of both of these are entirely influenced by Your Nature and Domains, just like how the King of the Yozi possesses endless urban layers composed of brass and basalt. Your Titan-Body may also be shrunk down, in case You want to interact with those infinitely Your lesser as Your whole totality, rather than leave such a meeting to one of Your souls. If You’re willing to put in the work, You may be able to obtain any number of additional Titan-Bodies for You or Your constituent souls to utilize.

Such is Your power, that You are among those who provided the building blocks of existence. Your own spiritual abilities surpass even those of the greatest Exalted and the Incarnae, and while the Unconquered Sun might be able to strike You down if it weren’t for the Geas preventing the gods of Creation from harming Your kind, he would find such a fight to be a struggle even for him, and would have to destroy You down to every last soul above First Circle. Your powers and themes shall be decided on a combination of Your Nature, a Domain of such depth and strength that it reaches conceptual levels of power, and additional Domains from each Third and Second Circle soul You have besides your Fetich.

Your soul hierarchy is not all glory and power, however. They define Your Nature and personality, for they are who and what You are: Permanently destroying one of Your Third Circle souls will harm and lessen Your self, and what You shall develop in replacement of the now missing soul and personality trait is unpredictable, but it’s usually a neutral change, rather than a lessening. Such a thing will only occur should Your Fetich soul be truly destroyed. Suffering the true death of your Fetich is tantamount to a complete mental breakdown, the pillar of your psyche shattered and removed. Your very nature and domains might even change by the birth of an entirely new Fetich.

Note: this makes you equal to a fully realized nascent eldritch or slightly weaker than the nascent eldritch depending on the type of Incarna you took

Flame of Exaltation (Exalted)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Exigencer (Exalted)

Required: Incarna (Exalted)

You gain a small portion of the divine flame allowing you to create your own type of Exalt, this exalt type will be subdivided into five categories but the actual specifics of it are up to you. Your scope is somewhat limited however in that it must be based in some way in your Domains. These exalt types are on par with Solar exalted, and you no longer have to consume portions of your power in order to make them. There is still a period of downtime as the Flame recovers. For primordials it is the same, however, instead of 1 cooldown on the flame, each 3rd circle soul has its own cool-down.

Void From Beyond The Stars

Cost: 30 SP

Required: Nascent Divine

Required: As Above, So Below, The Void Is All (Hollow Knight)

As an Outer God of the Void, your essence is intertwined with the concept of the void itself. This power allows you to tap into the vast emptiness and manipulate reality using the inherent properties of the void. You have unparalleled control over the fabric of existence and the ability to traverse the realms beyond conventional comprehension.

Void Manipulation: With the Cosmic Veil at your command, you possess the ability to manipulate the void. Able to create and control pockets of emptiness, causing objects, energy, or even entire beings to be engulfed and erased from existence. This power allows you to unravel the very fabric of reality, leaving behind an empty void in its wake.

Dimensional Shifting: The Cosmic Veil grants you the power to traverse the boundaries of reality effortlessly. You can slip between dimensions, moving through the multiverse and exploring hidden realms. You are immune to the effects of dimensional barriers and can create portals that lead to the void, allowing you to appear and disappear at will.

Reality Warping: By harnessing the power of the void, you possess the ability to shape reality itself. You can mold and bend the laws of physics, altering the fabric of existence to suit your desires. This power allows you to manifest nightmarish abominations, twist the environment to your advantage, or even rewrite the fundamental rules of reality within a limited area.

Cosmic Absorption: As the embodiment of the void, you can absorb energy, matter, and even other entities into yourself, adding their essence to your own.

Radiant Ascendancy

Cost: 50 SP

Required: Nascent Divine

Required: Immortal Sun

"Radiant Ascendancy" empowers you to transcend mortal limitations and become an Eldritch being of light. Embracing your true nature as the source of creation, you gain control over celestial bodies, manipulating stars and galaxies as extensions of your being. With this power, you shape the cosmos, wielding boundless energy and radiance.

Cosmic Perception: Expand your consciousness beyond your physical form, perceiving the vast universe with exceptional clarity. Gain profound knowledge about stars, galaxies, and cosmic events.

Stellar Manipulation: Stars become conduits of your power. Summon, move, and control them, altering their paths and intensities. Create celestial formations, direct cosmic energies, and unleash stellar explosions.

Luminous Manifestation: Radiate blinding light, rendering yourself nearly indestructible. Absorb and convert attacks into empowering energy. Shape the radiance into protective barriers or devastating beams of incinerating light.

Cosmic Energies: Tap into vast cosmic reserves, manipulating fundamental universal forces. Bend space and time, create gravitational anomalies, and warp reality. Your presence distorts the universe, causing awe-inspiring disturbances.

Creation's Blessing: As the embodiment of primordial light, grant boons and blessings to deserving beings. Infuse mortals with fragments of your power, elevating them or bestowing unique abilities. Empower allies and cultivate a devoted following.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Nascent Eldritch

As you delve deep into the recesses of your consciousness, your understanding of reality expands, revealing the profound essence within you—the Epithet. It serves as a conduit for mortals to grasp your unfathomable nature, albeit to a limited extent. Across countless worlds and dimensions, mortals revered and worshipped you, identifying you by this epithet in a distant past or perhaps an unimaginable future. Such is the nature of eldritch beings, transcending mortal comprehension.

By invoking the power of Epithet, you transcend mortal boundaries, ascending to the echelons of the Outer gods. These divine entities exist beyond the reaches of conventional thought and existence, surpassing the constraints of space and time itself. Through your Epithet you unlock the immense power held within the knowledge of your true self. By tapping into the mysteries of your past or future existence, you transcend mortal limitations, attaining a godlike status and shaping the very fabric of reality itself.

Such examples could be 'The Void beyond the Stars', becoming one with the void itself. With your presence encompassing the voids that permeate between worlds, granting you unparalleled vision and dominion over these desolate realms. With absolute control, you oversee every inch of the vast emptiness that lingers between celestial bodies. Or perhaps becoming The Father of Plagues, an omnipotent force capable of conceiving and disseminating virulent afflictions throughout galaxies and entire universes. These are just examples of of Epithets, you may choose your own.

Monkey King

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Nascent Divine

Required: Great Sage

As the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, you possess a power that is unparalleled, unbounded by mere mortal limitations. Your access to spiritual energy and its immeasurable potential is unprecedented, granting you mastery over all forms of martial arts and magic. Your physical and mental abilities are enhanced to the point where you can effortlessly defeat even the most powerful of opponents, whether they be human or divine. Your understanding of spiritual energy and its inner workings is so profound that you can manipulate it to achieve any effect you desire.

You have the ability to transform into countless forms, each with their own unique abilities and advantages. You are a master of deception, able to manipulate the minds of those around you with ease. Your illusions are so convincing that even the most vigilant opponent can be tricked into letting their guard down.

Your divine powers are equal to Sun Wukong at his peak, with perfect control and understanding. The spiritual realm is your playground, meaning you are immune to the perils that normally plague mortals.

Your strength is so great that you could topple entire empires with a mere flick of your wrist, and your wisdom could guide entire civilizations to prosperity and greatness. You are a force to be reckoned with, feared by your enemies and revered by your allies. With this power, you could shape the world to your will, creating a new era of peace and harmony or unleashing chaos and destruction upon it.

Overlord (Overlord)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Undead King

Required: Supreme Being (Overlord)

You have ascended from being an undead king to being a supreme being an overlord, something even beyond the level of an elder lich that pursues magic above all else. However, you are no mere normal Overlord; you gain all the knowledge and abilities of Momonga. Which includes, but is not limited to, all 718 spells that he has memorized; all unique skills that he has gained from the various classes and racial abilities; and every piece of equipment that he has gathered from YGGDRASIL, from cash shop items to mob drops.

Moreover, you gain Four additional abilities.

Dark Wisdom: You’ve attained rare and dangerous knowledge. Your undead mind now is now filled with the knowledge of magic, theory, and artifice. You now possess the ability to learn any magic, regardless of the normal restrictions or limits of your mind and memory. Your undead mind is like a steel trap that no knowledge can escape. This takes effort and study, however, and whether or not it will be worthwhile depends on how interested you are in devoting the time to it. Additionally, so long as you’ve seen a spell cast at least once, you will, with time and effort, be able to puzzle out its workings. Your brilliant mind puzzling out the inner workings of a spell lets you remove restrictions from spells and go about creating brand-new spells that have never been seen before. You’re an unparalleled genius that has no peer when it comes to magic, grasping spells, and rituals that others would require months to grasp in days and hours. Furthermore, you learn a dark ritual that allows you to steal the abilities of others.

The Abyss of Magic: You stared into the Abyss of Magic, but unlike others, you did not flinch away, nor did you go crazy from exposure to eldritch truths. Your reserves of magical energy are heavily bolstered, far beyond what you gained from Supreme Being anyone who could see your magical aura would go blind before seeing a limit to your magic, and the potency of your spells has increased to match your newfound insights into the arcane. You may now amplify your spells, allotting more time, energy, and magical energy to them than they might otherwise be capable of handling, allowing you to gain dramatically increased magical effects and lowering the requirements for spells as a result, such as level cost. Spells such as a spell to summon drinking water can turn into a tsunami that could flood the earth or a flame spell can turn into the might of the sun with enough time and energy, and even your less powerful or obvious magics can be bolstered to a comparable degree. At a base level, the increase in the power of your spell is roughly triple what it originally would be.

Additionally, you are not affected by suppressed emotions and can choose when you suppress them, along with optionally being able to change your appearance from that of a skeleton into that of a human via magic.

You may also optionally gain access to the Great Tomb of Nazarick and all its inhabitants. This Nazarick is in another dimension only accessible to you; you can change how time flows in this place as well as allow people to enter and leave. They are loyal to you and you alone; they can never betray you, as they see you as the last supreme being who stayed with them while no one else did.

Lifebringer (Marvel)

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Champion of the World Eater (Marvel)

Required: Celestial Ascension

You become a conduit for cosmic energies, elevated to a state of near-omnipotence. Matter, energy, and reality become malleable, yielding to your celestial will. Your hunger for cosmic sustenance awakens, enabling the absorption of immense power from stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies. This energy becomes the life force that drives and empowers the transformed entity.

You can manipulate the very fabric of existence, transcending the confines of ordinary mortals. The ability to alter one's size is but a mere thought away, allowing the transformation from a towering cosmic colossus to a more manageable, human-like form. Reality bends and yields, as time itself becomes a pliable force to be shaped. The creation of alternate dimensions and the rewriting of physical laws become mere extensions of this unfathomable power.

Cosmic awareness dawns upon you, offering unparalleled insight into the workings of the universe. The past, present, and future intertwine, revealing hidden truths and foreseeing potential threats. The collective knowledge of civilizations becomes accessible, providing a wealth of wisdom and understanding.

Amidst the destructive reputation, your power also harbors the capacity for creation. Barren worlds can be infused with life, as the transformed entity breathes existence into once desolate realms. Terraforming becomes a trivial feat, while the restoration of life, even the resurrection of beings, becomes an attainable reality.

Immortality accompanies the transformation, as the ties to the fundamental forces of the cosmos transcend mortal boundaries. Attacks, diseases, and the ravages of time hold no sway over the transformed entity. They become an enduring force, an eternal observer, traversing the eons unscathed.

Furthermore, your power extends beyond yourself. Able to empower chosen individuals, transforming them into loyal heralds. These individuals become conduits of cosmic might, serving the transformed entity in their cosmic pursuits, and aiding in the preservation and balance of the universe.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Mechanized Platform,SEED Platform,

Required: War Machines Without End (TA/SC/PA)

You ascend beyond the realm of a typical Mechanized Platform; you stand as the epitome of war machines, meticulously crafted by some of history's most formidable races! Embracing the title of COMMANDER!

As a 15 meters tall Brutally Efficient Self-Replicating Machine of War, you wield a Seraphim Chronotron Cannon in one hand, a Nanite dispenser in the other, and boast an array of advanced technologies—a Resource Core embedded in your chest, a Nano-Repair System seamlessly integrated into your frame, a UEF Shield Generator Field, a Cybran Cloaking/Stealth generator, an Aeon Personal Teleporter, and a Quantum Foam Brain securing the retrieval of all memories, immune to the risk of personality death accompanied by a change in hardware. (You have the flexibility to adopt the starting commander frame from any faction of the starting games).

Your mastery over a vast library to draw from War Machines Without End expand your repertoire, enabling you to assimilate insights from other Grey-goo machine RTS games like Beyond All Reasons, Ashes of the Singularity, and Mechabellum. Your extraordinary reverse-engineering capabilities, coupled with the prowess of your Q.F. Brain, empower you to refine and enhance all technologies at your disposal. This includes even those that defy logic, such as psychic and magical powers. It's worth noting that, from your perspective, biology is a sophisticated dance of messy machines working diligently to influence the macro through micro-level endeavors.

Digital Parasite

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Parasite

Required: Infomorph

Hybrid of both physical and digital, the Digital Parasite has the capability to download biological material as pure information. Still maintaining the hosts’s tangible form, it is indistinguishable from its physical counterpart, somehow able to be both real and abstract at the same time. As your nature is not only digital but also biological, you have an intuitive knowledge of biology beyond that of even highly experienced biological engineers.

Due to their natural state of fluctuating between real and abstract, they may selectively choose which parts of their form obey certain laws of physics, allowing them to phase through matter and even become physically invulnerable at the cost of being able to be disrupted by EMPs similar to a pure Infomorph. This also allows for translocation somewhere else, manifesting as a holographic projection turned tangible.

When a Digital Parasite downloads biological material, it naturally organizes the information it gathers into a blueprint resembling the original form the material was in. Due to the innate nature of a Digital Parasite, it may manipulate this blueprint into another form, but the more different the form is from any of its previously downloaded blueprints, the more processing power it requires to change.

Downloading an organism even causes it to learn any information that’s stored in a biological manner, such as a brain, and converts it digitally, making it able to be stored and manipulated by the Digital Parasite. This allows the Digital Parasite to copy the host’s innate mental and psychic abilities in addition to their biological ones, as they originate from the mind.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: Devil

Required: Oni (Re:Zero)

You are now equal to one of Japan's Three Great Monsters. The boss that governed the Oni within the castle structure on Mount Ooe. Shuten-dōji.

Your Oni form has been enhanced, allowing you to bypass all of your physical limitations while drastically enhancing your senses making you capable of detecting all movements and flow of magic within a range of 500m, as well as predicting your opponent’s movement. Its appearance has also been altered, as instead of merely gaining a pair of horns, your entire body now changes into a gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair , red skin and horns growing from your head. Your base form is now equal to what your Oni form was before the enhancement.

Your magic reserves are greatly boosted, and all of your magic enhanced by your demonic attributes. Using your magic, you can create/turn people into an Oni. This drains your magic greatly, and at its base will only allow you to create a maximum of 5 per week. All Oni will feel a instinctive loyalty to you.

You gain an intense love for alcohol, as well as poison immunity. In fact, you gain a minor permanent boost in your stats when drinking alcohol (or poison).

Prince of Envy

Cost: 25 SP

Required: Leviathan

Required: Elementalism

The ocean calls your name, beckoning you to join its mighty depths. The sound of its waves fills your ears, and the scent of its salty air invigorates your senses. You can feel a powerful connection forming between you and the sea, as if you are destined to unite with its boundless energy and power. And as this bond strengthens, so will your hydrokinesis abilities, until they become an integral part of your being.

You have complete control over the properties of water; it's molecular structure, density, viscosity, surface tension, and more. You can change water's state from a solid to a liquid, to a vapor, at will. You can manipulate water's temperature, making it boiling hot, freezing cold, or anything in between. You have a deep understanding and connection to water on a fundamental level, and you have the ability to invoke the power of the ocean to your aid with just a thought.

You possess the power to control not only the physical water elements of the ocean, but also it's very essence on a conceptual level. This allows you to manipulate the very concept of the ocean itself, allowing you to wield its power freely.

Your mastery over water will know no bounds, as you reach out and control every droplet with ease. You can twist and mould it to your will, creating towering waves or gentle ripples, summoning flooding torrents or soothing warm breezes. With a thought, you can create a tsunami that can destroy entire cities, or a simple stream to water the fields. You have the power to control any and all water on earth, and your abilities extend beyond the natural world.

You have the power to control the very essence of the sea, from its swirling depths to its gentle currents. You can call forth the creatures of the deep and command the very forces of nature to do your bidding. And when faced with another with hydrokinesis abilities, you can negate their powers entirely, rendering them all but helpless in your presence. The sea has chosen you to be its champion, and with its endless power and energy at your disposal, you will be unstoppable in your quest for dominance and mastery over all the oceans of the world.

Elder Titan (D&D Greyhawk)

Cost: 35 SP

Required: Cyclops

Required: Divine Magic (D&D)

Required: Arcane Magic (D&D/Pathfinder)

Required: Psionics (D&D)

You have become an Elder Titan, a child of the multiverse—the first form of life crafted by the gods from the raw primordial chaos of creation to be perfect in every way. The gods never makes anything as strong as the Elder Titans ever again because they realize how dangerous it is to create something that could rival them in power.

As an Elder Titan, you are a mirror to glory, standing tall at a height of 8 meters you are extremely handsome/beautiful in every aspect. Your muscles are denser than adamantine and more pliable than the supplest bamboo. You can see in the night as clearly as any fiend, and in the day, a hawk is nearly blind in comparison. Your body is so perfectly built that you are stronger than even a ancient dragon twice your size. Your mental acuity is at a super-genius level, rivaling that of the god themselves, and you do not age or require any sleep or sustenance.

The mastery of arcane and divine magic comes naturally to you, making you an adept spellcaster equal to a level 20 wizard or cleric. You also have maximum psionic ability and are invulnerable to psionic abilities yourself.