Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Solarpunk 2.0

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Revision as of 22:47, 27 February 2024 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<!-- SYNC:fpf3 --> <div class="object-wrapper"> <onlyinclude> <div class="object"> <h2>Solarpunk 2.0</h2> <div class="scores"> <div class="score"> Cost: 30 SP </div> </div> <div class="requirements"> </div> <div class="text"> Within you lies great potential. Potential to change this world for the better and then some. You specialize in an advanced form of technology mainly focusing on the conc...")
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Solarpunk 2.0

Cost: 30 SP

Within you lies great potential. Potential to change this world for the better and then some. You specialize in an advanced form of technology mainly focusing on the concept of Solarpunk, a movement that focuses and envisions a potential sustainable future where both nature and technology are one. There are dozens of fields in where you have specialties in; renewable energy, 3D-printing, robotics, climate tech, arcology design/implementation, architecture, medicine, botany/horticulture/agriculture, prosthetics(complete replacement limbs)/organ cloning, biological enhancements/genetics, information storage/networking, terraforming/para-terraforming, advanced but alternative materials.

You can create tech that could also exist in the next 50 years; Brain-to-Machine Interfaces, Spaceship/mining, VR, Anti-Gravity technology, and so on.

But these are not the only things that this power allows you to do. You have several secondary powers that grant you an enhanced memory concerning green technology, positive social engineering, ethics, convivial conservation, self-sustainability, social inclusiveness and positive psychology. You also gain short ranged Chlora-kinesis that lets you manipulate nearby plant life. But its main function is to alter plant-based biomaterials and turn them into flora-based materials into components for tinkering.

They become just as good to any inorganic version but also have the properties of a plant, meaning that they can regrow and repair themselves with sunlight/water if given enough time when damaged. They could even be replanted to grow more of the same component or if you have multiple seeds you could crossbreed them into something new. Finally, these components are completely immune to supernatural manipulations, meaning that chlorakinetics or even biokinetics are not able to alter them. As well s the ability to absorb sunlight and take the energy to empower technology to grant it a boost in efficiency, processing, and even repair minor damage.

Be warned though, you will have to absorb sunlight for several hours a day to be able to do just one of these applications and you are limited to empowering tech that is no bigger than a medium sized car.

Finally, you gain short ranged technopathy (about 10 feet) which allows you communicate with any form of machine that is in said range, you can multi-focus on 10 things at a time, and you could reasonably discern the workings of any purely mundane technology within a few moments, and low-end super-tech/tinkertech given a few minutes to concentrate.

With these new abilities, let the sun shine on a new day!