Project V17/Meta

From Worm CYOA Wiki
Revision as of 22:05, 27 February 2024 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs)

Meta (Target)


Gain: 5 SP

You are the one who the choices you choose apply to.

Someone Else

Gain: 5 CP

Someone else made the choices, but the (Meta) Target has to deal with the results.

Fictional Character (With Powers)

Cost: 10 SP

Choose a fictional character, they're the person to whom the choices you choose apply to. They keep all their powers, even if it doesn't really make sense that they do. If you choose a character from Worm, their original self remains (Unless they reincarnate as themselves).

Fictional Character (Without Powers)

Gain: 5 SP

Cost: 5 CP

Choose a fictional character, they're the person to whom the choices you choose apply. They lose all their powers, though their skillset remains. If you choose a character from Worm, their original self remains (Unless they reincarnate as themselves).

Original Character

Create a character from scratch. This character can have had powers, but they don't anymore, or they already had the powers they're supposed to be gaining in this CYOA. Then put them through this CYOA.

Original Character

Create a character from scratch. This character can have had powers, but they don't anymore, or they already had the powers they're supposed to be gaining in this CYOA. Then put them through this CYOA.


Cost: 30 SP

You are the one to whom these choices apply. However, before these choices take effect make a build with another CYOA and that takes effect first. You can choose to live through the other CYOA for a period of time first if it makes sense. You cannot use this on another build for this CYOA.

Meta (Awareness)

Someone Else

Gain: 5 CP

Someone else made the choices, but the (Meta) Target has to deal with the results.


They played a CYOA, adapted to fit their perceptions (So, it didn't call their own reality a story, and if Worm didn't exist as a story in their reality, then the CYOA gave them the cliff notes of it.).


A powerful third-party confronted them and gave them their choices, altered to fit their perceptions.

(So, it didn't call their own reality a story, and if Worm didn't exist as a story in their reality, then the Alien gave them the cliff notes of it.).

Meta (Other)

Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Incompatible: Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Don't want to deal with Scion but still want to enjoy the Worm-verse? I have the solution!

Powers don’t come from Entities, instead Shards are a symbiotic species. When a colony migrates to a planet and nests, it grants the inhabitants powers. After some time, the Shards will reproduce and smaller colonies will migrate to other worlds. None of this brings about the end of the world, you're safe. (You lose the ability to pick perks or drawbacks related to Scion/Eden and specific ones related to Entities)

However, through some strange twist of fate, Cauldron still exists. Doctor Mother has found a dying colony of Shards and is exploiting the corpse to create vials. Eidolon still created and controls the Endbringers. With no Entity in charge, the rules are slightly different. Powers slowly grow as they are used and the Shards grow with the user. The world no longer exists on borrowed time, except the one imposed by human nature that is.

Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Incompatible: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Don't want to deal with Shards either but still want to enjoy the Worm-verse?

Powers don’t come from Shards. All powers are shardless, even those under the Shard category. Trigger events are replaced by Awakenings, which work in similar ways but do not necessarily require a negative event.

However, through some even stranger twist of fate, Cauldron still exists. Doctor Mother has the power to create vials that grant powers. Eidolon still created and controls the Endbringers. With no Entity or Shards in charge, the rules are slightly different. Powers slowly grow in strength and versatility the more they are used. The world no longer exists on borrowed time, except the one imposed by human nature that is.

Unbound Paragon

Removes the limit on the number of Paragon Powers that can be picked.

Unbound Ascension

Removes the limit on the number of Ascensions that can be picked.

Creative Mode

Gain: 1000000 CP

Gain: 1000000 SP

Go wild with the build of your dreams.