Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/The Celestial Workshop

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The Celestial Workshop

Cost: 20 SP

Within your mind resides the perfect workshop, a realm of limitless creativity where you bring your envisioned designs to life. This celestial sanctuary empowers you with three extraordinary abilities.

Firstly, your creativity surpasses that of even the greatest artists, granting you unparalleled brilliance. Ideas flow effortlessly as you unlock the depths of your imagination, manifesting awe-inspiring designs.

Secondly, as you conceive your creations, tools and materials materialize within the workshop. These resources are precisely tailored to suit each specific design, providing everything needed for your visions to take form. Whether it's sculptures, inventions, or musical compositions, the workshop offers the perfect means for your endeavors.

Thirdly, the workshop bestows upon you temporary knowledge of magic and advanced scientific principles. Through this knowledge, you can enchant, curse, or bless your creations with mystical properties. Infusing magical energies enhances their capabilities, granting extraordinary qualities. Alternatively, your understanding of futuristic scientific concepts allows you to create technology far beyond modern advancements.

Furthermore, you possess the ability to manifest your conceived items into reality. By channeling a semi-sentient blur of energy, flawless constructs materialize, reflecting the exact details envisioned within the workshop. Weapons forged in this manner possess unlimited ammunition, ready for unleashing their full potential.

It's important to note that the energy used for manifestation draws upon your stamina. While the possibilities are boundless, the complexity and magnitude of your creations may require rest and recovery to replenish your vitality.