You have the technological knowledge of Prey. The advanced technology found on Talos I is yours to produce, make, and create. You can create all manors of technology found on Talos I from 3D printers, recycling bombs, drones, fabricators, and Neuromods. You know everything that has to do with the technology seen in Prey, including the information and data on Typhons. Which you can use to grant yourself Typhon-based abilities and powers.
As a bonus, even without the use of a Psychoscope or study, you have knowledge of how to make Neuromods for most skills found in the year 2035. With the correct Neuromods, you can be a master musician or a skilled hacker. Your technology can adapt the exotic neuro patterns of alien creatures to make them into Neuromod. Which you can use to grant yourself the strange and wonderous abilities they may have.
(The removal of Neuromods may erase all your memories gained after their implanting of them. With time and research, in addition to other Tinker powers you may have, you may learn how to negate this flaw.)