Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Supreme General (CnC)

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Supreme General (CnC)

Cost: 15 SP

You are now a genius of unparalleled proportions when it comes to designing, building, and using technology. With mastery of the collective scientific knowledge of all the factions and races that have ever existed or visited Earth in the Command and Conquer Series, including it's various expansions, and mods. You can create any technology that is either shown, referenced, or hinted at in the series, from weapons of mass destruction to devices that manipulate time and space.

Whether you want to teleport your army with the Chronosphere, make them invincible with the Iron Curtain, unleash a psychic blast with the Psychic Dominator, create artificial storms with the Weather Control Device, deploy nanoswarms with the Nanoswarm Hive, suck everything in with the Vacuum Imploder, fire proton beams with the Proton Collider, collect and refine Tiberium with the Tiberium Harvester, blast your enemies with the Ion Cannon, Obelisk of Light, or Scrin Mothership, or anything else you can imagine, you can do it.

You are also able to artificially synthesize any material you need for your creations, from the unique living metal Japan had in Red Alert 3, to the exotic terrestrial ore known as Tiberium. You have no problem understanding, reverse-engineering, or improving any technology you encounter, even if it is alien or futuristic. You are also adept at using any technology you create or acquire, whether it is for combat, exploration, or entertainment.