Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/The Laughing Magician (DC/Hellblazer)

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The Laughing Magician (DC/Hellblazer)

Cost: 50 SP

You are magic user from a particular bloodline, characterized by both your unique ability to utilize Synchronicity Wave Travelling and your tendency for rebuking and outsmarting Gods, Demons, Spirits and just about everything else.

You have preternaturally good luck, bullets fly around you, people trip and fall on their own swords, and the cosmic dice are weighted in your favor. Fate cannot touch you as you make your own way, but the very same Fate will bend to make your plans come to fruition, even as it guides your hand into the heart of your enemies.

When you actively ride the Wave -- which requires only that you focus and will yourself to do so -- these effects are amplified drastically. You can stand against beings of immense power and watch as it almost seems as though a writer changes the story to allow you much greater odds of coming out on top. Facing down the ultimate embodiment of evil would spell doom for most any man, but your chances of pulling the wool over the devil’s eyes and walking away with the last laugh are much higher than they would be for just any common schmuck, even if you were just an otherwise common schmuck – but we both know you’re already much more than that, don’t we?

You start of being as experienced as John Constantine with your power, however with time and practice you will be able to gain near godlike power, controlling fate, magic, and even bending the fabric of reality just as the Golden Boy did in one universe.