Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/True Name (Skulduggery Pleasant)

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True Name (Skulduggery Pleasant)

Cost: 25 SP

You have learned your True Name, which is the source of magic itself. Your True Name has been carved into your heart to protect it from being used against you. The powers conferred onto you as a result of you knowing your True Name grant you vastly heightened magical power, enhanced physical abilities, a highly capable form of magical adaptation, and greatly enhanced mental capabilities that aid in your usage of magic.

Over time, your power will grow and you will develop new abilities such as magical sight that allows you to understand magic, to grant magic onto other people, as well as anything that is in theory within the reach of magic. You are not restricted at all in what kinds of disciplines you wish to learn, and given time there is nothing truly beyond your reach.