Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Transhumanist Future (The Red Sun)

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Transhumanist Future (The Red Sun)

Cost: 25 SP

You gain technological knowledge from the year 3750 DE, the far-flung future of the human race. In a world where humanity has transcended the human form in favor of a stronger society, the scientists from the year 2055 discovered phlux particles, although the name is a misnomer, as phlux particles are actually a virus that was found when scientists explored the sea and found a virus that supercharged evolution, causing biology to super evolve past its limits and allowing them to create bioengineered monsters that far exceeded the limits of normal biology and crammed more into them than was possible. It was named after Charles Ludvig Phlux, the marine biologist who found it after initially looking for anomalous sea life that had grown to unnatural lengths, which allowed them to facilitate the improvement of technology to unparalleled heights.

The first thing humans did with this was create super soldiers to quell a rebellious public that started rioting after a global recession that made millions homeless. The superhuman soldiers could easily lift tanks with no problem and see and react to things faster than a normal man. around 200 times stronger than the strongest man.

Most humans use this technology for superfluous reasons, like grafting animal features to themselves to make themselves feel more exotic. There is more to the technology than simple cosmetics, as humans learned to shift from computer technology made from metal to using biology instead. They could connect to the internet through specialized devices called neural couplings that interfaced with all biological technology made by Spyder Microsystems.

The humanity of the modern age has figured out genetic engineering in order to create biological ships called leviathans that soar through space faster than light, plasma weapons made from eels and other aquatic animals that use water as ammo, clones made to do labor-intensive jobs and fight in war carrying genetic memories of how to fight and strategy, and monsters of war called Traarril. They are mostly used for construction of buildings and other such labor jobs during times of peace, but in times of war, they are bioengineered to spit poisonous gas and launch bone spikes and can be piloted by trans-humans who have neural couplings. (Note that mega projects like Leviathans would take time to build; however, creating monsters of war like Traarril would be relatively easy, as would creating Quisers (biological guns that shoot various rounds such as bone spikes and acids).