Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Powers/Witch of Sin (Re: Zero)

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Witch of Sin (Re: Zero)

Cost: 40 SP

You have come into contact with the mysterious Witch Factor turning you into one of the Witches of Sin. Witch Factors are the antithesis of Od Laguna and you have gained an Authority from by coming in contact with it. This Authority grants you the right to interfere with the World and gives you a power based on your desire; however, you have no control over what kind of ability is born out of your "sin". An Authority user also has the ability to share their Witch Factor with other individuals, and those who receive them become known as an Apostle. However, this comes at the cost of weakening of your own Authority's effectiveness until all your shared Witch Factor is returned.

You can choose from the following sins: Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, Pride, Envy, Vainglory and Melancholy.