Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Anointed Heaven Fall Inheritor Marked By The Broken Throne And Is Paradise Chosen (K6BD)

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Anointed Heaven Fall Inheritor Marked By The Broken Throne And Is Paradise Chosen (K6BD)

Cost: 15 SP

Required: Atum Manipulation (Kill Six Billion Demons)

Your soul is the fierce and rigid Cold White Flame, the soul of an Angel. This flame was very harsh and granted all angels a strong sense of self, grasp on reality, and remarkable willpower. While in the Void, angels can take a myriad of forms (though common elements include several eyes, wings, halos, rings and flames), and their bodies are made of energy. Though sexless, many have masculine mannerisms, and an angel's true form is malleable, based on both values and personal preference. Angels progress through "states" of Plasma, Vapor, Liquid, Solid (Metamorphic, Igneous), Crystal, and Neutron (in order of youngest to oldest) as they age and grow in power.

In order to exist outside of the void however an Angel requires a Vessel forged out of the ash of the Void. If you walk the void long enough, you will eventually find distortions that access some physical location in your world. You can use these to pass through into the real world if you have a vessel that you can inhabit outside of the void. You can forge yourself Vessels from the Ash in the Void. When an angel is banished through various means their angelic body is sent back to the void, and in the case of sudden vessel destruction this can cause all the energy the angel's vessel was containing to explode violently outward.

Angels, despite their size and their armored shell being extremely heavy, can move incredibly quietly when they need to, though most often they use it to try and not disturb people when walking up and down stairs and on wooden floors.

All angels were imprinted with Old Law, giving them inherent knowledge of all laws and an incredibly strong sense of truth, honor, and justice. Due to their immortality, fierce will, and a compulsive need to subdue chaos, all angels are undisputed masters of powerful, ancient martial arts. This can include reputable arts like the 49 Empty Palms and Fierce Horse Soul, though some Angels are not above learning more infamous or brutal styles such as Leisure Kicks and Pattram Sword Hand. As law and order are within the very nature of angels they are incapable of Lying, their vessels cracking with each lie until eventually falling apart.

As an angel of the plasma stage you know a few of the martial arts Native to the world of Kill Six Billion Demons. You also know one specialized angel martial art that makes use of your angelic energy body in some way in conjunction with your vessel.

When your true form is slain, either in the Void by a devil, god or other angel, or by significant enough damage to fully breach its armor while the angel is inhabiting it, you will reincarnate: your void-form calcifies into a near indestructible shell and the your flame of life enters a stage of torpor; after a period of hibernation proportionate to the length of your previous life, you’ll wake up back at the Plasma stage and with knowledge of your skills and name intact, but little memory of your past incarnation. As you gain in power and ascend through the angelic ranks you awaken more of your memories of previous incarnations.

Pure Silver and White Flames

With the Key of Names you know the name that relates to the puresilver, you can use this material to forge puresilver Vessels. This armor is a lot harder and sharper than the stone like ash vessels that are normally used by angels. This material also stops the flow of Atum and when used to pierce or cut can temporarily disrupt Atum flow, which can have the effect of banishing devils and Angels.

Through your connection with the Key of Names you can draw out some of your Cold White flame and use it to create your own Angels, and forge puresilver vessels for them to inhabit.

Aspected Chaos

Your true form is now that of a Devil Masked Angel, which can exit an angelic vessel, existing as a stable true form thanks to your now exposed demon mask. Although the mask and its features are reflected on your vessels like a Devil (which is an effect brought about by your Angel vessel reshaping itself to better house your Atum), your Mask is worn by your true form, and can only be destroyed by attacking it when your true form isn’t protected by the Vessel. If you were to be banished from your vessel by effects like Vacus needles you would be sent back to the void with your Mask intact.

Additionally, your form is a lot more mutable in both its angelic form and your Devil traits even if you aren't close to ebon.

While you know your Ebon Devil name, you only know a few bits that make up the divine law that your name represents as an angel. While your name is some combination of your angel and devil name you will not be reduced in color or power by a long angelic name that adds length to your Devil name. The two names could be divided by the Reincarnation number, or can take whatever form that includes both.

Because of the stabilizing presence of your Devil identity it is easier for you to regain the memories of your previous incarnations, if your mask is still intact when you are reincarnated that your recovery will be swift and you retain all your memories.

Aspected Chaos

Your true form is now that of a Devil Masked Angel, which can exit an angelic vessel, existing as a stable true form thanks to your now exposed demon mask. Your mask itself is now made out of the Puresilver and although the mask and its features are reflected on your vessels like a Devil (which is an effect brought about by your Angel vessel reshaping itself to better house your Atum), your Mask is worn by your true form, and can only be destroyed by attacking it when your true form isn’t protected by the Vessel. If you were to be banished from your vessel by effects like Vacus needles you would be sent back to the void with your Mask intact.

Additionally, your form is a lot more mutable in both its angelic form and your Devil traits even if you aren't close to ebon.

While you know your Ebon Devil name, you only know a few bits that make up the divine law that your name represents as an angel. While your name is some combination of your angel and devil name you will not be reduced in color or power by a long angelic name that adds length to your Devil name. The two names could be divided by the Reincarnation number, or can take whatever form that includes both.

Your combination of Black and White Atum makes you closer to Royalty, and this understanding has allowed your Black or White Flame creations to expand to cool flames such as humans and servants, however these flames are too cool to exist in the void for very long, and will dissipate without your active will and use of the Black Art, however using the black art you can create physical living bodies to house them in.

Because of the stabilizing presence of your Devil identity it is easier for you to regain the memories of your previous incarnations, if your mask is still intact when you are reincarnated that your recovery will be swift and you retain all your memories.