Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Asura (Naruto)

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Asura (Naruto)

Cost: 6 SP

Required: Hokage (Naruto)

Required: Senju (Naruto)

Required: Uzumaki (Naruto)

It seems there is a bit of irony here, as just like some of your predecessors were, you yourself are an incarnation of the Sage’s second son Asura. But it seems even for an incarnation of Asura you are special. You have not simply inherited his talent, chakra and will like others, no, you have inherited everything from both Asura and every incarnation after him. Asura inherited his father’s incredibly powerful body and chakra. While his brother was a solitary man, Asura was known to gain followers and comrades by the droves. Likewise his brother’s bloodline spawned only the ever powerful Uchiha clan, Asura spread and created several. From his most powerful bloodlines the Uzumaki and Senju, to lesser known clans such as the Kaguya, or even Jūgo’s now near extinct clan, every chakra nature and body based bloodline can eventually trace their lineage back to Asura. Aside from greatly amplifying your previous abilities, you now possess the ability to instinctively wield and mix all chakra natures and can freely modify your body as you wish. Weaponize your blood and bones, utilize lava and wood to alter the battlefield, or freely manipulate your chakra’s shape and inherent properties at will. You’ve also gained the ability to enter a powerful chakra form and can manifest a chakra avatar on par with Indra’s Susanoo.