Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades/Traveller (The Magicians)

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Traveller (The Magicians)

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Magician (The Magicians),

Within your bloodline lies a previously hidden heritage, awakening a newfound potential that enhances your magical capabilities. This heritage bestows upon you the powers of a Traveler, a unique type of Magician with the extraordinary ability to teleport to distant locations through focused concentration or even spontaneous occurrences if your control over this power is not yet refined. With your Traveler abilities, you can traverse vast distances, teleporting to faraway planets, separate dimensions, and even other planes of existence within your local multiverse. Your teleportation can be further augmented and customized through spells and tattoos, allowing you to bring companions with you on your journeys. Remarkably, your ability to travel is not solely dependent on the presence of magic, granting you the freedom to teleport even in locations devoid of magical energy.

In addition to your teleportation prowess, Travelers possess inherent psychic gifts, making them natural telepaths. With ease, you can effortlessly delve into the thoughts and minds of those around you, perceiving their innermost musings as if it were second nature. This telepathic ability extends beyond mere mind-reading, enabling you to enter the dreams of others while they slumber or establish telepathic connections with individuals spanning worlds and dimensions.