Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades/Royal Guard (Bleach)

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Royal Guard (Bleach)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Sternritter (Bleach)

Rejoice, for the Emperor himself has recognized the extent of your power! Your power, on par with the Zero Division, has earned you an open invitation to serve in Yhwach's Royal Guard. The power you hold within yourself allows you to hold a much stronger Schrift from Yhwach's soul, or powers on par with such.

You have such immense spiritual pressure that you are capable of surpassing Captain-level Shinigami. Your Heilig Pfeil contains the potential to destroy the cities that surround the Soul King Palace. Your Reishi manipulation grants you an expertise over Hirenkyaku that gives you the potential to catch even the likes of Yoruichi Shihōin off guard. Similarly your great Reishi manipulation sees your foundational Quincy abilities stand leagues above all others, save for Yhwach, himself.