Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Ascension Upgrades/Skaven (Warhammer Fantasy)

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Skaven (Warhammer Fantasy)

Cost: 6 SP

Required: Overmind

You now wield the power to shape and mold the intelligent Skaven and their formidable warbeasts according to your will. While the option to become a Skaven remains open to you, these entities regard you as their own, regardless of your chosen form.

Through physical contact, you can manipulate and shape rotten flesh, crafting all varients of Skaven to your liking, as well as their warbeasts (Giant Rats, Rat Ogres, Hell-Pit Abomination, etc). The creation of more potent creatures demands a greater quantity of rotten flesh, although you have an innate understanding of how much is required for each one to be created. Additionally, you possess the capability to transmute rotten flesh into warpstone at a 1:10 ratio. This means that 1 kilogram of rotten flesh can be transformed into 10 kilograms of warpstone, over a period of 1 minute. It's noteworthy that you are immune to the harmful side effects associated with warpstone exposure.

You have the ability to selectively impart, either in part or entirely, the wisdom and knowledge of the Skaven Under-Empire to your Skaven from their creation, so you needn't worry about languages, technology, culture, architecture, forging, Magic, etc. being lost arts.

To the Skaven and your other creations, you are the unchallenged sovereign, your word a law they are bound to uphold. This allegiance is unwavering, transcending distinctions of intelligence, awareness, and inherent nature. Regardless of their complexity, each and every one of the entities you have brought into being, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, is innately aware of your sovereign authority. They are instinctively and unfailingly devoted to fulfilling your commands, bound by an unbreakable loyalty that endures throughout their existence. You retain the freedom to command them as if maneuvering RTS units, assume direct control, share their perceptions, or opt for a more hands-off approach, tailored at your discretion.

The Skaven, are highly intelligent and cunning, possessing independence of thought and even exhibit the emergence of distinct personalities. When left to their own devices, and at your behest, they are capable of forging intricate societies replete with language, science, hierarchies, caste systems, form clans, learn and use magic, and all the attributes expected of esteemed races. Their technology can get so advanced that crafting thermonuclear bombs is within possibility, and their magic so intricate that pulling the moon to strike the world can be accomplished just to further their schemes, they are also highly adapt at handling and manipulating warpstone with great precision, further helped with their natural high resistance towards the side effects of this extremely volatile and radioactive substance.

It's in the very nature of a skaven to be extremely competitive, malevolent and diabolical, unrelenting to always be better, each Skaven becomes a living embodiment of ambition, locked in an unending cycle of treachery, scheming, and survival, ceaselessly striving to ascend to the pinnacle of their brood. This doesn't mean they are incapable of corporating and or act in cohesion with their brethren to advance their agenda, rather in the ruthless skaven society the weak and the useless would always be enslaved, discarded, eaten, or used as a meat shield to throw at the enemy's artillery fire, and the strong and cunning would be respected and revered, until they get backstabbed at the slightest showing of weakness.

Incredibly prolific, the Skaven would multiply vigorously if you so allow it, their ranks swelling from dozens to thousands within a matter of weeks.

Remarkably adaptable, with agile, dexterous bodies, keen senses and a prodigious talent for digging and tunneling, the Skaven are resilient to the harshest environments and highly resistant to most diseases and maladies. The average Skaven's natural lifespan can spans thirty years, though some documented the existence of high-status Skaven enduring for more than five centuries.

Fel Spawns

The infusion of Mannoroth the Destructor's blood into the veins of all of your creations, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations, has birthed the world's mightest usurpers. This augmentation extends to all facets of their physical and mental attributes. Including their natural lifespans, with the average Skaven easily living for centuries while retaining their vitality and vigor. As well as a completely new function evolved from their rotten blood, which has now become highly acidic. Even a minuscule droplet of their blood possesses the ability to swiftly consume an entire arm, including the underlying bones, within a matter of seconds. This heightened potency of their acidic blood renders it immensely destructive, capable of dissolving organic matter with unprecedented speed and efficiency. However, despite its increased potency, its harmful properties remains ineffectual in any capacity against Skaven creatures and their internal structures. Your Skaven creations also have an innate extraordinary level of control over the effects of their blood. They can selectively and precisely choose whether their blood has any effect on inorganic matter or not. This level of precision ensures that their own equipment or items remains unharmed by their blood's corrosive properties, while any equipment or items belonging to their enemies come into contact with their blood will be swiftly consumed.

In this evolution, even the humblest of your creations have undergone a radical enhancement. Their strength is of such magnitude that even the weakest and most pathetic among them wields the physical power to effortlessly snap a fully grown man in twain with their bare hands, while their swiftness eclipses the fleetest of cavalry charges, their teeth and claws sharp and durable enough to cleave through even the toughest of iron armors and shields with ease, they also possess the endurance and stamina to engage in continuous combat for weeks on end without succumbing to fatigue, and can even exhibit the fortitude and durability to shrug off concentrated low-caliber artillery fire without a scratch on them to show for it, and this is just the weakest of your creations. This elevation in capabilities follows an exponential trajectory, progressively more profound based on the type and overall strength of the individual entity, constituting a monumental advancement across the board. A Hell-Pit Abomination, for instance, would transform into an unstoppable unkillable juggernaut capable of annihilating entire cities overnight.

They are now totally immune against harmful magical influences. Adversarial spells are rendered impotent, including an immunity to all illnesses, disorders, diseases, and poisons. They are also now impossible to affect through negative psychic means, though they can still use magic or psychic abilities with great efficiency. In fact, their control and talent with it is even further augmented.

Their need for sustenance has significantly lessened. A simple bite of food is now enough to fully invigorate them and sustain them for extended periods, ranging from months to even years. This evolution comes without any adverse side effects, ensuring that they remain in a state of perpetual vigor and peak condition until their next meal, which can be spaced out over remarkable intervals.

Finally, their deep connection to warpstone has been elevated. They are not only entirely immune to its highly detrimental and toxic side effects but can also harness and benefit from its potent and exceptional effects with 100% efficiency. This enhancement significantly strengthens any of their myriad projects that involve utilizing this pure form of magic.

The overall transformations they have undergone, will have no impact on the operational aspects of the Skaven or the fundamental structure of their society, including their caste system and culture. If you so desire, these elements will remain largely unchanged, preserving the continuity of their ruthless and savage traditional way of life.

Your role as their sovereign remains steadfast and unassailable. Each and every one of the entities you have brought into being, along with those subsequently birthed from your creations continue to consciously and unconsciously perceive you as their undisputed ruler. Their unbreakable, imperishable loyalty knows no bounds, and they stand ready to heed your commands with unwavering dedication, extending their service unconditionally to the very limits of their existence. You still retain the ability to control like RTS units, or directly implement a hive mind, etc.The depth of your intervention at your sole discretion.


Now you are also able to shape and bring into existence all four variants of the Verminlords (Verminlord Warpseers, Verminlord Warbringers, Verminlord Corruptors, and Verminlord Deceivers) using rotten flesh, these creatures are by far the strongest and most fearsome beings you could ever create.

A Verminlord is at once majestic and disgusting, a living icon of ruin, the ultimate scavenger. Although such a being towers in height, it is lithe and quick, its movements evoking the fluid, yet twitchy, scuttling of rats, a Verminlord is eternally calculating a myriad of interweaving plots, ever seeking the best path towards some desired end, few dare to meet a Verminlord's all-seeing gaze for even an instant and none can hold it.

Their sinuous body contains the might and strength to challenge a Greater Daemon, and lesser creatures are swept aside in droves, they have also mastered the arts of spellcasting and summoning. Add everything up, and they become the deadliest combatants that any world can hope to see.

At need a Verminlord can summon a powerful and wicked glaive, fully twice the height of a man, which it swings in deadly and unstoppable arcs, but their chisel-teeth and sharp claws are easily capable of tearing a creature to pieces.

The process of continuously infusing the Verminlord with rotten flesh, through physical contact, touching the Verminlord with one hand, and rotten flesh with the other, leads to a profound transformation, resulting in the emergence of Exalted Verminlords. These Exalted Verminlords stand as significantly enhanced iterations in every conceivable aspect when compared to their standard counterparts. One of the most notable enhancements is the nature of their attacks. All of their attacks have become imbued with powerful magic, allowing them to bypass all forms of protection and defense. A single strike or two from an Exalted Verminlord is sufficient to rend all of their adversaries into smithereens.

Unburdened by the shackles of sleep, sustenance, or respiration, never tiring Verminlords are immortal beings, remaining impervious to the passage of time, and eternally resilient. True death eludes them, as their physical manifestations can be destroyed, only for them to reform after a short period of time. Only you possess the authority to permanently extinguish their existence, achieved by invoking their one true name with your intent being to kill them permanently. This closely guarded secret is known solely to you, as their names are revealed to you with the creation of each Verminlord. They are also not burderned by any dimensional constraints, and can traverse any realm with ease.

Needless to say these verminlord would answer only to you, and are innately aware of your sovereign authority, regardless of their complexity. They are instinctively and unfailingly devoted to fulfilling your commands, bound by an unbreakable loyalty that endures throughout their immortal existence. Though you can still directly control them like RTS units, or assimilate them into a hivemind, if you so wish.

(If the Fel Devourers addon is chosen, the Verminlords will also be affected and enhanced accordingly by its properties)