Event:Image Cropping

From Worm CYOA Wiki
Revision as of 09:01, 13 October 2023 by Ltouroumov (talk | contribs)
Images by Row
Row ID Row Name # Images Editor Status
ckrc Lt Ouroumov's Worm CYOA V6 1 Lt Ouroumov Done ✅ (No cropping needed)
yk8d Difficulty 3 Lt Ouroumov Done ✅
lht3 Scenario 15 Dr. Doom Done ✅
bhi3 Incarnation 3 Lt Ouroumov Done ✅
89d2 Sex 3 Lt Ouroumov Replace All
9epn Gender 3 Lt Ouroumov Done ✅
r3ou Age 10 Lt Ouroumov 0
zhd4 Appearance 8 Lt Ouroumov 0
zlil Identity 40 Leifur Done ✅
6ouk Powers Origin 4 Lt Ouroumov Done ✅ (No cropping needed)
gra1 Perks 6 Lt Ouroumov 0
pc8m Drawbacks 52 Spartango 0
zg2f Tier 2 Powers 67 Leifur Done ✅
qd5r (Master) Custom Endbringer Appearance 6 Lt Ouroumov 0
ab0a (Changer) Custom Endbringer Appearance 6 Lt Ouroumov 0
e018 Tier 3 Powers 30 Leifur Done ✅
qldk Power Fusions (Shard) 14 AnaqiX Done ✅
hd9l Power Upgrades (Shard) 12 AanqiX Done ✅
p2ty Physical Powers 143 AnaqiX Done ✅
d4pp Mental and Psychic Powers 56 Leifur Done ✅
tg45 Magic and Mystic Powers 111 Leifur Done ✅
1ok7 Spiritual and Divine Powers 102 Leifur 0
y3gb Technology and Artifice Powers 130 Dr. Doom Done ✅
3pua Esoteric and Abstract Powers 150 Unassigned 0
mbxo Ascension Path 17 leifur Done ✅
xk24 Foundation Powers 30 Leifur Done ✅
umg9 Keystone Powers 68 Unassigned 0
t6in Paragon Powers 9 Lt Ouroumov 0
rbdo Objects of Power 179 Unassigned 0
a0dv Base Power Upgrades 7 Lt Ouroumov 0
fqrt Physical Power Upgrades 75 Unassigned 0
8lqj Mental and Psychic Power Upgrades 15 AnaqiX Done ✅
arnl Magic and Mystic Power Upgrades 52 Unassigned 0
0ye0 Spiritual and Divine Power Upgrades 58 Unassigned 0
rw0w Technology and Artifice Power Upgrades 18 AnaqiX Done ✅
ufcz Esoteric and Abstract Power Upgrades 29 Unassigned 0
0d43 Destiny Upgrades 7 Lt Ouroumov 0
c369 Ascension Upgrades 60 leifur Done ✅
a3ql Ascension Fusions 21 leifur Done ✅
dj3w Foundation Upgrades 16 Leifur Done ✅
jzns Paragon Upgrades 1 Lt Ouroumov 0
s92s Object of Power Upgrades 11 AnaqiX Done ✅
nsof Missions 16 AnaqiX Done ✅
xrq4 Equipment and Items 2 Lt Ouroumov 0
q3nu Good 23 Unassigned 0
rnh9 Neutral 8 Lt Ouroumov 0
7xzj Evil 8 Lt Ouroumov 0
v62t Crossover Companions 60 Unassigned 0
d1po Original Companions 16 Symbol 0
m2dr Continuity Modifiers 59 Symbol Done ✅ (w/ replacements)
Total Images 1840
Total Rows 50

Images that need replacement

Row ID Row Name Object ID Object Name
89d2 Sex l1un Male
zsp0 Intersex
puxg Female
y3gb Technology and Artifice 1k3b Half-Life & Portal
g8xj Alpha Centauri
jhti STC 40k
wsbv Gundam
placeholder Aincrad (SAO)
yijd XCOM
ws8q Lancer RPG
zx18 Dead Space
l4p6 Starbound
8q3v Minecraft - Equivalent Exchange Mod
jned Daemon of Innovation
lnth Carcass Forging
rw0w Technology and Artifice Power Upgrades ubko The Doctor
m2dr Continuity Modifiers 62to The Legendary Star
l2lj The Path to Heavens
o18a Thinker and Warrior Swap
r2sq Alexandria The Great