Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Cartoon Militarism (Metal Slug/Advance Wars)

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Cartoon Militarism (Metal Slug/Advance Wars)

Cost: 20 SP

You gain knowledge of how to create any technology that is either shown, referenced, or hinted at in either the Metal Slug or Advance Wars series. This includes Black Hole supertechnology, Cloning, Metal Slugs, Rebel Army superweapons, Invader biotech, Amadeus Syndicate mad science & AI, Martian UFOs, Ptolemaic Army magitech, Regular Army supersoldier programs, and even whatever the hell was going on in Metal Slug 3D.

As a bonus, you will become incredibly knowledgeable about tactics, strategy, military science, and command, gaining the military acumen of every Advance Wars Commanding Officer.

You are also able to rival the mythical Peregrine Falcons & their associates in everything from commando work to armored warfare.