Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Golem Factory (Automata Gigue)

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Golem Factory (Automata Gigue)

Cost: 10 SP

Required: Magitech

Introducing Automata Gigue, a wondrous power that breathes life into the lifeless. With this power, you can animate inanimate objects, turning them into golems infused with cognition and locomotion. The beauty of this artistry lies in the intricate combination of form, material, spirit, and gemstones.

In this extraordinary ability, the golem's body plays a crucial role, determining its strength and capabilities. Simple materials like clay and wood can fashion a basic and clumsy protector, while solid steel and stone can birth an elegant and powerful warrior. The golem's form also dictates its abilities; a bird-shaped automaton can take flight, while a lion-like design grants it majestic movement on the ground.

Yet, at the heart of every golem lies a precious gemstone core, the true spirit of your creation. This luminous kernel anchors the ethereal soul to the physical form, giving life and purpose to the golem. The choice of gemstone is paramount; a humble river stone may suffice for a simple wooden puppet, but a golem made of advanced magitech requires a gem of the purest diamond.

Automata Gigue not only brings the golem to life but also opens doors to magitech wonders. By infusing technology into the golem-making process, you can create ingenious magitech golems. Imagine a golem powered by machinery, circuits, and artificial intelligence, blending magic and technology into a harmonious fusion.

However, this power comes with a price. The animating process demands the channeling of lifeforce or inner energy from the wielder. The greater the complexity and material quality, the more energy it requires. For instance, animating a sophisticated magitech golem could result in significant physical exhaustion or long-term fatigue.

Beware wielder, for this power holds both great potential and terrible dangers.

The Spark of A Soul

Any golem you create through Automata Gigue are now imbued with their own Aura and Semblance, making them more than mere machines. Your golems are now extensions of your own soul, and each one possesses a unique Semblance that reflects their function and personality. By giving your golems Aura, you greatly enhance their performance in every aspect, from their speed, strength, durability, intelligence, creativity, and even allow your once static creations to naturally grow more powerful over time. Your golems can also use their Aura to protect themselves from harm, heal from injuries, and sense their surroundings.

However, by giving your golems Aura, you also grant them a Semblance that can aid them in their tasks and make them formidable allies or foes. Your golems' Semblances are related to their purpose and design, and can vary from manipulating elements, enhancing physical attributes, creating illusions, or even affecting emotions.

For example, a lion golem made to protect may gain the Semblance to create ethereal packs of lions that can assist it in combat or scouting, while a mining golem will gain the Semblance to control the earth surrounding it for easier material gathering and tunneling. You can also now communicate with your golems telepathically, and command them as you please.

You are now truly the master of golems.