Project V17/Powers/Shardless/Technology and Artifice Powers/Make Us Whole (Dead Space)

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Make Us Whole (Dead Space)

Cost: 20 SP

You gain the knowledge of the series Dead Space and its spin-offs. Set in the 26 century, human technology evolved largely. From FTL ships, planet crackers, fabricators and more. You gain all knowledge humanity has that is shown or hinted in the series. And of course, you know how to make the markers: obelisks that send signals to living beings and change their minds and bodies. Unlike the game, you can do more than simply turn them into necromorphs or cult-members, such as just upgrading their biology or make them less hostile. (This CYOA doesn't take responsibility if you turn this world into a brethren moon accidentally).

Transcend Death And Let The Future Take Its Course

Now, any being that is transformed by your Makers can be converted into a member of your Overmind.