An inherited technique that brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing you to manipulate and distort space at will. You are granted ordinance over three specific techniques that represent different facets of such distortion.
Infinity, The fundamental state of Limitless, enabling the ability to halt motion. By infinitely dividing the finite space between two objects, approaching entities slow down and never reach the user.
Blue, Amplifies cursed energy output, generating an attractive force. By bringing the conceptually impossible negative distance into reality, surrounding space is compelled to fill the gap, resulting in a magnetic-like effect.
Red, Reverses the strengthened technique, manifesting the divergence of infinity and generating a repulsive force. By channeling reverse cursed energy into the Limitless power, a repelling effect is created instead of a magnetic one.
Combining these techniques unlocks advanced applications, leading to entirely new and more potent distortions beyond their individual capabilities. This also allows teleportation if you have enough mastery over your infinity. But unless you have an ability that lets you process information down to the atomic levels, these techniques would forever be out of your grasp.