
From Worm CYOA Wiki


ID Object / Addon Author
13z7 Case 53 ???
5qgk Case 53 Tattoo ???
jtyh Pint Sized ???
cnemoe Childlike ???
wu6i Conscious Geas ???
1ro4 Unconscious Geas ???
uhyp Enmity ???
omy3 "Odd" ???
vllg In One Ear... ???
8a2f Murphy ???
6oai Weak Body ???
h7le Narcissism ???
auq4 Depression ???
t8hh Wrath ???
0d5b5h Slothful ???
Addon: Sin of Sloth ???
xdmv Battle Junkie ???
4txz The Only Thing I Fear ???
1jw3 Miser ???
p3oe Shopping Addiction ???
4949 Thou shalt not utter Lord's name in vain. ???
4e20 Allergic ???
rvk1 Disreputable ???
pdj9 Unmasked ???
weh8 Wanted (Local) ???
txtt Wanted (Global) ???
0m9w CUI Summer Camp ???
ue95 Some Terms and Conditions apply ???
w9wiau No Such Thing As Absolutes ???
3sosf2 Work for It ???
Addon: Double Tap ???
Addon: Same Start, Same Speed ???
Addon: From Lead to Gold ???
pduhwv Definition of Insanity ???
g2un Wildbow? Where have I heard that before? ???
yf15 Clean Slate ???
tu3i Half of Who I Am ???
1gaf Selective Amnesia ???
qox702 What do you mean I did this to myself? ???
ebmg Smarmy Asshole ???
p0il Inverted Controls ???
mekv Druggie ???
q1l1 Ryoga Hibiki ???
7zmv Reluctant Dimension Hopper ???
xf0h Friend of the Doctor ???
z1os Stranded ???
o9kn Never Ending Adventure ???
5kcz Displaced ???
0gjq Infamous Origins ???
0kzx12 Evil Sibling ???
Addon: Sibling Rivalry ???
ly2cn5 The Family Business ???
Addon: Up and Coming Contender ???
Addon: Seat At The Table ???
Addon: The Heir ???
Addon: Godfather ???
Addon: Allies ???
jqlim7 Face Thyself ???
wb1unk I am a What!? ???
t6ya Won't You Fly High, Free Bird ???
Addon: Caged ???
bke2 Poor ???
ca1q Homeless ???
0yio2 Debt ???
Addon: Nefarious Sources ???
wj6t Monologue ???
64n1 Slaughterhouse 8 ???
jw91 Jaws of the Butcher ???
hl2k Endbringer Target ???
03ul Whispers In The Mind ???
1kfq Would You Kindly... ???
4lhu Echidna Clone ???
fdgl Fairy Goddess ???
58ey You are the Worthy Opponent ???
osec Chosen One ???
ae4b Saintly Purge ???
zc27 Ditz ???
n26f Misunderstandings ???
8s41 Contractual Villainy ???
w3pv I'm Altering the Deal ???
39sp Alcoholic ???
Addon: Depressive Drunk ???
Addon: Reckless Drunk ???
Addon: Blackout Drunk ???
ntds Lightweight ???
17za Rogues Gallery ???
3b0j4a Manton Unlimited ???
5f3w Inconsistent Minor Misfortune ???
wemn Consistent Minor Misfortune ???
i2t0 Shounen ???
20f6 Servant ???
5bro Orphaned ???
yqih Sick ???
vg5u6i Injured ???
Addon: Spiritual Pains ???
zpzc Handicapped ???
f7cvnt Minor Disability ???
Addon: Monster Cape ???
Addon: Grievous Injury ???
i46p Major Disability ???
Addon: Monster Cape ???
Addon: Debilitating injury ???
f9km Cold Heart ???
si4viq Emotional ???
Addon: Hatred ???
Addon: Pride ???
rjouwu What Do You Desire ???
Addon: Acting On A Whim ???
5hml Keep The Secret ???
vn7h Eh, I Can Take You ???
m85g Trouble Magnet ???
7vo3 Child of Fate ???
s6q6 Mr. Regular ???
6o4j Fallen Worship ???
cal6 Tinfoil Hat ???
xmudln Conspiracy Theory ???
fchf Despair Event Horizon ???
tq7u Arbitrary Weakness ???
bda7 Just Following Orders ???
0vb9 Pragmatist ???
3ip2 Personality Conflict ???
xs8e Mercy ???
ns0e Complexity Addiction ???
mfop Terrible Fashion ???
fyjm Always on The Clock ???
t1wr Parker Luck ???
2fja An Angel and Devil on My Shoulders ???
kuwf Kill Order ???
pbpm Overwatch 2 ???
44sq May you live in Interesting Times ???
zo2d A Little While Longer ???
l8rm Apocalypse Now ???
bzcj Dimensional Flux ???
9925 Power Boost ???
l7dv Lonely ???
gcit Stalker ???
e6gc Villain Target ???
291w Late to The Party ???
hkps Party's Just Getting Started ???
jgq8 This Party's About to Get Crazy ???
gt5p The Summoning ???
nqd4 Extremely Obvious Summoning ???
cwec The Binding ???
qsrg Corona Pollentia ???
Addon: Awakening (Shardless) ???
6fji Second Trigger ???
ucs6 Acclimation ???
uscv Jet Lag ???
474z Snail's Pace ???
f2x8 Snails Are Quicker Than You ???
hn6g Quarter Pounder ???
ruhe Starting From Nothing ???
qcgp No more, No less ???
ydj5 Not faster, Not slower ???
n6ut Can't You Walk and Talk at the Same Time? ???
39d0 Arbitrary Limitations (All Powers) ???
5aj3 Arbitrary Limitations (One Power) ???
x5g4 Power Cap ???
mbd4 Get back here Shocker! SHOCKER!!! You can’t escape me! I’ll chase you to the ends of the EARTH!!! ???
lj4c Flavor Fiasco ???
pyf0 The IRS ???
5gxyoh The Strongest ???
SafetyWon'tLast Safety Can't Last Forever ???
Addon: Temporary Safety ???
obkhtf ???
xrmr Nemesis ???
xkacr4 Cluster ???
w4o0 Insane ???
08kd Worst Day Ever ???
uvf2 Cursed ???
pbioli World Drawbacks ???
c2a515 Crux World ???
Addon: Developing ???
Addon: Linchpin ???
cgxt Reign of the Kaiju ???
qvhs Ever More Endbringers ???
ywa7 Waking Titans ???
pp9v Reign of The Entities ???
fu70 Desire For Survival ???
vrhq Not So Dead After All ???
1175 The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything ???
9cfo An [ANSWER] Is Seen And A Trillion Crystal Eyes Look Upon a Blue And Green Dot ???
Addon: Intelligent Warfare ???
gtmb The Cycle Begins Anew ???
kipc Apollyon: the Destroyer ???
9cglzq Jormungand ???
Addon: Thrill of the Hunt ???
Addon: Pack-Hunting ???
a7lx Second Wave Parahumans ???
msaw Mass Awakening ???
ueg3o6 Native Awakening ???
fvpc Titanomachy ???

The Nature of the Beast

ID Object / Addon Author
kp7god Feral ???
zhgfqi Small Mercies ???
baxzj4 A Lobster's Death ???

Nemesis Choice

ID Object / Addon Author
3ktx Lawful Good ???
efve Neutral Good ???
o5in Chaotic Good ???
j2dg Lawful Neutral ???
w4o4 True Neutral ???
ykm1 Chaotic Neutral ???
3s0z Lawful Evil ???
53x6 Neutral Evil ???
np6a Chaotic Evil ???
oddr Nemesis Customization ???
b0fb Rival ???
a53a The Loved ???
yqjy The Hated ???
rrt8 Yandere ???
9fl6 Weaker than You ???
t6nl Better than You ???
gxbs True Antagonist ???

Cluster Choice

ID Object / Addon Author
c7fjh3 Clustermates ???
gr6nre Power Drain ???
0u3iz2 Power Thief ???
3e87c8 Kiss ???
591vio Kiss/Kill ???
cvikl7 Kill ???
5a5a0i Open Relationship ???
qciebs Closed Invitation ???
0uf1ok Exponential Spread ???
Addon: Democratic ???
ovwj58 Cluster Mechanics ???
b9x75c Power Cycle ???
c7gype Dream Room ???
k0lrrg Playing Favourites ???
Addon: Dream Poll ???
ltwql0 Winner Takes It All ???
Addon: The Loser's Standing Small ???
0yrca4 Shared Power ???
yu4qtn Pooled Resources ???
jocdce Communal Rolodex ???
guwiz5 Authoritarian Cluster ???
fn8592 Cluster Revolution ???
1jpt51 Authoritarian Cluster(Other) ???
1dom7d Cluster Revolution(Other) ???
5azz4e In It Together ???
po3ec5 Anything You Can Do ???
llro6x Buddy System ???
6sliou Identical Triplets ???
t9lvr0 Early Bird Gets The Worm ???
wltdod Haunted ???
qsv872 Made For Each Other ???
lpnfa9 C-C-C-Combo ???
3264d0 Get Out Of My Room ???
hxvvob We Finish Each Others... ???
kzsvk0 Team Theme ???
9384n6 Duck Duck ???
arc23x Arms Outstretched ???
pfocov King of The Hill ???
r028k7 Hot Potato ???

Curses Choice

ID Object / Addon Author
fext Curse of Undeath ???
vvsh Curse of Strange ???
mi1q Curse of Masochism ???
Addon: Curse of Sadomasochism ???
tfdo Curse of Unpalatable ???
4vjn Curse of Distractions ???
tlon Curse of Worldly Distractions ???
okpu Curse of Pain ???
1dpu9t Curse of Negativity ???
Addon: Shifting World ???
Addon: Thousand Reminders ???
Addon: Graveyard of Memories ???
Addon: Fragments Made Reality ???
3d53 Curse of Paranoia ???
vaaj Curse of Crippling ???
shvm Curse of Unknown ???
0aqq Curse of Black Thumb ???
ucp7 Curse of Nature ???
n0t3ch Curse of Technology ???
j9p9 Curse of Stone ???
7f3g Curse of Boredom ???
v8uo Curse of Killers ???
iyuk Curse of Appearance ???
g21d Curse of Social Anxiety ???
i5qy Curse of Yandere Lover ???
vi8skj Curse of Pyrrhus ???
kmvpbr Curse of Collateral ???
3rfa Curse of Half-Death ???
j0jt Curse of Activation ???
duy25s Curse of Exchange ???
2rigvx Curse of Loneliness ???
vplh Curse of Glass ???
e94o Curse of Sickness ???
5k8e Curse of Contradiction ???
bsfu Curse of Sloth ???
fefq Curse of Gluttony ???
zgpc Curse of Memory ???
h0g8 Curse Of Failure ???
yio0 Curse of Destruction ???
ntwu Curse of Lying ???
dl6x Curse of Truth ???
Addon: Curse Of Riddles ???
kixr Cure Curse ???

Insanity Choice

ID Object / Addon Author
ghqc Tsundere ???
53or Robot ???
rqcu Inhumanity ???
qm87 Brain to Mouth Filter ???
fbik Head Empty, No Thoughts ???
335d Dense ???
cbsu Faceless ???
oyc0 Obsession ???
3gtx Voron Method ???
j802 Personified Powers ???
Addon: Internalized Power ???
e0ym Human Killing Ghost ???
3foi Berserk State ???
agr5 Anathema ???
0y2psj Superiority Complex ???
Addon: God Complex ???
t10wqi Black Hole Brain ???
Addon: Tainted Hallucinations ???
Addon: Reminder ???
Addon: Sunshine Upon You ???
Addon: Voices of a Memory ???
jhas Another Self ???
wabq Another Ego ???
4g2h Another Person ???
ku2g Another Pair ???
84aq Another Crowd ???
3tep Deteriorating Mind ???
0ime Mild Hallucination ???
hund Hallucination ???
lu1u Major Hallucination ???
ktjl Fractured Psyche ???
qayc Wonderland ???
ichr Day and Night ???

Worst Day Ever

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Second Wave Parahumans Power Level

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Second Wave Parahumans Population

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Mass Awakening Power Level

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Mass Awakening Population

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Native Awakening Power Level

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov

Native Awakening Population

🔒 Maintainer: LtOuroumov