
6 editsJoined 10 January 2024
Revision as of 00:13, 20 June 2024 by Arzte (talk | contribs) (→‎Power: Aura + Elementalism: Clean up powers for clarity and to bring it inline with how I view the character)
A photo of Ärztinnen
A photo of Ärztinnen

Magical Girl of Flames, Ärztinnen

Basic Information:

Name: Iris? Artztinnen?

Gender: Female

Age: ?? (Immortal, appears 14-16 years of age, but likely significantly older)

Appearance: Attractive

Discord Username: iris

Power: Aura + Elementalism

Ärztinnen wields the concept of fire, coming from her being a Magical Girl. She's able to create, shape and control fire at will, such as to create protective barriers, putting out uncontrolled fires, and so on. Overtime this powerful bond with fire has allowed her to tap more into it's symbolical and metaphysical properties, such as to burn away sickness, enhance her life force to enhance her physical abilities, or even to predict danger.

Her fire can take on traits of various kinds, as well as altering existing fire in her control to fit the situation on hand. With the flexibility and experience she possesses, she can even accomplish some of fire's more famous concepts, such as burning away damage done to buildings, or destroying something into oblivion, creating something new from the ashes.


Ärztinnen is a veteran magical girl who has been active for a good number of years. She is often seen as more serious compared to other magical girls, such as Symbol, due to her experience. However, it is also because of this experience that she knows the importance of being grounded with the regular folk without being lost in all the villains and sparkles. She understands that being a magical girl is not just about flashy powers and spectacular displays of magic.

Due to her experience, she knows it's important to remember the regular folk who seem to easily become mere statistics. And she tries to bridge the gap this creates when it comes to getting in touch with the real world. While she will have concerns over the escalating stakes, she will also make sure to check on the mental health and well-being of her fellow peers. She understands the stress and pressure it puts on people, in both their public, and offers them her wisdom to help.


Ärztinnen is the daughter of two international villains, having trained most of her early life to inherit her family's business. Skills, and experience she used in her later magical girl activities, having decided that she didn't want to be a villain herself. While she retained a good relationship with her parents, having both parents support, she's since left them to journey to other universes and timelines. Only occasionally coming back to visit.

Having at some point managed to acquire her own form of Immortality she's afforded to stick around new universes for decades, lending her valuable wisdom and experience to Magical Girls of all kinds. Having gained an appreciation for new locations from her childhood, she eventually spends less and less time in whatever universe she's currently living in, as her wanderlust expands, before finally saying goodbye to explore the vast unknown in constant search of new experiences and fun things to do.