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Latest revision as of 22:26, 27 February 2024

(Brute) Vampire

Cost: 2 SP

You regenerate when you touch someone else's blood. One quart of someone else's blood would be enough to fully regrow a cut-off arm if it was the only damage done to you. The healing is spread throughout your entire body. You are not an actual vampire and this ability cannot be given to others by biting them.

(Brute) No, I am Spartacus

Cost: 3 SP

Any damage done to you will be spread evenly among any living being larger than a large rat within 10 meters of you. A bullet to the head will probably still kill you, even if there are 10 other people within range of you. It will also just kill all of them.

(Brute) No, I am Leonidas

Cost: 3 SP

You absorb all the damage done to every ally within 10 meters of you before they can even notice it, causing them no damage or pain. You may selectively choose what damage to take. This does not provide any other standard brute perks, so take with caution.

(Brute) Immunity Frames

Cost: 3 SP

After taking damage, you cannot take damage from another attack of the same type until a second has passed.

(Brute/Striker) Captain America

Cost: 4 SP

You have a moderately above peak-human body in every way, excluding looks. Your looks are increased by one level though, and if they're already at the top level, then you look parahumanly attractive. You can also turn any circular object with a diameter less than a meter into a nearly-inviolable shock absorbing shield as long as you have touched it within the last 15 seconds. The appearance of the object doesn't actually change, and this power can only be used on one object at a time. The object must be metallic in nature.

(Brute) Distributed Damage

Cost: 4 SP

Any damage you take will be spread out evenly across your body, causing you to lose all natural weak spots. This can cause you to die suddenly all at once though, so be careful.

(Brute) Airtight

Cost: 4 SP

You are fully immune to various gases, radiation, and other indirect hostile effects. You do not need to breathe and any food you consume will be safe for consumption regardless of what it was. However, once your skin is breached, until it is closed or healed, radiation or other airborne viruses can get inside you.

(Brute) Atlas

Cost: 4 SP

At any time, you can lock the position of your feet on the ground. As long as that ground is there, you cannot be moved until you unlock the position of your feet. When like this, you are completely invulnerable, are stronger than even Glory Girl, and have enhanced reflexes. Your wounds do not get worse while you're in this state.

(Brute) Man of Steel

Cost: 4 SP

You are stronger than steel. That's about it. Your flesh is like steel, your blood is like molten steel, and your bone is like reinforced steel. They're still flesh, blood, and bone, but they're as strong and durable as liquid steel, the steel itself, and reinforced steel, respectively. You regenerate more quickly than normal.

(Brute) Do you even lift?

Cost: 5 SP

You have tactile telekinesis that allows you to lift anything. This doesn't enhance your punch speed or durability at all. If you pick up something large, you don't need to worry about structural integrity, your power will keep it intact.

(Brute) Pump It

Cost: 5 SP

The longer you fight, the more physical power, speed, and durability you acquire. It tops at around 50 times max human potential and takes around 5 minutes of combat to get there.

(Brute) Rampage

Cost: 5 SP

You grow stronger the angrier you appear. You do not have to be angry, you just have to seem angry. If you are genuinely angry, then you will gain a further boost in physical strength, speed, and durability. You can control and ignite your rage on command.

(Brute) Yang it!

Cost: 6 SP

Any impact that lands on you will be absorbed and increase your strength. It will still harm you as much as the level of impact can. The increase in strength is equal to the power of the impact, and lasts as long as you've been hit by a blow strong enough to move you more than half a foot within the last five minutes.

(Brute) Cast Off!

Cost: 6 SP

You gain durability, speed, and strength proportional to the time spent out of combat. This reduces the longer you remain in combat but increases if you are out of combat. For the first 10 seconds of combat, you are as strong as an Endbringer, but after an hour you are no stronger than an average human.

(Brute) Fatal Shield

Cost: 6 SP

You have a protective aura that negates a single fatal attack regardless of what it was. This can only be used once per combat, and after usage, you will be immune to any and all forms of attacks, effects, and so on for 10 seconds.

(Brute) Skulking Angels

Cost: 6 SP

When the user is seen, they gain a durability equivalent to that of the Siberian, at the cost of being physically slowed. It would feel as if they were moving in deep water.

(Brute) Restful Night

Cost: 6 SP

The user's natural regeneration is enhanced when they are asleep, allowing the user to recover from physical injury and mental fatigue much faster than normal. After sleeping for 8 hours, the user will be at their peak level both physically and mentally.

(Shaker/Brute) Defensive Position

Cost: 6 SP

The user has access to a web of energy that usually lies dormant under their skin, vastly increasing their durability and strength. They can extend this web to nearby objects, sacrificing portions of their durability until they withdraw it again. While objects are coated by the web, they exhibit the same durability and enhanced strength as the user’s body does, and can be controlled telekinetically by them.

(Brute) Aegis

Cost: 7 SP

If you are aware of an attack, it will not harm you. You can only be hurt by sneak attacks. If you're hit by an attack that's too quick for your mind to comprehend that it's there, you are not considered aware of it by your power.

(Brute) Solidarity

Cost: 7 SP

You possess a special form of durability that can ignore blunt attacks. Your body has a unique effect that influences how certain physics interacts with it. Attacks weaker than your defense will be completely negated even if physics says you should be launched. This also allows you to grab impossibly large objects without them breaking apart.

(Brute) Bee Proof

Cost: 7 SP

You are strong and durable to an appreciably superhuman degree. Strong enough to lift 2500 kg with the same ease a normal man might lift 40. Durable enough to shrug off the fire from anti-material rifles, explosions on the scale of infantry manned rockets, and even the efforts of industrial cutting tools. This power also includes enhanced leverage and a false increase in mass when resisting blows.

(Brute) Zombie

Cost: 7 SP

The user possesses an extraordinary resilience, enabling them to endure severe injuries and remain alive even if their body is severely damaged, as long as their corona potentia remains undamaged. Should any other part of the brain endure damage, they may experience a loss of bodily functions. However, the user's regenerative capability is limited, requiring weeks to heal major wounds or lost limbs. The user will also lose the need for sleep, food and water. The user’s body will resemble a well-preserved corpse, as they will have no heartbeat, no need to breathe, and low body temperature.

(Brute/Breaker) Goliath

Cost: 7 SP

The user is able to convert kinetic energy into mass, growing in size as objects strike them. The user is immune to issues like the square-cube law and surface area problems; physics within their body is warped to behave like it would at normal sizes. The larger they are, the more force they can absorb completely.

(Brute) Ablation

Cost: 8 SP

You can only take so much damage at a time, regardless of how much damage you should be taking. The severity of damage is also reduced to a set amount. A single attack will gouge out a teaspoon of your flesh at most. Beams are not considered a single attack.

(Brute/Master) Implacable

Cost: 8 SP

You can create and manipulate an unlimited number of small shields, each about 1 cm in length and 0.5 cm thick. You have unlimited multitasking and can move them around, but your range is only 1 inch from your body. Each shield will break at the force of an ordinary punch. The shields act as a repulsive force, allowing you to use them to push people away from you. The shield’s repulsive force and durability grow stronger when used alongside multiple other shields. These shields are transparent on one side, allowing you to see through, while others will see a blank surface.

(Brute/Mover) Spider-Man

Cost: 8 SP

While you weren't bitten by a radioactive spider, you have super strength, the power to stick to walls, and enhanced balance and coordination. You have the proportional strength of a spider and can lift over 12 tons. Your hands and feet can stick to anything, regardless of if you're wearing gloves or shoes. You can pull them off with little effort, but it is nearly impossible for anyone else to do so.

(Brute/Trump) Starlight Punch

Cost: 10 SP

You can shoot weak beams of energy from your hands, but your real power is to charge your fists with your strongest Blaster powers and unleash them at point-blank range without hurting yourself. Your body and clothing gain the properties of your Blaster powers. You are as durable and fast as your best Blaster powers, even taking their traits. If you can control your long-range attacks from a distance, you can fly. If one of your Blaster powers is All-or-Nothing, you are also immune to anything that is not All-or-Nothing. This power also extends to your clothing. Even your reaction speed is enhanced based on your fastest attacks.

(Brute) Invulnerable

Cost: 10 SP

You have a charge that has a maximum capacity of fifteen minutes. It regenerates at a rate of 1 minute of use per minute of disuse, and does not regenerate when in use. Using this charge makes you totally invulnerable to all attacks, except that of Flechette.

(Brute) Mine, Mine, Mine!

Cost: 12 SP

You have the combined strength, speed, and durability of everyone within ten meters of you. Good against Brutes, not so much against Blasters.

(Brute) Telekinetic Barrier

Cost: 12 SP

You have Glory Girl's durability and strength. Any impact stronger than a bullet shot from a pistol will pop your shield, but it can take any impact without taking damage. When the shield is down, you no longer have enhanced durability, but you still have your super strength. Your shield will regenerate after one or two seconds, longer if it was a sustained impact. Your enhanced strength is enough to allow you to lift 30 tons. Due to the nature of your enhanced strength, you'll still get tired from keeping your hand raised too long, since it doesn't help counter gravity. Additionally, this protects you from non-physical attacks, including poisons, sickness, Trumps, Masters, Strangers, reality rewriters, precogs, and any power that directly affects others. You lose all these immunities when your barrier is down.

(Brute) Deadpool

Cost: 12 SP

As long as even a cell of you survives, you can regenerate from it. A cut will heal almost immediately. A severed head will take a while, and will regrow from the head. You can not use this power to create clones. If your Corona Pollenta and Corona Gemma are near-simultaneously hit by a power that heavily deals in and/or relies on portals and dimensional shenanigans, you will die.

(Brute/Changer) Yeah, I Lift

Cost: 13 SP

You can gradually amplify your muscle fibers, eventually reaching a point where they can't be contained by your skin. You gradually gain mass and height while doing this, and after 5 minutes of changing, you will be at your maximum of 50 feet high. You will look like a giant made of muscle and have strength comparable to Alexandria. Any injuries caused by your transformation, such as your skin tearing open, are repaired as you transform back.

(Brute) Rocky

Cost: 14 SP

You will always be as strong as necessary to exert as much force as the strongest blow that you've ever been hit with. This increases both durability and strength.

(Brute/Breaker) The Duke

Cost: 14 SP

You are a premier Brute on a level short of only Alexandria herself. Capable of throwing around main battle tanks like an E-girl might throw her cat and shrugging off anything short of a tactical nuke. You are immovable by outside forces, but be careful as you will take the full force of any blow, though lesser assailants will find themselves breaking upon your body.

(Brute/Trump) Stronger Together

Cost: 15 SP

When fighting with those you truly care about, you and they will grow stronger until together you are as strong as your opponents' combined power. This does not take into account skill or their ability to work together unless that skill/ability is Parahuman in nature (Like Contessa, Victor, or Teacher).