Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Brute/(Brute/Trump) Starlight Punch

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Brute

(Brute/Trump) Starlight Punch

Cost: 10 SP

You can shoot weak beams of energy from your hands, but your real power is to charge your fists with your strongest Blaster powers and unleash them at point-blank range without hurting yourself. Your body and clothing gain the properties of your Blaster powers. You are as durable and fast as your best Blaster powers, even taking their traits. If you can control your long-range attacks from a distance, you can fly. If one of your Blaster powers is All-or-Nothing, you are also immune to anything that is not All-or-Nothing. This power also extends to your clothing. Even your reaction speed is enhanced based on your fastest attacks.