Project V17/Powers/Shard/Fusions/Accelerator, The One Way Road

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Accelerator, The One Way Road

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Striker) Vector Alteration

Required: (Thinker) Number Man

Inspired by the incredible Esper ability of Accelerator, your mathematical prowess and control over vectors have been combined into the overwhelming power known as Vector Manipulation. This power grants you the ability to create a thin field maintained by mathematical formula around yourself, enabling you to manipulate vector values of anything near you.

With this ability you can control various vectors, such as those related to kinetic energy, heat, electricity, and gravity. Initially limited to phenomena governed by physical laws known to humanity's laws of physics, your mathematical prowess allows you to incorporate vectors from unknown sources so long as you can analyze and adapt them into your equations, such as exotic matter, space-time distortions, parahuman powers, and potentially even phenomena unknown to the Entities like magic. As a result this adaptability may allow you to bend even the most foreign rules of reality to your advantage.

Your (Thinker) Number Man power has been enhanced to the point of enabling you to do things like predict and dodge attacks effortlessly, foresee future actions, identify weak points in your opponents, precisely measure objects, leverage your strength flawlessly, sense your surroundings through subtle vibrations, and sense the internal vectors of things you touch while simultaneously using attacks and defenses which require complex calculations. These mental capabilities provide you with unparalleled strategic insight, making you a formidable force in any confrontation.