Project V17/Powers/Shard/Fusions

From Worm CYOA Wiki


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Changer) Self-Biokinesis

Required: Panacea,Amy Dallon,

You have absolute control and understanding of all carbon based lifeforms. You also can control biology at three times the rate you could before.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Striker/Brute) Stop! Hammer Time.

Required: (Brute/Striker) Captain America

If you try hiding your positive feelings for someone, they will gain a slower version of Unlimited Potential. That is to say that as long as they continuously train to the point they strain themselves, they will continue to grow stronger without limit.

Gate of Babylon

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Shaker/Blaster) Bag of Holding

Required: (Trump/Tinker) Enchantment

You have access to every mythical treasure thought up by man before the year 1900 and can open portals to your pocket dimension. Items can be launched from your pocket dimension at the speed of sound. No weapon stronger than a continent-destroyer can be found in your pocket dimension.

Golden Trio and their +1

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Trump) Soulmate

Required: (Thinker) Time-Loop

You can bring three people with you when you time loop.

The End-Usurper

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Master) Friendbringers

Required: (Trump) Eidolon

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

You can take control over any single one of the existing Endbringers, while keeping all your other powers as well as getting theirs.

Meta Knowledge

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Blank

Required: Sarah Livsey/Lisa Wilbourn,Tattletale,Dinah Alcott,

You know when you're being simulated and can either act differently in the simulation or just shut the simulation off altogether. You recall all simulated memories after the simulation ends unless the simulated version of you decides otherwise.

Gate of Truth

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker) Omniscient

Required: (Trump) Soulmate

You can grant people knowledge and/or any power you have, though to do so you need to throw them through a gate and take something from them equal to what you gave them.

Cabbage Corp

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Weakspot

Required: (Thinker) Plans within Plans

As long as you make it look like an accident, if you sabotage a business no one but the business itself will blame you.

OSHA Inspector

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Tinker/Thinker) Safety

Required: (Thinker) Plans within Plans

As long as the group knowingly doesn't follow your safety protocols, you can ruin their business and no one but the business itself will blame you.

OSHA Inspector v2

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Weakspot

Required: OSHA Inspector

If the employees and workers in the group/business are physically and mentally unfit to continue work, yet continue to do so, you can ruin the business as well as those causing problems and no one but the business itself will blame you.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Commander

Required: (Thinker) Plans within Plans

People who follow your plans will gain a significant increase in their abilities. Straying from the plan will reduce the potency of the boost. This also removes the face to face requirement; allowing you to send orders from anywhere, as long as the other party can hear it.

Soldier of the Future

Cost: 8 SP

Required: Hana,Miss Militia,

Required: (Tinker) Revolution,(Tinker) Reproduction,

You can use Miss Militia's power with any Tinkertech weapon you've touched.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Biobringer

Required: (Tinker) Reproduction

You can convert any Tinkertech you analyze to a biological version of the tech.

Biomass Generation

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Changer) Self-Biokinesis

Required: (Brute) Deadpool,(Brute) Avalon,

When altering yourself with Self-Biokinesis you are not limited by the matter in your body, you can create extra matter from nothing.

The Legion of the Fae

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump) Fae Court

Required: (Trump) Fighting makes me stronger!

If you've beaten a Parahuman in battle, you permanently have the 50% as powerful version of their power, even when you have a 100% as powerful power active. You can have an unlimited number of those 50% as powerful powers active.


Cost: 6 SP

Required: Skittering Legions

Required: (Master) Khepri

Your powers have fused, now your range is determined by the complexity of your targets minds. You could control all the bugs within a 5 kilometer radius or control all humans within a 200 meter range or anything in between. In addition to this, you gain a minor thinker power in relation to coordination, allowing you to do complex operations with those you are controlling. This allows you to have all those you are controlling to seamlessly work together.

Skittering Legions

Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Master/Thinker) Rodent King

Required: Taylor Anne Hebert,Skitter,

You can control not only rodents and bugs, but any non-Sapient lifeforms not resistant to Master effects.

Bug Evolution

Cost: 12 SP

Required: (Changer/Trump) Metamorphosis

Required: Taylor Anne Hebert,Skitter,

You can cause your bugs to rapidly grow and evolve, gaining special traits not naturally available, such as invisibility or fire breathing. Any additional powers you may have can be expressed through your bugs. (Bugs with tactile telekinesis, or bugs with natural biological tinkertech for example.)

Your bugs also become more independent, able to understand and obey your orders even when outside your control. The longer a bug remains under your control, the greater the changes and stronger they become. You can even cannibalise other bugs under your control to increase the rate of other bugs mutations.


Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Striker) Redistribution of Pain

Required: (Breaker/Mover) Puella Magi Homura Magika

If you repair their corpse, you can bring anyone back to life. They will not have any brain damage or memory loss.

Ward Master

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Arcanist

Required: (Trump/Tinker) Artificer

Your Arcanist and Artificer powers synergize giving you access to the ability to create Wards, spells that are anchored to an area using ward stones. Wards can be connected together to pass information between them. Ward stones are not affected by the enchantment limit, be careful what you mix together however. If a wardstone is destroyed it will collapse all wards it is powering and those it is connected to.

Four is a Party

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Trump) Gamer System

Required: (Trump) Soulmate

Soulmate is integrated into the Gamer system, allowing you to create a party an invite members. You start with one party slot and get a new slot every 10 levels.

Party members can use the Gamer system as you would as long as they are in the party. Their own powers (if they have any) are integrated into the system. You can share weakened versions of your own powers with them.

Sole Looper

Cost: 3 SP

Required: (Thinker) Time-Loop

Required: Blank

Your timeline has been shifted onto a unique layer of reality, making all other powers that manipulate the timeline unable to detect or interact with your Time-Loop.

Optimal Choice

Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Thinker) Schrodinger

Required: (Thinker) Glimpse

You can choose to see an unlimited amount of visions, but at the cost of them being ten seconds long. You can also use this ability within other precognitive visions, including Schrodinger. You are able to subconsciously filter these visions into specific scenarios so that they don't overload your mind.

5 Coiling Serpents

Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Thinker) Schrodinger

Required: Coil,Thomas Calvert,

Your five visions can last indefinitely, although if you choose one of the vision the other 4 must be dropped.

Animal Friends

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Master) Spirit Animal

Required: (Master) Friendbringers

Required: (Changer/Trump) Kirby,(Breaker/Trump) Other Side of the Coin,(Trump) Scramble,

Friendbringers has assimilated Spirit Animal into itself and copied or absorbed a powerset-generating ability of yours, evolving greatly in the process: In exchange for the minor drawback of requiring all of your Friends to take on animal or animal-like forms, you now have a total of six Friends, and each of them may be any size that Spirit Animal could manifest.

Furthermore, your Friends now all have a secondary power that allows them to alter and boost your powerset: By either riding, carrying or otherwise directly interecting in a similar way with a Friend, they can change your other powers in a manner thematically appropriate with whatever animal they resemble, almost always in a way that directly upgrades it - an avian Friend might alter your Blaster, Striker or Shaker abilities to include razor feathers, or alter your Mover abilities to include gliding or outright flight, for example.

Health Network

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Brute) No, I am Spartacus

Required: (Brute) No, I am Leonidas

Every living being that your are actively aware of is part of a Health Network, where damage may be redistributed to anyone else in the network at your wish. If you cannot react fast enough, damage will automatically redistribute according to a priority system that you control.


Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Master) Dominate

Required: (Master) Hive Mind

When you dominate someone, you can choose to add them to your Hive Mind, joining them with your stream of consciousness. This gives your Hive Mind perfect control over them, and causes any effects from domination to last forever instead of degrading. You may undo this at any time.

King of the End

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Brute) Typhon

Required: (Changer) The End-Becomer

Your two Endbringer powers have combined, synergizing and enhancing each other’s powers to new heights:

Firstly, Typhon can now let you use any of your Endbringer powers outside of your EB form - albeit with them reduced to just high T1/low T2 in strength - and its power-boosting aspect is increased from 25% to 50%;

Secondly, End-Becomer can now access your non-EB powers, and additionally allows you to temporarily replace any of your EB powers with some of your non-EB ones, boosting those powers to the level of an Endbringer while in effect;

Lastly, the Endbringer physiology granted by both powers has now compounded and evolved, granting you two cores, a half-again increase in strength, durability and density, and the ability to move your cores around your body for both your normal and Endbringer forms.

(Note: If you have Negentropy, Typhon's power boost is increased to 100%, and End-Becomer gains two 'blank slots' to boost non-EB powers with.)


Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Changer/Brute) Carrion

Required: (Changer/Master) The Flesh That Hungers

You have become a sentient swarm of virus. Outwardly, you appear normal, but you possess an array of extraordinary abilities that revolve around your symbiotic relationship with the viral hivemind and the fusion of organic forms within your being.

You command a vast hivemind comprised of creatures and entities under your control. This sentient swarm operates as an interconnected collective consciousness, allowing you to communicate and share knowledge instantaneously with every being within the hivemind. Any creature created or influenced by your virus becomes a part of this hivemind, further enhancing your control and expanding your reach.

Through your viral infestation, you possess the ability to place parasites within individuals who come into contact with your virus, whether through touch or inhalation. These parasites grant you unparalleled insights into their thoughts, actions, and memories, enabling you to learn anything they know. You can also seize control of their bodies, usurping their motor functions as if they were extensions of your own being.

Your fusion of man and plant grants you an exceptional reservoir for holding biomass, far surpassing the limits of what should be logically possible. This excess biomass can be channeled to fuel your abilities, enhance your physical attributes, create unique biological traits, or form a wide range of biological structures and items. You have the power to craft organic weaponry, fortifications, and tools, each imbued with unique effects and properties tailored to your needs.

Within your hivemind, you hold absolute dominion. You can orchestrate intricate strategies, coordinate the actions of your minions, and exploit their collective knowledge, allowing you to manipulate the growth of plants and creatures from vast distances, morphing them into new forms to adapt to any situation.

Celestial Artificer

Cost: 20 SP

Required: Dauntless

Required: (Trump/Tinker) Enhancer

You have become the Celestial Artificer, gaining the ability to enhance items through two primary functions: Upgrading and Enchanting. Upgrading allows the wielder to elevate an item's rarity, which determines its level of power and quality. The rarity levels are as follows:

  • Trash (Gray) - These are mundane items without any effects, akin to common everyday objects like rocks or kitchen knives. They can hold a single enchantment.
  • Common (White) - Representing Items with weak effects. Possess 2 enchantment slots and costing 3 charges to raise from Trash.
  • Uncommon (Green) - Moving up the ranks, Uncommon items possess 3 enchantment slots, and a Mundane rarity can be upgraded to this level with 7 charges.
  • Rare (Blue) - With 5 enchantment slots, their potential for unique effects is expanded, and they can be upgraded from Uncommon with 13 charges.
  • Epic (Purple) - Powerful Items with 7 enchantment slots, and requiring 19 charges to upgrade from Rare.
  • Exotic (Yellow) - Minor Artifacts possessing 9 enchantment slots, and requiring 25 charges to upgrade from Epic.
  • Unique (Red) - Representing Grand Artifacts, Unique items have 12 enchantment slots and need 32 charges to upgrade from Exotic.
  • Legendary (Orange) - The penultimate, items of this grade possess 15 enchantment slots and can be upgraded from Unique with 40 charges.
  • Mythical (Black) - The pinnacle, these are Divine Artifacts, with 20 enchantment slots, and are immensely potent, requiring 50 charges to upgrade from Legendary.

The second function, Enchanting, involves applying anomalous effects to items. Every enchantment costs a single "Charge," and wielder gain three Charges every day. The only limits of enchantments is the wielder creativity, from enhancing a blade's sharpness to imbuing healing aura or curses onto an item, with higher rarity grades unlocking access to more powerful and unique enchantments. Mythical and Legendary enchantments may require more than one Charge to be applied.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Celestial Artificer

Required: (Trump) Prototype

You’ve started to walk the path of self-improvement and enlightenment, enhancing and enchanting your body and items alike. Prototype subsumes Celestial Artificer, gaining the ability to enhance yourself, expanding your overall power, and granting enchantments to yourself. Your starting point is Grey.

Your powers meld together flawlessly, allowing you the capability to swap out Enchantments and Powers on both yourself and items you’ve enhanced, you have no restrictions on the kind of powers and enchantments you can make. The sum of their parts are greatly enhanced as well in comparison to their components. Legendary and Mythic enchantments no longer require more than 1 charge and you can spend additional charges to further amplify and tweak existing abilities.

Upon reaching Mythical level, you can spend the equivalent amount of charges it would take getting from Grey to White, to once again magnify your potency by the same degree it would the first time as well as granting you the same amount of additional slots to store powers. You can follow this until you once again reach Mythical level, letting you restart the process. This applies to both objects and powers. You can freely swap whatever you have stored in your items with your own collection and vice versa.

You produce 10 charges a day (15 with Shardless/Negentropy), and the amount of slots you gain with each level stays the same, however, level Grey instead starts with 6 active slots instead of 1. They also always have twice as many inactive slots to store other enchantments/powers that they can instantly swap out. You can take back/reallocate reallocate your charges at any time. Shardless/Negentropy increases the initial starting slots to 8 and inactive slots will be thrice as many active slots.


Cost: 20 SP

Required: (Trump) Paramount

Required: Higher Priest

Paramount and Eidolon have merged, becoming something greater than the sum of their parts, and granting you unparalleled versatility. With this upgrade, you can choose up to two Tier 3 powers, three Tier 2 powers, or five Tier 1 powers. You can now directly choose which powers to get through a catalog in your mind, these powers are instantly accessible and come with an innate understanding of how to use them effectively.

What sets Paradigm apart is its power growth and adaptation. As you use your abilities, they continuously evolve and become more powerful, adapting to different situations. These enhancements are permanent, allowing you to constantly improve and refine your powers over time.

Additionally, the Paradigm upgrade provides a unique advantage by making you a precognitive blind spot. This means that no one, including the entity, can predict your actions or intentions. This ability grants you exceptional strategic planning capabilities and allows for surprise attacks.

Note: If you also possess Negentropy, the speed at which your powers grow and adapt increases threefold. Furthermore, it expands the number of powers you can possess to three Tier 3, five Tier 2, or eight Tier 1 powers.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker/Trump) Kingmaker

Required: (Mover/Thinker) Ideal Transit

Required: (Thinker) Vision

With a touch you can transport people into alternate realities, sending them on an adventure tailor made with their strengths and weaknesses in mind. Once the adventure is complete, they will return to where they were originally, with no more than a few seconds having passed.

You possess the power to transport individuals to alternate realities, crafting personalized adventures that cater to their strengths and weaknesses. Time inside the alternate reality may pass differently, the entire experience will only last a few seconds in their original reality, and they will return to the same place once their adventures has concluded. Additionally, they will retain all the knowledge and abilities they acquire during their adventures. They cannot gain Shardless powers unless you have esoteric knowledge. You can use this power on yourself, but it is recommended to give yourself at least a week long break after each adventure.

Clone Absorber

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Master) Cloning

Required: (Changer/Striker) Amalgam

You can now clone any biological lifeform, no longer limited to parahumans. During the cloning process you can absorb the clone's abilities, knowledge and skills, adding them to your own. This allows you to have a wide variety of powers at your disposal, which can be used in a variety of ways. The absorbed powers can be used temporarily, and will be lost after some time. The skills and knowledge will remain. Additionally, the absorbed powers can be combined to create new abilities, giving you an almost unlimited number of ways to use your powers. Finally, you also gain the ability to transform your body, adding traits from creatures you absorbed.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Brute) Zombie

Required: (Master) Undead

The power to control undead has evolved, and the user's mastery over it has grown significantly. The user now starts with 25 slots for undead and receives an additional slot every month. At will, the user can absorb their undead to obtain a temporary power boost and a minor permanent power boost, along with a healing effect.

MSG, King of Flavor

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Tinker/Trump) Gourmet

Required: (Thinker/Master) Chef Supreme

You have opened your eyes, and seen the light. You gain the ability to conjure up salt-like constructs that enhance your prepared food, imparting permanent effects. An example is food that increases intellect, making the one who eats it less of a Failure. Rejoice, and share your culinary delights.

Saitama's Will

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Brute) Unstoppable Force

Required: (Brute) Immovable Object

Required: (Brute) Unlimited Potential

The user has the ability to increase their physical power through the use of daily exercise. The increase is exponential, and continuously performing a set routine will increase the effect. However, if a day of exercise is missed, the rate of growth is reset to its base. The rate of growth scales based of the user’s current stats. By performing 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run, without using air conditioning or consuming anything but a banana for breakfast for 3 years, the user will gain immense physical strength and power. This is the minimum amount of exercise for it to be counted. After a maximum of 3 years of continuous exercise, the user’s sneeze alone can blow away all gas on Jupiter.

Sealed King

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump/Thinker) Who Do You Think I Am?

Required: (Master/Thinker) Memetic King

You possess the ability to modify information about yourself, and the degree to which you can alter it varies with the number of people who have knowledge of you. If only a few people are aware of you, you can only alter information of your name. Once you attain a continental level of familiarity from people, you can transform any aspect of your identity, including your abilities and appearance. Physical and Mental information is effected by this power, so even written documents will have been changed.

Great Old One

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Sealed King

Required: (Breaker/Master) Eldritch

You have been released, your form true. You can do more than merely change information about yourself, you can change those who have such information. Any being who holds knowledge of you can be effected, their bodies and minds twisting and changing into forms that befit their roles as your eternal servants. The more knowledge they have, the bigger the changes possible. They can gain special powers and capabilities from their new forms, and they will also gain a weaker version of (Trump/Thinker) Who Do You Think I Am?, as they will gain minor powers, skills, and a false appearance based off what others think of them. They will be incapable of controlling this aspect of their power, and they will gain a mix match of powers and forms based of what various groups think of them. They will also gain the “Odd” drawback.

Eternal Star

Cost: 5 SP

Required: Phoenix Star

Required: (Trump) Oberon

Your powers and effects no longer degrade and may be held as long as you wish. However you are now limited to the slots of (Trump) Oberon to wield your powers in.


Cost: 16 SP

Required: Epoch

Required: Undo-Redo

You can freely move through time. You are capable of rewinding, pushing forward, or pausing time. You can use this power to move yourself or others to where they were at any moment, move things to where they're slated to be at any moment in the future, or pauses things for no limits, releasing at a whim.

Realistic Army

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Striker/Trump) Idol Theory

Required: (Master) Golem

You can now extend the effects of (Striker/Trump) Idol Theory into any golem you animate. Not only that, when animating statues that resemble people, these statues will gain the memories/skills/powers of these people. The Golems will still be loyal to the user.

Full Set

Cost: 2 SP

Required: (Tinker) Armor

Required: (Tinker) Shields

Required: (Tinker) Swords,(Tinker) Guns,

Your newfound specialization possesses the unique ability to create gear that surpasses the sum of its individual components. You have the skill to craft Shields or Armors that not only absorb attacks but can also utilize the absorbed energy to power your Armor, recharge your Shields, or even redirect the energy back through your Guns/Swords. Moreover, your Armor has the capability to enhance your Shields, and your Attacks can extract energy from adversaries, be it blood, electricity, or even esoteric elements like momentum.


Cost: 10 SP

Required: Comprehension

Required: (Thinker) Polymath

You can now choose to instantly learn any skill you wish, provided you’d be able to learn, use, and understand it otherwise. You can utilize this for example to master Karate but won’t be able to master Earthbending, unless you possess the ability to Earthbend on your own. Any skills that would require muscle memory will be granted through this, and any skill or muscle memory that you need to forget and revert for any reason can be done so at will.

Hands On Learning

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Required: (Thinker) Super Dream

You can grant your simulated advisors an avatar inside your simulated reality, allowing them to give you a more hands on assistance when teaching you. Time in your simulated reality is also quickened, making 3 hours inside the simulated reality equal to 1 hour in the real world.

Backed Up Advisor

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Required: (Striker/Trump) Backup

You can back up the memories of any of your advisors, and imprint it into a body that you are touching. Not only does this not overwrite the new host's original powers and experiences, they also gain the power of the advisor. To do so, you need three things. First, you must cultivate a good relationship with the advisor, and second, you need a body that has at least 50% similarities with the advisor's own body, and finally you need the consent of the original host of the body (master powers cannot influence this decision). The process will take around 10 minutes, and the advisor's will lose their inherent loyalty afterwards.

Simulacrum Mentors

Cost: 12 SP

Required: (Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Required: (Master/Trump) Multiversal Emulator

Your advisors have evolved from simple advisors to Mentors. With their permission and approval, you can acquire their abilities by either training with them, or spending energy to instantaneously gain their powers. Additionally, your energy reserves are now increased, enabling you to access up to 30 energy points (45 with Negentropy).


Cost: 11 SP

Required: (Trump/Brute) Madness

Required: (Trump) Loyal Companion

You are now a Berserker class servant, or at least you have the capabilities of one. You have been bestowed with immense capabilities, including the ability to grant individuals the power of Command Seals. By using these Seals, individuals can compel and buff you to perform extraordinary feats. Your powers and physical prowess have been greatly amplified, giving you the strength to rival Alexandria. In addition to that, you also gain Battle Continuation, a Skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. With this kind of raw power on your side, you stand a far greater chance at achieving victory on the battlefield. However, be warned that the immense strength granted by your Berserker status may come at a cost, as it may result in a loss of sanity or rationality, making it challenging to control your actions and emotions.


Cost: 8 SP

Required: (Striker/Changer) Wolf Time

Required: Rachel Lindt,Bitch,

You gain and can grant anyone a permanent changer ability. When used on a human, they can change into a canine, as well as a hybrid between a canine and a human. If used on a canine, their intelligence is boosted; they gain a human form and a hybrid form that mixes their canine features with their human ones. The hybrid form boasts enhanced strength, durability, agility, and an asymmetrical covering of bony plates, spikes, exposed muscles, calcified flesh, and prehensile tails. Even in their base form they will have increased strength, regeneration and senses.

Reality Hacker

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Code

Required: (Tinker) Space,(Tinker) Nuclear,

Your specialization extends to include quantum and particle physics. With it you can create computers and programs that alter the world around them. The more powerful the effect the more powerful the computer needs to be. Basically letting you create Shaker/Strange effects.

Theoretical Communications

Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Communication

Required: (Tinker) Quantum Computing,(Tinker) Software,

You are capable of receiving messages from the future. Since computer science is nothing but messages, this means that data itself is spread across time.


Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Cybernetics

Required: (Tinker) Self-Alteration,Bonesaw,

Your improvement/augmentation focus in the physical, the mental and the spiritual alike.


Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Software

Required: (Tinker) Quantum Computing

You can program more than computers. You can code brains, and even shards. However, you need specialized equipment in order to do this. You can create programs that analyze and draw conclusions, creating programs with Thinker powers. This even allows for limited precognitive abilities using incredibly complex analysis programs. Requires extensive data input and processing power to work, however.


Cost: 5 SP (Cache)

Cost: 1 SP (Cache)

Required: (Tinker) Electronics

Required: (Tinker) Chemistry

You are not limited to electronics, managing to create wetware, gooware, molecular, Optical/Spintronics or even Stochastic computers..

Simurgh Lite

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Tinker) Jack of All Trades

Required: Tattletale,Sarah Livsey/Lisa Wilbourn,

You maintain the powers of Jack of All Trades and Tattletale now however whenever a tinker or thinker enters a radius of one hundred feet of your body these two powers start learning from those parahuman’s powers and permanently improve themselves. This does not give your powers all the capabilities of those parahumans, it just improves your powers with ten percent of the capabilities of the copied parahumans, with those capabilities perfectly integrated into the two base powers. Similar technological knowledge in tinker powers or functionality in thinker powers does not stack when copied by your power from different parahumans, instead only unique or superior attributes are copied and integrated.


Cost: 16 SP

Required: (Master) Geas

Required: (Stranger/Trump) Exchange Broker

Whenever you make a deal with someone, regardless of whether or not they know about your abilities, an invisible contract is formed. If the other party does not uphold their end of the Deal, you have the power to take anything from them, but the severity of what can be taken is limited based on the severity of the breach. The longer they owe you something, the more you can take from them as interest.

The Living Force

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Brute/Mover) Alexandria

Required: (Striker/Shaker) Tyrant

Required: (Brute) Unstoppable Force

Your main ability centers around the manipulation of forces acting upon or originating from your own body, and it operates with next to no upper limit. This means you can output forces equivalent to several megatons worth of TNT with nothing but a casual flick of your wrist, reach absurd levels of superluminal speeds during flight, and endure the entirety of the world's nuclear arsenals ten times over without sustaining a scratch. Your strength reaches staggering levels, allowing you to move celestial bodies with raw strength alone or reshape continents with little to no effort.

As your power isn't dependent of your muscles or any physical component, you can lift things and people without worrying about structural integrity or their safety as your field protects them and the environment from any adverse effects caused by you if you don't want them harmed.

When it comes to defense, you have two options: you can either neutralize incoming forces, rendering bullets harmless as they cascade harmlessly around your feet, or redirect these energies back towards their source, causing projectiles to ricochet and fists to shatter against your unyielding chest. When not consciously controlling the vectors of your power, you inadvertently nullify the full spectrum of forces your abilities can harness, dramatically weakening cosmic forces to the point where the epicenter of a black hole pulls no harder than a gentle breeze, the searing heat of a star's core registers as mild discomfort, and standing at the epicenter of a supernova merely tousles your hair.

Your sensory abilities are elevated to unparalleled levels of extremity. You possess the power to fine-tune your hearing, enabling you to decipher conversations spanning entire planets. Your vision allows you to discern intricate details of distant alien worlds simply by gazing into the night sky. You can even perceive the intricate dance of strings and quantum particles held within the palm of your hand.

Your movements are executed with subatomic precision, allowing you to snatch bullets from the air effortlessly or effortlessly outmatch even the most skilled hand-to-hand combatants at their own game. You have transcended the need for any form of sustenance, whether it be the physical requirements like air, nourishment, water, or sleep, or more abstract psychological ones.

Liminal Levels

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Shaker) Liminal Landscaper

Required: (Trump) Gamer System,Gamer System,

Pulling from discrete entities that have entered or are a part of your landscape your gamer system can set up theme designed levels in order to challenge you. You can choose the starting conditions and different aspects of the generation conditions, including gameplay, privacy settings, and different narrative frameworks based on the assets. Once selected the player loses control of the generation process and will have to re-enter the landscape to begin the level. The complexity and depth of the generated levels is dependent on the number of charges stored in the landscape + stored in you. This can integrate different aspects of your powers or gamer-related systems.

Power Guru

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Boosted

Required: Permanent Change

Required: Controlled Tweaking

You can jailbreak powers. Doing so lets you free up other people's abilities by taking off their limitations or unlocking new capabilities, but there are some limits. First, you can't change the core concept of the power, so a person with pyrokinesis won't suddenly become a chrono kinetic. You can give power properties of another power by being in contact with two capes at once. Second, the more changes you make, the longer it will take before you can do it again. The longest you'll have to wait between jailbreaking someone is a month. Each person you work with has their own cooldown period, so there's no need to wait to help others. Lastly, each change can only increase the power's cost by 15 SP or double its original cost, whichever is less. You can still give side-grades to powers without cooldown.

Techno-Magica ?

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Tinker) Electronics

Required: Ki (Dragon Ball),Chakra (Naruto),Sendo (JJBA),(Striker/Trump/Thinker) Chi Blocking,

You now possess the ability to perceive pseudo-spiritual energy as it flows through electronic devices. By channeling this energy through your hands, you can apply various effects to it. These effects include deactivating it, crashing it, inducing a sleep-like state, freezing its operation, or causing it to lose concept of time. Such altered states are challenging to reverse without the use of pseudo-spiritual energy, making settings were they "don't exist" nearly impervious to disruption.


Cost: 5 SP

Required: Great Mage

Required: Rune

With this power, your runes can become a conduit allowing them to act as a bridge between your pocket dimensions or telekinesis. You can now inscribe runes on any object, effectively turning them into anchors. These runes can be finely tuned to control various aspects, such as the type of dimension they access, their activation duration, and the intensity of their effects. However, the stronger the rune, the longer it takes to inscribe, with the process varying from a few seconds to several minutes. You can only have up to 30 runes at a time.

You possess complete awareness of your runes' locations up to a 50-meter radius and maintain a faint sense of their presence up to 500 meters away. Additionally, you can activate any of your inscribed runes mentally. Should you move beyond a 1000-meter range, your runes will become dormant but will reactivate upon your return to the area.

The aesthetic of your runes can be customized to any form of symbology or lettering you prefer.

Atropos Wannabe

Cost: 10 SP

Required: The Old

Required: (Thinker) Omniscient

Don't fancy a battle? Need something eliminated? Planning a massacre? Now, the question isn't whether it can be killed, but rather, how brutally and stylishly you want it done. You possess the power to kill anything, whether it's a person, a machine, or even abstract concepts like 'this conversation,' 'his reputation,' or 'her bank account'. If something can be terminated in any conceivable way, you have the knowledge and capability to execute it flawlessly automatically. Should you choose to hold back your lethal abilities during a confrontation, you can 'pull your punches' with deliberate intent and when it comes to caring or showing concern you can 'give zero fucks' about anything whether in whole or in part.

Game's got Glitched

Cost: 14 SP

Required: Stacked Move

Required: (Breaker) Superposition

You can take up to 10 simultaneous actions under an area of 300m, completely free to "pick" a possible course of action within an area, with the feature of either "stack" it with another similar movement, or "glitching" your moves to flicker them into actions within that moment.

Titan Network

Cost: 14 SP

Required: (Trump/Striker) Krampus

Required: (Trump) Network Hub

Required: (Breaker/Trump) Cronus

You can cause Parahumans to have a 'broken' second trigger, becoming a titan and connecting to you in a network. Like you, they will retain full agency. They will not only have access to all the powers from their Shard, but also be able to use abilities of other Shards in the network, although to a far more limiting degree.

You will be the 'head' of the network, but if a shard with higher/same ranking then yours join the network, they can attempt to forcefully seize control.

Quantum Evolution

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Thinker) Danger Sense

Required: (Changer) Accelerated Evolution,

Accelerated Evolution now makes use of the information Danger Sense provides and starts adapting you in response to danger as it receives that information. The more intense the danger and close to present it is the more effective the adaptations become at helping you survive it.

Paramount Pity Rolls

Cost: 5 SP

Required: (Trump) Paramount

Required: (Trump) Randomizer,

Both Randomizer and Paramount work normally at first except every ten rolls from Randomizer that fail to result in a permanent power; you will be given a pity roll randomly selected from the list of Tier 1 powers Paramount can access that is guaranteed to be permanent.

After all paramount powers are made permanent, pity rolls stop happening.

If you use the same power through Randomizer and Paramount at the same time, their overall power can be combined and doubled in strength.

Gestalt Simulator

Cost: 11 SP

Required: (Striker/Trump) Backup

Required: (Striker/Master) Memory Injector

Retaining the functions from each power, you now have a “phone book” containing a person’s psyche and memories, capable of manipulating them to the point of melding them into a gestalt of multiple people; this has a peculiar effect on their existent powers, synthesizing into a power made from a sum of their parts, possibly shape how it’s expressed by editing the person or gestalt’s recollection of their Trigger Event.

You can overwrite others with a person or gestalt of your choosing by physical touch.

The Taught

Cost: 4 SP

Required: (Thinker) Polymath

Required: Teacher,Teacher,

You can grant another person a thinker/tinker power or a wide range of skills. While you can only imbue a single thinker/tinker power (or three with negentropy) per person, you can imbue up to seven (or ten with negentropy) skills. Bestowing more skills or a more potent thinker/tinker power strengthens the loyalty the target has for you, with them becoming completely fanatical to you at the highest level. Note that while this is the case, they can still function and are able to think for themselves, as long as what they are thinking about isn't related to you.

The duration of your boosts, however, is inversely proportional to their strength — the more potent the thinker/tinker power or the more skills granted, the shorter its duration, lasting up to a year at most and a week at least.

Accelerator, The One Way Road

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Striker) Vector Alteration

Required: (Thinker) Number Man

Inspired by the incredible Esper ability of Accelerator, your mathematical prowess and control over vectors have been combined into the overwhelming power known as Vector Manipulation. This power grants you the ability to create a thin field maintained by mathematical formula around yourself, enabling you to manipulate vector values of anything near you.

With this ability you can control various vectors, such as those related to kinetic energy, heat, electricity, and gravity. Initially limited to phenomena governed by physical laws known to humanity's laws of physics, your mathematical prowess allows you to incorporate vectors from unknown sources so long as you can analyze and adapt them into your equations, such as exotic matter, space-time distortions, parahuman powers, and potentially even phenomena unknown to the Entities like magic. As a result this adaptability may allow you to bend even the most foreign rules of reality to your advantage.

Your (Thinker) Number Man power has been enhanced to the point of enabling you to do things like predict and dodge attacks effortlessly, foresee future actions, identify weak points in your opponents, precisely measure objects, leverage your strength flawlessly, sense your surroundings through subtle vibrations, and sense the internal vectors of things you touch while simultaneously using attacks and defenses which require complex calculations. These mental capabilities provide you with unparalleled strategic insight, making you a formidable force in any confrontation.

Origin Story

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Trump/Thinker) Trigger Bomb

Required: (Trump/Striker) Krampus

Required: Flint

Diabolical. That’s how you can think about this.

Why? How about the ability to consciously and remotely cause any Parahuman or Non-Parahuman to relive the worst moment of their lives? Does that count?

In detail, while you do retain your original capabilities, do you want to know more? Because you are also liable to cause any parahuman to vividly experience their Trigger Event, causing enough distress to Second Trigger. For potential parahumans, you either create a fabricated Trigger Event in their minds according to their mental stressors and/or psychological weak points so you can make them experience said simulation, or simply use Trigger Bomb for the process. To non-parahumans process is similar, with the detail of developing a Corona Pollentia to accomplish the same.

Reincarnated as a Slime

Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Changer/Trump) Slime

Required: (Changer/Trump) Kirby

Required: (Breaker) Immune Response

Required: (Thinker) Omniscient

Required: (Changer/Stranger) Human Shapeshift,(Changer) Self-Biokinesis,

Your slime form evolves to a new level. Your body is now composed of homogeneous cells that can adapt to any tasks required. You lose access to the individual powers and instead your form gains new powers.

Your body keeps its resistance to all forms of sickness, poison, heat, radiation, electricity, and acid from Immune Response. You also do not feel pain anymore due to the nature of your physiology and gain a degree of resistance to physical attacks.

Omniscience, evolves and assists the host with a variety of functions. Virtual IntelligenceThe Shard interacts with the host as a disembodied emotionless voice and can also project complex information directly into the host's mind if necessary. At first, the virtual intelligence will only answer when interacted with but will over time learn from its host and interject when it deems it necessary. The stronger the bond between the Shard and the Host becomes the better the intelligence becomes and might even anticipate the Host's needs at times. Appraisal allows the host to obtain information about a targeted object, being, or phenomenon. The target must be visible to the user to be appraised. Knowledge allows the user to access the Shard's knowledge about the world.

Predator unlocks the Slime form's full potential with a number of abilities. Stomach provides a pocket of storage for materials absorbed and extraneous mass. Quarantine is a section of the stomach reserved for harmful or waste materials that will be destroyed and converted into extra mass and energy. Predation allows the user to absorb an object or being into themselves and digest them, it is easier to absorb inanimate objects or unconscious beings than conscious ones unless the size difference is great enough. You can also absorb power effects as long as they are tangible (i.e. lasers and force-fields but no Thinker or mind-based Stranger/Master powers). If you absorb and digest a Parahuman's Corona Pollentia and Gemma you can Mimic their powers in full (but it will kill the Parahuman in question). You can release beings that you have absorbed into yourself unharmed if you choose to, however it does not prevent them from being traumatized by the experience. Analysis allows the use of Appraisal to analyze absorbed objects of effects and Mimicry allows the reproduction of analyzed objects, for beings it allows the host to mimic their form or attributes (as long as sufficient mass is available in storage) or reproduce the objects (as long as the appropriate base materials are available). Mimicry allows shapeshifting into any analyzed shape and even mix-and-match components of multiple shapes, you can also improve and modify them if you have Self-Biokinesis. You can reproduce any tangible power effect you have analyzed however doing so requires concentration which limits how many you can use at once. If you have multiple similar powers (like several different lasers) they will combine into one with the properties of all of them. If you have a Tinker power, you can build objects with Mimicry if you have the requisite base materials or components in your stomach.

Unlimited Trump Works

Cost: 15 SP

Required: (Trump) Manager

Required: (Trump) Prototype

Required: (Trump) Shard Supply Store

Manager, Prototype, and Shard Supply Store have fused into Unlimited Trump Works.

Your power slots merge into a single cluster of one core slots, which can hold a power rated 14 (~80 SP), three primary slots, which can hold powers rated 12 (~60 SP), six major slots, which can hold powers rated 10 (~40 SP), and nine minor slots, which can hold powers rated 8 (~20 SP). In addition to this, the power also has reserve slots to store inactive powers that can be hot-swapped into their active counterpart. Each rank has three reserve slots per active slot (3 for core, 9 for primary, 18 for major, and 27 for minor.)

These slots can be filled in several ways. You can copy powers from any Parahuman in a 100m range from you, this comes with the ability to sense their presence and approximate location, steal a power by touching a Parahuman directly, or you can create powers that match your specifications. This can be done manually by assembling components from the library Shard Supply Store provides and sealing them into a pattern at the cost of one charge, or by spending charges to automate the creation. Powers created this way starts with a rating of 4 for one charge and increases in cost according to the triangular number sequence (costs for ratings 4 to 14: 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66). Prototype is capable of generating almost any power you ask for and can fill in the blanks if your specification is incomplete. You can also generate random powers with a category of your choice for a 50% discount. (You cannot create Trump powers that can modify Unlimited Trump Works itself under any circumstances.)

In addition to this, each of your slots possesses a number of auxiliary slots that function as augments or support powers, they behave the same way as (Trump) Aliena and can each contain 20 points worth. Your core slot has five auxiliaries, each primary slot has three, and each major slot has two.

Powers in reserve slots are passively improved based on data collected while they are in use, you can force this process to happen in an active slot by expending 1 charge but the power will be weakened by 20% until the changes are finalized (this takes about 2-6 hours). You are also able to alter them by modifying the pattern, either manually at no cost (but this takes time and experimentation), or automatically at the expense of one or more charges depending on the extent of the modifications. You can also cycle through different expressions of the power at the cost of one charge and either replace the power or copy the new expression to a reserve slot. The powers in your major and minor slots can be transferred to other people, you will lose access to the power but retain knowledge of the pattern.

You gain 15 charges per day (25 with Negentropy) and your component library completely refills in around a week, depending on how many components were used. Other powers you possess that cost 20 SP or less are automatically attached as slots in a separate cluster but do not gain reserve or auxiliary slots. They can be modified only by expending charges but cannot be copied or given out.

The Ascension

Required: (Breaker/Trump) Cronus

Required: (Thinker/Trump) [Query] [Response]

Required: (Trump) Manager

Required: (Trump) Prototype

Required: (Tinker/Trump) Shards

Required: (Shaker/Blaster) Stilling

Required: Shard of the Warrior Entity,Shard of the Wanderer,Shard of the Thinker Entity,Inner Beast,

Your Shard overloaded the connection between you and it when it tried to give you too much power and accidentally destroyed its own mind in the process. As a consequence of that, you are now the [Shard], the [Host], and in time, you will become the [Entity]. Your human body looks normal for now, but as time passes it will slowly transform, making you look more and more artificial as your human flesh is gradually transformed into Shard flesh and you have managed to inherit your Shard's ability to take over other shards when its host defeats another host, which means if you defeat parahumans then their shards will be added to your newborn network. Be careful, though, for other entities will recognize what you are and will seek to destroy you if they find you though luckily your powers are fully unlocked with no artificial limitations or restrictions, with your only limitation being how much [Energy] you have.

(The Entity whose shard was used to Ascend will not be alerted of your Ascension)