Your slime form evolves to a new level. Your body is now composed of homogeneous cells that can adapt to any tasks required. You lose access to the individual powers and instead your form gains new powers.
Your body keeps its resistance to all forms of sickness, poison, heat, radiation, electricity, and acid from Immune Response. You also do not feel pain anymore due to the nature of your physiology and gain a degree of resistance to physical attacks.
Omniscience, evolves and assists the host with a variety of functions. Virtual IntelligenceThe Shard interacts with the host as a disembodied emotionless voice and can also project complex information directly into the host's mind if necessary. At first, the virtual intelligence will only answer when interacted with but will over time learn from its host and interject when it deems it necessary. The stronger the bond between the Shard and the Host becomes the better the intelligence becomes and might even anticipate the Host's needs at times. Appraisal allows the host to obtain information about a targeted object, being, or phenomenon. The target must be visible to the user to be appraised. Knowledge allows the user to access the Shard's knowledge about the world.
Predator unlocks the Slime form's full potential with a number of abilities. Stomach provides a pocket of storage for materials absorbed and extraneous mass. Quarantine is a section of the stomach reserved for harmful or waste materials that will be destroyed and converted into extra mass and energy. Predation allows the user to absorb an object or being into themselves and digest them, it is easier to absorb inanimate objects or unconscious beings than conscious ones unless the size difference is great enough. You can also absorb power effects as long as they are tangible (i.e. lasers and force-fields but no Thinker or mind-based Stranger/Master powers). If you absorb and digest a Parahuman's Corona Pollentia and Gemma you can Mimic their powers in full (but it will kill the Parahuman in question). You can release beings that you have absorbed into yourself unharmed if you choose to, however it does not prevent them from being traumatized by the experience. Analysis allows the use of Appraisal to analyze absorbed objects of effects and Mimicry allows the reproduction of analyzed objects, for beings it allows the host to mimic their form or attributes (as long as sufficient mass is available in storage) or reproduce the objects (as long as the appropriate base materials are available). Mimicry allows shapeshifting into any analyzed shape and even mix-and-match components of multiple shapes, you can also improve and modify them if you have Self-Biokinesis. You can reproduce any tangible power effect you have analyzed however doing so requires concentration which limits how many you can use at once. If you have multiple similar powers (like several different lasers) they will combine into one with the properties of all of them. If you have a Tinker power, you can build objects with Mimicry if you have the requisite base materials or components in your stomach.