Project V17/Powers/Shard/Fusions/Isekai

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Cost: 10 SP

Required: (Thinker/Trump) Kingmaker

Required: (Mover/Thinker) Ideal Transit

Required: (Thinker) Vision

With a touch you can transport people into alternate realities, sending them on an adventure tailor made with their strengths and weaknesses in mind. Once the adventure is complete, they will return to where they were originally, with no more than a few seconds having passed.

You possess the power to transport individuals to alternate realities, crafting personalized adventures that cater to their strengths and weaknesses. Time inside the alternate reality may pass differently, the entire experience will only last a few seconds in their original reality, and they will return to the same place once their adventures has concluded. Additionally, they will retain all the knowledge and abilities they acquire during their adventures. They cannot gain Shardless powers unless you have esoteric knowledge. You can use this power on yourself, but it is recommended to give yourself at least a week long break after each adventure.