Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Striker

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(Striker) Knockout

Cost: 1 SP

When you touch someone, you can mark them. But touching that mark again, you can apply a number of effects on them. You can paralyze them for 15 minutes, put them to sleep, or dull their senses. The effect is amplified if the second touch is a punch or kick. This power works through thin gloves. The mark fades after 12 hours.

(Striker/Trump) Teddybear

Cost: 2 SP

You can use objects as an expression of yourself. Such as the tip of a spear counting for your Striker powers or clothes as part of your Brute powers.

(Striker) Hardlight

Cost: 3 SP

You can form hard light constructions with a thought. You can have no more than 10 cubic meters of hard light at any one time. There is no limit to complexity if you can keep the blueprint memorized.

(Striker/Shaker) Cleanse

Cost: 3 SP

You can clean anything within a five-meter bubble of you and whatever you're directly touching, immediately removing any dust, dirt/mud, oil/grease, non-water fluids, and anything else commonly considered 'filth' from the area of effect. This also extends to some things not typically thought of as filth, such as scorch marks or tarnish on metals, or tire marks on asphalt and concrete. You may choose if removed filth is absorbed by your power or simply displaced to elsewhere.

(Striker/Master) Forget me yes

Cost: 3 SP

Whenever you touch someone, you can make them forget everything that happened within the last 24 hours.

(Striker) Renewal

Cost: 4 SP

You can restore damaged inanimate objects back to their newest forms. The larger and more complicated an object the longer it takes. Repairing a normal sword can take minutes but Tinker Tech can take hours.

(Striker) Change Size

Cost: 4 SP

You can change the size of any inorganic object you touch, and changes are permanent. The size you can change an object to ranges from the size of an ant to the size of a car, and you cannot affect objects that are already outside this range. Mass is not changed, and you may undo this change at will.

(Striker/Shaker) Hole

Cost: 4 SP

You can make a permanent hole through any surface by touching it. It may be of any shape, but the maximum width is 3 meters, and the maximum length is 10 meters. This cannot erase living matter or power-generated matter/energy, such as force fields. You may undo this change at any time, but anything still inside it will meld with resulting matter, so be careful. You can only have one hole active at once, though you can reactivate previous holes without needing to touch their origin again.

(Striker) Stop!

Cost: 4 SP

You can make it so anything that touches you over a certain velocity will suddenly lose all their velocity when they touch you. This is automatic.

(Striker/Tinker) Amplify Charges

Cost: 4 SP

Any object you touch can be imbued with Charges. The amount of Charges they possess is dictated by the quality of the object. Amplified objects will take an entire day to recover all of their charges. A basic gun can possess a single charge, while a Tinker device can possess even more. A single charge doubles the quality and damage of the object and spending another charge will double it again. A single charge lasts 10 seconds but doubles every additional charge spent.

(Striker) Vibranium

Cost: 5 SP

By touching metal, you can turn it into Vibranium, a nearly invulnerable material that also acts as a near-perfect shock absorber. The better quality the material, the stronger and better at absorbing the energy the Vibranium is. You convert metal to Vibranium at a rate of 1 cubic centimeter a minute. If you go a week without touching a Vibranium construct, it will revert to its previous metal at the same rate.

(Striker) Midas Touch

Cost: 5 SP

The user possesses the ability to convert any object or material they come in contact with into pure gold, merely through the touch of their hand. With just one touch, they can instantly turn anything into a shining golden specimen, whether it be metal, wood, stone, or any other material. This power is highly versatile and can be leveraged in numerous situations, from combat to economic prosperity. However, it also comes with a considerable drawback; any item transformed into gold cannot be reverted back to its original state and is forever lost to the owner. This power can effect other living being, albeit at a slower rate.

(Striker) Mass Manipulation

Cost: 5 SP

You can manipulate the mass of any inorganic object you touch, and changes are permanent. The mass of the object you change must be at most two orders of magnitude different from it's original mass.

(Striker/Blaster) The Spin

Cost: 5 SP

You have the ability to touch an object and induce a rotational force with your point of contact being the pivot. It starts at a manageable level, but with each rotation, the object accelerates more and more. This momentum is built up over time, allowing you to launch high speed objects in a desired direction at any moment. The friction at the point of contact is reduced, allowing the object to spin with minimal resistance. The force and speed of the launch is directly proportional to the speed and force with which you spin the object. You may not spin objects with a volume greater than 10 cubic meters.

(Striker) Phase Touch

Cost: 5 SP

Any object or person you touch can selectively phase through anything you want. You cannot apply this to yourself and you can make something phase through multiple things if needed. Even if you cannot properly identify what that something is, you can phase through it so long as you have seen it or can imagine it.

(Striker) Edge

Cost: 5 SP

You can touch any type of bladed weapon and turn its edge sharp enough to cut through almost anything. It couldn't effectively cut through an Endbringer's flesh, but it could cut through steel with only moderate effort. The durability of the weapon is also increased to be able to cut through incredibly hard materials without taking damage or losing its edge.

(Striker) History’s Pain

Cost: 5 SP

The user can cause old wounds to re-open or bones to re-break regardless of how long ago the original injury was.

(Striker/Tinker) Fuse

Cost: 6 SP

You can fuse two things together temporarily that possess all the properties and powers of the two things combined. You can even fuse two already fused things together, there are no limits to what can be fused. Although they also increase in size when fusing them, making them unwieldy if you fuse too much.

(Striker) Echo

Cost: 6 SP

When touching an object with one hand, the user can generate a mirror image of it from their other hand. These copies are identical to the originals, except for the fact that they are black like obsidian, or onyx. The objects weighs effectively nothing to the user, but it behaves as if has the same mass as the original towards anybody else touching it.

(Striker/Blaster) Fiery Moves

Cost: 6 SP

By concentrating hard, the user can augment their physical movements with fiery versions of those motions that emanate out in the direction of the motion. Maintaining focus can let them extend the range of the fiery copies. These fiery copies also have their own set of mass and force, and can easily spread, even on none flamable material.

(Striker/Brute) Cutthroat

Cost: 6 SP

The user can create a near invisible claws and teeth at their nails and in their mouth respectively. The claws and teeth can slide between atoms and sever molecular bonds. In addition to that, the user physique is slightly enhanced. The users jaw is greatly enhanced, making it possible for them to crush reinforced steel with their biting force.

(Striker/Trump) Gooey Steroids

Cost: 6 SP

The user can secretes a slime-like substance that, when applied, gives them a temporary large boost in strength. You can control how much you secrete and how potent it is.

(Striker) Shake, Shake, Shake

Cost: 6 SP

You can, with a touch, make Shaker powers behave like Striker and Striker powers become like Shakers, the strength will be adjusted from the range change(up or down). Vista will gain a power like Labyrinth and Clockblocker will be able to stop things he can see for less time than before. This change holds for 24H or you dispel the effect by touching them again.

(Striker/Trump) Perk

Cost: 7 SP

With a touch, you can give people up to 8 copies of your perks or drawbacks, as long as they make sense to be something that can be given. For example, Endbringer Target could be given, but Overcharge Strike or Second Wave Parahumans could not be given. You can take away these perks/drawbacks at will. If you die they keep the perks/drawbacks forever, unless another Parahuman can remove them. Giving someone Mental Barrier will remove any Master Effects on them, even if they were a one-time effect that isn't actively maintained.

(Striker) Grippy Grip

Cost: 7 SP

You can grab and hold onto anything. You can grab lasers and throw them back, explosions and redirect them, and you can even grab entire buildings if you are strong enough. You gain 15x faster reaction speed and anything you catch cannot harm you or escape your grip unless you want it to. This can negate teleportation as well.

(Striker/Changer) Wolf Time

Cost: 7 SP

The user can turn themselves and others into canine forms. The forms can vary wildly, but as long as at its base it is a canine, then you can transform yourselves or others into it. When transformed, the user and their targets will gain subconscious canine-based behavior (such as baring of teeth and direct eye contact when threatening others or feeling threatened).

(Striker) Wither

Cost: 8 SP

Anything you touch starts to decay, rot, and/or age at an increased rate. A minute of this on an object would be equivalent to a century, on something dead it would be equivalent to a decade, and on a living being a minute would be equal to a year. You can do this in reverse. You can choose if memories are affected.

(Striker) Hold Strike

Cost: 8 SP

By staying in one position for an extended amount of time, your next attack will become physically stronger. You do not gain more durability while holding still though. You effectively double in strength every 10 seconds.

(Striker) Delay Strike

Cost: 8 SP

Your attacks leave invisible marks in the air that allows you to repeat the action you did to make them exactly where you made them. You can trigger this whenever you want and lasts for a week.

(Striker) Stockpile

Cost: 8 SP

For every physical strike, you do that misses, your next attack that does hit a target will deal damage based on the cumulative damage of everything you did. It resets whenever you successfully hit a target.

(Striker/Trump/Thinker) Chi Blocking

Cost: 8 SP

You have an instinctive knowledge of a pseudospiritual energy that flows through peoples' bodies. You can instinctively tell how this energy flows through their bodies. By imbuing your hands with this pseudospiritual energy you can apply certain effects to your opponents through the pseudospiritual energy flow's pressure points. This includes deactivating their powers, putting them into an unconscious state, putting them in a suggestive state, making them intoxicated, making them completely lose all concept of time, etc.

(Striker) Melty

Cost: 8 SP

You can melt inorganic and organic matter into slush and solidify them. This takes longer on organic beings than it does with inorganic, you can also selectively melt and solidify things you touch. If you are good enough, you can melt two living creatures together in a way where they still function.

(Striker/Master) Body-Swap

Cost: 8 SP

If you touch someone, you can swap bodies with them. All powers aside from this one swap. If you touch two people, you can swap them instead.

(Striker) Tactile Telekinesis

Cost: 8 SP

You have telekinetic control over yourself and everything within one inch of yourself. Your control is very fine. You can make yourself go up to 120 mph with this.

(Striker) Divide

Cost: 8 SP

The user can "halve" anything with a touch. The bigger the physical object, the longer it takes (scales progressively). Objects always get halved at exactly 50% of their mass. User has some amount of control how and where objects get halved. The user can halve anything weighing a couple of kilograms instantly. The user can also halve imaginary "concepts" or forces that affect objects and people, such as "This object's drag is only half" or "This person only uses half of their stamina when moving". They can have 2-5 ongoing halvings at a time. The more spesific and limited the halving, the easier it is to maintain.

(Striker/Mover) Buoyancy

Cost: 8 SP

You can manipulate the buoyancy of anything you touch. This can include yourself. This could allow one to float, sink, or fly in any fluid medium, such as water or air. You can make cars float in the air or jump far distances with a leap. You can maintain control over any object you are affected by, even if you are no longer touching them, and can release control whenever.

(Striker/Tinker) Dress Up!

Cost: 8 SP

You can temporarily enhance your equipment for greater enhancement. They will have greater flexibility, strength, durability, and speed. If they do not possess any special qualities, they will gain one. The temporary enhancement will alter the appearance of your equipment on the theme of how they were original. If it possessed frills it will be more frilly while if it were more mechanical it would grow even more machine-like.

(Striker/Brute) Stop! Hammer Time.

Cost: 9 SP

You can pull a hammer out of hammer space and hit someone hard enough to send them flying. No matter what this won't seriously harm them, though it may incapacitate them for a time. The hammer is a perfect shield, unbreakable and inviolable. The only person who can put any force onto it is you. Your reflexes are enhanced to peak-human. Flechette's power would be redirected by this.

(Striker/Trump) Backup

Cost: 9 SP

The user can absorb and store the personalities and powers of others. The absorbed memories and powers can be imprinted into a new body, creating a separate existence. The process does not overwrite the new host's original powers and experiences. The power-absorption is temporary if the target is in good health but can become permanent if they are weakened.

(Striker/Master) Memory Injector

Cost: 9 SP

Through physical touch, you can inject memories or experiences (either your own or someone else's), so the target lives out those memories perfectly. This can be utilized so that every physical and emotional sensation will feel real to them. Enough contact may incapacitate the target, or cause them to be in a coma, even death.

To increase effectiveness, you gain a fraction of memories from the people you previously touched.

(Striker) Explosive Armor

Cost: 9 SP

You can automatically create explosions at any hostile force that touches your body without harming you. You can set how dangerous something needs to be in order to trigger this effect. The explosion is as strong as a grenade. You can also create explosions from wherever you want on your body without something triggering it.

(Striker) Combo

Cost: 9 SP

Your melee attacks get stronger in a geometric progression the longer you attack the same target without stopping. You have to continue hitting your opponent with pauses no longer than 5 seconds between the strikes or your combo will be broken.

(Striker/Shaker) Fragmentation

Cost: 9 SP

You can alter any object you touch to momentarily act like broken safety glass that is easily shattered. You could walk through a reinforced metal door or person like they aren't even there. This also works on forcefield effects but doesn't function on Endbringers past the surface layers. The property wears off a few seconds after contact with you.

(Striker) Rewind

Cost: 9 SP

You can selectively rewind the state of anything you touch, including yourself, to a previous state. You can do things such as rewinding your physical state to heal injuries or repair objects, rewinding someone’s mind to erase select portions of their memories, or even rewind someone’s entire state to resurrect them. You can selectively choose what aspects to rewind such as only physical, to restore someone to a younger and healthy body without erasing their memories, or perhaps just healing someone’s injuries they have gotten from training without removing any benefits from said training.

(Striker) 1000 Degree Knife

Cost: 10 SP

Your body isn't 1000 degrees... it's 10000 degrees Fahrenheit, a little over the temperature of the sun's surface. Your temperature won't interact with the air unless you want it to, and can be turned off or confined to certain limbs at any time you will it. You cannot be hurt by any heat less than 20000 degrees Fahrenheit.

(Striker) Replicate

Cost: 10 SP

You can replicate matter through physical contact. You may replicate multiple things at once, but you cannot replicate over 200 kilograms of material at a time. Clones share access with the original's shard.

(Striker) Property Catalogue

Cost: 10 SP

Whenever you touch a object, being, or surface, its physical properties get added to your Property Catalogue. You may later choose to apply one of these properties to another object, being, or surface by touching it. These physical properties may be either something basic like texture, color, density, or durability; or a more advanced property like conductivity, reactivity, or even uniform chemical makeup.

(Striker) Ouroboros

Cost: 10 SP

You can revert any living being to its youngest form, such as a baby, a seed, an egg, and so on. The target will retain the memories, growth, personality, and powers that it had before the transformation, even if they are not typical for its new age. This power only works on living beings who reached the prime of their life or past that.

(Striker) Vector Alteration

Cost: 10 SP

With a touch you can change the direction of anything that touches you. It remains at the speed it was going prior to you touching it, only its direction has changed.

(Striker) Resistance Down

Cost: 10 SP

You can make anything you touch to have the durability, resistances, and even esoteric defenses reduced by an arbitrary amount. This can range from making the human body's acid resistance to be lower than stomach acid to making Endbringer cores incapable of negating powers.

(Striker) Implosion

Cost: 10 SP

You can choose to make anything you touch implode inwards on contact and destroy itself. This only works on physical objects or people, you can also delay this for a maximum of a day. You can also choose to remove your timed Implosions.

(Striker) Death Touch

Cost: 10 SP

If you touch someone and you want them dead, they're dead. This only works on humans.

(Striker) Time Strike

Cost: 10 SP

You possess the power to manipulate a web of energy, allowing you to use it to send objects or individuals into the future. By utilizing this energy, you can cause the objects or individuals to temporarily cease to exist and reappear at a later time. However, if an object is in their relative location after they reappear, they will end up fusing, causing damage to both objects. If you were to use all of your energy at once, you can send someone a year into the future. Doing so will require over a month to recover all you energy.

(Striker) Redistribution of Pain

Cost: 10 SP

You can absorb damage done to living beings (including yourself) or objects, healing or repairing them, and store that damage in a battery of sorts. You can then give that damage, or a fraction of that damage, to someone or something else with a touch. This cannot bring back the dead, though it can repair their bodies.

(Striker/Mover) Spatial Rupture

Cost: 11 SP

Your attacks, be it from weapons, your fists, and so on leave undetectable remains only you can see and feel. You can choose to instantly teleport to one of these invisible remains whenever you choose or cause them to explode in an All or Nothing spatial rupture that destroys anything within a 3-meter range of it. You are immune to the effects of your own Spatial Slashes and they last up to a week, after which they will fizzle and fade.

(Striker) Reinforcement

Cost: 12 SP

You can make an object stronger, more durable, and better at its purpose than it was before. However, you need to be careful when doing this, doing it improperly can result in damage to the object. You can use this on yourself, though it could kill you if you do it badly.

(Striker/Shaker) Jinx

Cost: 12 SP

You can steal luck with a touch. The effect fades over time - a person whose luck was stolen will gradually get back to baseline normal. It might be possible to temporarily gain the luck equivalent to (Shaker) It Gets Worse, but it will only last for a few minutes and you need to drain at least 100 people within the time frame of 10 seconds.

(Striker) Clockstopper

Cost: 12 SP

With a touch, you can freeze any object or person in time for a maximum of 15 minutes. At any time you can unfreeze any frozen object, but after 5 minutes it will get more and more likely to unfreeze all on its own. After ten minutes you can no longer force the object to unfreeze. With a touch, you can unfreeze objects frozen by Clockblocker. You can break Gray Boy bubbles, as well as other localized temporal effects caused by Bakuda and other temporal manipulators.

(Striker) "Healer"

Cost: 14 SP

By manipulating time and matter, you can return things to their original states and heal deep injuries, even if the patient is just barely alive you would be able to save them and restore their bodies to their optimum state. However, in order to do this the user must understand the perfect condition of the body that they are trying to restore, and in order to do that they must see all the memories and feel all the experience of the target by this technique, meaning that you would feel the lifetime pain of your patient in just a few seconds. This is only the most basic way to wield this power however. As a side effect of experiencing all your patient’s memories, you can use their skills. You can even take full control of your powers and altering the process you can modify the body of your targets at will.

(Striker/Shaker) Reconstitute

Cost: 15 SP

As long as you understand the structure of something, you can transmute it into a new form, as long as you understand that too and it has the same base atoms. All transmutations must obey the three laws of thermodynamics. You cannot bring back the dead with this.

(Striker/Trump) Idol Theory

Cost: 15 SP

You can turn fake toys and realistic fakes into the real thing. Toy guns can work as real guns and even pretend items mimicking other capes can work like a weaker version of the real thing. However, the quality of the item in question will dictate how powerful it is. A complete 1:1 copy can possess nearly equal power to the real thing. Cosplaying as other capes can grant you their powers as well, although you will never surpass the original and you can't copy Tinkers and some Trumps like Dauntless or Fairy Queen properly due to losing charges or fairies when you stop.

(Striker) Mutagen 

Cost: 15 SP

You have the ability to produce a gooey biological catalyst that causes living organisms that make contact with it to undergo tens of thousands of years of optimized evolution per second. This artificial evolution will cause the emergence of traits desired by the user of this power if they are possible with enough time, starting with and prioritising conscious desires and then working on subconscious desires if it has time. The catalyst is used to fuel the transformation with a rate of one gallon, for example, being completely used after a minute has passed. Can produce the catalyst at a rate of ten gallons per minute. The user of this power is immune to the effects of the catalyst but not to the effects of bacteria or viruses exposed to it. Can choose what types of life to allow the catalyst to effect and not effect when creating it like bacteria and viruses for example.