Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 1/Striker/(Striker/Trump) Idol Theory

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 1‎ | Striker

(Striker/Trump) Idol Theory

Cost: 15 SP

You can turn fake toys and realistic fakes into the real thing. Toy guns can work as real guns and even pretend items mimicking other capes can work like a weaker version of the real thing. However, the quality of the item in question will dictate how powerful it is. A complete 1:1 copy can possess nearly equal power to the real thing. Cosplaying as other capes can grant you their powers as well, although you will never surpass the original and you can't copy Tinkers and some Trumps like Dauntless or Fairy Queen properly due to losing charges or fairies when you stop.