Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Master/Thinker) PeaceBringer

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(Master/Thinker) PeaceBringer

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Counterpart to the vicious power of the Endbringer, you gain immense power in conflict resolution, you gain these abilities to help you resolve conflict. In a passive aura around you, equal to half of a mile in all directions, you completely disable a shards conflict drive. You gain the ability to soothe emotions, able to cancel violent feelings and induce minor joy and euphoria in all those within your aura range. You can cancel any powers actively being used for conflict within your sight line. You gain a thinker ability which lets you sense all violent emotions, thoughts, and actions within your aura range. You also become a tinker specializing in all machines, with minor enhancement, however you are given a massive boost in one area for 6 hours after you witness active conflict that could be best stopped by that specialization. (You see Fire users fight, you get a massive bonus in Cryo tech and heat absorption and dispersion tech) You are not given incredible strength, only equal to a level 4 brute. Your speed is equal to a level 8 mover. While you're defense and stamina get massive boosts, giving you enough to go at your best for at least 3 days straight and your defense is strong enough to easily tank Endbringer attacks and at least 10 full-power Entity attacks.