Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2

From Worm CYOA Wiki

(Trump) Gamer System

Cost: 20 SP

Your Shard grants you access to a game-like system to manage your power(s). By default, you have access to a basic system which includes attributes and the ability to grow by gaining experience. You gain experience by completing quests or defeating enemies (does not need to involve killing them) and can increase your attributes by training. How the system works in details depends on the Shard, two people with this power can have systems that work differently.

All other powers you select interface through this one and unlock their ability to grow. As you use them, your powers will grow in strength and will unlock new aspects.

Your growth potential is not unlimited, however. Your Shard can only support a certain amount of total progression. This limit will be communicated to you.

(Shaker/Blaster) Magnets, Son! How do they work?

Cost: 15 SP

You can create and shape magnetic fields within a 100-meter range, field formation is instantaneous, powerful, and extremely precise. You are limited only by your concentration, focus, ingenuity, materials at hand, and the space available within your range. This can be used for applications such as manipulating, compressing, and launching metal, or anything else you can get to work through magnetic field interactions. This comes with a passive defensive shield that will protect you fully from shockwaves, and deflect magnetic attacks such as metals, electricity, or plasma.

(Master/Stranger) If Anything Were To Happen…

Cost: 15 SP

You can not be harmed, arrested, detained, captured, imprisoned, or otherwise obstructed by any non-powered persons or non-sapient beings. Immediately before making such an attempt, they will decide to spend the next hour zealously trying to kill their compatriots and then themselves.

(Changer/Trump) Pokemon

Cost: 25 SP

You can transform into ANY Pokemon, including legendaries and mythicals. Pokedex entries still don't apply. When your Shard runs out of juice, you're stuck in whatever form you're in at the time.

Your transformations are not limited to four moves, this limitation is only for competitive fights. Pokémon will usually around a dozen moves.

(Brute) Unlimited Potential

Cost: 15 SP

As you train, your body adapts. While you will always look human, you no longer have a glass ceiling stopping you from becoming stronger. As long as your training is strenuous, you will always get stronger. The training has to be enough to make you sweat, and your muscles need to hurt at least a little from lactic acid build-up. Fighting will get you significantly more gains than just training.

(Trump/Breaker) Emulation of an Alien Caveman

Cost: 25 SP

Your power grants you all the abilities and attributes of an ancient Shard, the ancestors of modern Entities from before they merged into the first Entities and left their homeworld. You are not actually a ancient Shard; you continue being whatever species you are naturally with these abilities and attributes merely being an emulation created by your power.

The abilities this emulation grants you include innate mid-tier brute strength, regen, and durability, the ability to travel to nearby dimensions that aren’t blocked, the ability to safely absorb large quantities of “basic” energies like heat, radiation, and electricity that you can store and release at a later time at a nearly 1 to 1 ratio with only minor energy loss, the ability to see various basic wavelengths for miles in all directions including into nearby dimensions that aren’t blocked, the ability to quickly mentally process and store large quantities of information, the ability to sense and manipulate space-time by a limited degree in a small area around you, and the ability consume and breakdown nearly any type of basic matter for fuel.

You may also study the abilities and attributes of other creatures including parahumans and through these studies replicate those abilities and attributes with your power for your personal use. Though because of the complexity of modern shards and the protections their abilities have against being understood by the unauthorized you’ll struggle to produce abilities this way anymore complex or powerful than that which “The Fragile One” possesses except for basic abilities like heat manipulation that can be considered extensions or evolutions of capabilities you started out with.

This replication and copying ability is accomplished by mentally manipulating the false biology of a simulation your power provides of the ancient Shard your power is emulating to accurately represent an ancient Shard with those abilities.

All the abilities and attributes this power grants is accurately represented in the simulation of the ancient shard this power is emulating. You can manipulate the simulation to a large and precise degree which accurately affects all the abilities your power grants based on the simulation. All alterations to the simulation must be biologically possible for a Shard with your power providing a pseudo thinker power to understand ancient Shard biology.

The simulation also has a total size limit equal to only that of an average modern shard so you can’t just keep growing and adding to your simulated shard in order to have all your abilities derived from the simulation at full power, maximum capabilities, all at the same time you will eventually have to make sacrifices and comprises in your various “builds” of the simulation.

Your true body acts as the equivalent to an entity avatar to the simulation your shard is emulating if you develop the right capabilities in the simulation you'll be able to do anything to your body an entity can do to their avatars.

You must fuel all of these abilities yourself with running out of energy being fatal for you, you start off full on energy and can store as much energy as your actual Shard has the storage capacity for.

With just this power you do not start off with ftl or space travel capabilities, the ability to communicate with modern Shards, or the ability have hosts of your own though you may eventually develop such abilities with the right alterations to the simulation.

If you have taken the negentropy perk the way it manifests for this power is a bit unique instead of just eliminating your need to worry about your energy reserves it provides you a modest passive energy generation rate for your fuel reserves rapid enough to bring you from an empty tank to full in thirty minutes, running out of energy will also no longer be fatal it will merely knock you unconscious for a few minutes.

(Breaker/Trump) Cronus

Cost: 20 SP

Titans are parahumans who have undergone a 'broken' second trigger, which results in their shard taking full agency over their body. You have dodged losing control of your body, but have still gained the ability to transform into a state were your shard is dominant and all of your powers lose their limits. Any powers you take are buffed to be at around the level an Endbringer's might be, and you have access to the full breadth of your shard.

(Brute) Typhon

Cost: 20 SP ()

Cost: 100 SP ()

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

You have the body of an Endbringer. While you still look human, your body is extremely dense and has a core. If the core is destroyed, you die. You're very durable, strong, and fast now.

All your powers are 25% stronger. Powers that do not have variable components (radius, duration, charges, etc...) are not affected.

(Changer) The End-Becomer

Cost: 20 SP ()

Cost: 100 SP ()

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

You can transform into a custom Endbringer. You cannot use your non-Endbringer powers in this form. When your Shard runs out of juice, you're stuck in whatever form you're in at the time.

(Master) Bringer of the End

Cost: 20 SP ()

Cost: 100 SP ()

Incompatible: End of the Kaiju

You gain control of a custom Endbringer.

(Shaker) Inviolable

Cost: 15 SP

You can create a large number of inviolable forcefields, your only limit is visualization and concentration. You must be able to keep track of all the forcefields you create, a multitasking power greatly increases the number you can manage at once.

Each individual forcefield can be at most 400 square meters in surface and 10 centimeters thick, multiple fields can interlock to form a larger one. You can control the permeability at will. Nothing short of Sting can penetrate these. The edges of these forcefields are sharper than anything any Tinker has ever made, unless you intentionally smooth them out.

(Trump) Aliena

Cost: 20 SP

This power is the conceptual mirror to Eidolon, while he can have three strong powers, you can have 20-30 weak powers.

You have a total of 75 points to allocate to your powers. A single power cannot exceed 5 points. A power's point worth is roughly proportional to its potency which is roughly equal to it's rating plus one ('Thinker 0' costs 1 point, 'Blaster 4' costs 5 points, etc.). Powers with hybrid rating ('Mover/Stranger 3' or 'Mover 3, Stranger 1') tend to be rated higher than simple abilities but less than the sum of their parts. You cannot summon duplicate powers or powers too close to an existing power. Tinker and Trump powers have their own, stricter, summoning rules (left to the author).

It takes up to 90 seconds to summon a power and decreases exponentially for weaker powers. If a power is invalid (too powerful) the summon will fail once it reaches the maximum time. You can recall previously summoned powers for a fraction of the initial time and a multitasking power allows you to recall multiple at once. You can dismiss any power instantly. All effects dependent on those powers will stop when the ability is dismissed but lingering or permanent effects remain (like Tinkertech or body-alterations).

You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity. Negentropy increases your point capacity to 125 and maximum points per power to 7.

(Trump) Eidolon

Cost: 20 SP

You have Eidolon's powers without the worthy opponent issue. You can have three somewhat-random powers that you can change at any time you want. These powers can be very powerful. You can switch out quality for quantity and have five weaker powers instead of three stronger ones. All powers take a couple of minutes to build up strength, though they're still usable before reaching full strength. You can still run out of energy with this power. You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity.

Negentropy increases your slots to five strong or nine weaker powers.

(Breaker/Trump) Ignis Fatuus

Cost: 20 SP

You have the ability to “flicker”, allowing you to page through realities and possible states of yourself and those you touch and swap them in either piece by piece or in whole. By finding another version that is not injured you can swap their states and heal them, by finding and swapping the states of a nude person with another that is clothed you can clothe them. You can even swap positions with another possible state allowing teleportation. You cannot use this to grant others powers.

And finally, you gain one power slot that you can individually swap out at will, such as a powerful aerokinetic power capable of offense or defense. The power can only be as powerful as a single power that a full-powered Eidolon could summon. You're a precognitive blindspot to everyone but the entity.

If you pick Negentrophy you gain two additional power slots, and can choose to have a power be held in more than one slot, each additional slot dramatically increasing it’s power.

(Tinker) Hero

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You have Hero's power. You are a highly versatile Tinker that specializes in wavelength manipulation. This power allows the mimicry of the Entities' Stilling power.

(Brute/Mover) Alexandria

Cost: 20 SP

You are nearly invulnerable. No effect or force can negatively affect you physically except for Sting or the Siberian. This extends even to the functions of your own body, meaning that you never tire, require no sustenance (air included), and even negative mental effects are limited to the point that you don't have to worry about stress doing permanent mental harm. Even sleep is just for pleasure or relaxation rather than a need to refresh yourself.

You have incredible amounts of strength and can fly and move at supersonic speeds, with perfect maneuverability and reaction time to match. Your mind is enhanced just like your body, skyrocketing your mental capabilities to superhuman levels, with an absolutely perfect memory.

The field that pervades your body providing these abilities also extends itself to things you are touching, letting you ignore the effects of physics when you apply your strength and speed. You have more leverage than should be possible when you grab something, exert immense force with minor motions, large objects don't collapse under their own weight, and catching or carrying people at extreme speeds won't harm them. You are an unstoppable force and an immovable object.

(Trump) Fairy Queen

Cost: 20 SP

You have Glaistig Uaine's powerset. With a touch, you can kill a Parahuman and steal their power. You can steal their power from their corpse. You can only have three active stolen powers at a time, and all active powers take the form of a ghostly projection that somewhat resembles their living form, if in the form of a caricature. Negentropy increases your ghost limit by 1.

(Trump/Master) Butcher

Cost: 15 SP

You have an altered version of the Butcher's power. When you die, you reincarnate into either the last person to attack you or the one who killed you (your choice). You retain all your original powers at 100%, as well as those of your most recent incarnation, but all powers of those in between are half as strong. All minds of the people who have killed you are in a mental room with you and can communicate with you. You control the room but cannot mute or remove any of the people there, but you can put them to sleep (which would, effectively, mute them unless they snore). You control who is in charge of the body. You can access any of the memories of people in your mental room and can give them to others in the room, including yourself.

(Blaster/Mover) Legend

Cost: 20 SP

Your very being is entwined with energy on fundamental levels. You can fire blasts of light whose properties and effects are within your control. Forking or homing lasers, freeze beams, disintegrating spheres that orbit around you in a pattern. All of these and more are within your capabilities. At their strongest, a single one of these can destroy a skyscraper easily. You can fire a dozen blasts at once and coordinating such barrages is trivial for you.

You are also able to fly, reaching the speed of light in an instant. Your mind will automatically compensate for relativistic time dilation by slowing down or speeding up.

You are able to switch back and forth between a breaker state that removes all physical needs, and quickly restores you to perfect physical condition. In this state, most attacks are simply absorbed, with only the strongest able to put you down before the damage is gone. Your vision is perfect, encompasses the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and no longer degrades with distance.

(Thinker/Trump) Kingmaker

Cost: 25 SP

Kingmaker grants you the power of the ultimate wise old mentor archetype. With this Thinker ability, you can choose up to five parahumans to take in as students and intuitively understand their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal training methods. Through your guidance, even the most naive and unremarkable individuals with weak powers can be transformed into once-in-a-century geniuses, capable of achieving greatness and potentially challenging deities.

Your wisdom shapes their intellect and skills, empowering them to become heroes on the path of greatness. As the Kingmaker, you wield the ability to unlock and enhance the powers granted by shards, turning even the weakest powers into formidable forces capable of leaving an indelible mark on the world.

(Shaker/Trump) Genius Friends

Cost: 20 SP

The user gains a shaker effect that would increase the natural intellect, ability to learn and process information of people in their range to equal 0.0001% of all of humanity. This would allow the user to teach and educate many people to become not just competent but pure geniuses unrivaled in their respective fields.

The effect would naturally wear off once the people leave the user’s range area, but the skills and knowledge gained while under it will remain.

(Thinker) Precognition

Cost: 20 SP

You have gain the ability to peer into the future, providing perfect knowledge of events that will transpire up to 100 days ahead from the viewpoint of your future self, this precognition has no blind spots. Within this temporal scope, you can perceive a single absolute future, a path that is predetermined to unfold unless you take action to alter it. This power bestows upon you the advantage of foreknowledge, enabling you to prepare, adapt, and potentially change the course of events.

However, wielding this formidable gift comes with two significant drawbacks. The first limitation is that your precognition ability can only be updated once a week. Once you intervene to alter the foreseen future, the knowledge of the consequences will not be revealed to you until the next update. Until then, you must navigate the altered timeline with uncertainty, eagerly awaiting the moment when your power will refresh and reveal the ramifications of your choices.

The second drawback of this power is the psychological toll it exacts on you. Upon every update of the future, you instantaneously experience all the emotions and sensations you would have encountered during the original 100-day timeframe. These emotions, whether positive or negative, surge through you in an instant. However, your mind gains a remarkable resilience, protecting you from being overwhelmed by this torrent of feelings. Though you will feel the pain, sadness, happiness, or other emotions that would have accompanied certain events, they are substantially muted. For instance, if you were destined to be stabbed in the original future, the pain you experience when actually stabbed is significantly reduced, dampened to a fraction of its actual intensity.

(Thinker) Number Man

Cost: 15 SP

You are good with numbers to a Parahuman degree. You perceive this power as elaborate mathematical notation floating in the air. You can dodge attacks, predict future actions, identify weak points, sense the surrounding area through vibrations, perfectly measure things with a glance, leverage your strength perfectly, and much more. You wouldn't have a hard time predicting and manipulating the world economy.

(Thinker) Time-Loop

Cost: 20 SP

You can set a save point (in space and time) to which you will return when you die. You can only move the save point forward in time, an initial save point is created when you first gain this power. You can choose to truly die instead of returning. Your memory of past events is slightly enhanced to remember past loops.

This power creates a real time travel loop as such it has no blind spots and cannot be detected except by other powers that manipulate the timeline.

(Striker/Shaker) Bomber

Cost: 20 SP

Through physical contact, you possess the ability to discreetly attach an imperceptible explosive device onto individuals and objects, That only you can see. The destructive potential of the device can be precisely calibrated, spanning from the potency of a conventional military hand grenade to that of the formidable GBU-43, colloquially known as the Mother of All Bombs (~11 tons TNT). At your discretion, you retain the capability to adjust the explosive yield at any given moment subsequent to attachment, as well as determine the desired time of detonation.

There is no limit to how many bombs you can attach at a time.

(Thinker) Polymath

Cost: 15 SP

You have 7 slots (10 with negentropy) which can either be filled with a skill or a Thinker power.

When you slot in a skill, you can use it at the highest possible level. These skills include the mastery of a single style of martial arts, a field of medicine or science, cooking, juggling, and more. Anything that can be learned you can have. Skills that require a muscle memory provide it.

The Thinker powers you can have are limited to at most a rating of 5 on the PRT scale. Powers that operate on your senses and observations will tend to be more accurate than those that require external information (like precognition).

(Trump) Arcanist

Cost: 15 SP

You have the ability to cast spells in with variety of magic that can reproduce the effect of non-Tinker powers. While your Shard provides you with a basic library of spells in each system and an intuitive knowledge of them, you will have to research and invent more powerful spells. Your spells will not be stronger than what Eidolon could do in his prime.

You have a pool of energy to cast spells, you have enough to cast your most powerful spells a dozen times in a short time span. The pool takes 30 minutes to fully recharge. Permanent spells like summons, buffs, and auras reserve part of your reserve while they are active and release the energy when they are canceled or expire.

(Trump) Kineticist

Cost: 15 SP

You have the ability to use psionic techniques that can reproduce the effect of non-Tinker powers. While your Shard provides you with the basics and an intuitive knowledge of how to shape the energy, you will have to research and experiment to produce more powerful results. At most, you will be as strong as Eidolon was in his prime.

Your pool of energy is enough to use your most powerful techniques a dozen times in a short time span. The pool takes 30 minutes to fully recharge. Permanent effects like constructs, buffs, and auras reserve part of your reserve while they are active and release the energy when they are canceled or expire.

(Trump/Tinker) Artificer

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

You can enchant objects with non-Tinker powers by touching them, with a maximum of three enchantments on a single object. You can choose whether the object grants the wielder use of the power, or has a variant of the power itself. This power does not allow creating Variable Trump powers like Eidolon, picking from a fixed set is possible like Othala's power. At their highest, your enchantments will be on the same level as what Eidolon could do in his prime.

To enchant an object you need a pattern and enough charges to empower the object. Patterns can be researched by tasking your Shard to research a power, this usually takes 6-8 hours per power. You can have up to 3 (5 with negentropy) concurrent research. You gain 12 charges (18 with Negentropy) every day at midnight. Charges do not expire.

The strength of the power is proportional to the number of charges invested, with the minimum being 3 charges. The efficiency of charges drops by 20% for every 36 charges invested into a single power up to a maximum of 216. It takes 30 seconds to empower an object regardless of the number of charges used.

(Trump/Tinker) Alchemist

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

You can create potions from formulas which will have power-like effects when consumed and the ability to create transmutation circles to change materials into others.

You have intuitive knowledge of how to develop new formulas. Natural ingredients as well as brewing equipment are required to create the potions. Consuming too many potions in a short amount of time creates Toxicity and can have adverse health effects on the user. The effect of your potions will fade once it's purged from the drinker's blood. Those potions are limited to powers that can be expressed physically such as regeneration, super strength, enhanced senses, invisibility, etc. At their most powerful they will be as strong as a mid-tier cape.

You have intuitive knowledge of how to create transmutation circles. To perform a transmutation, you need to inscribe the circle on a surface and place the required ingredients inside then touch the circle to activate it. You cannot create materials with power-like properties unless you can study them, this applies to Tinker materials (like alloys). You are not limited in size however the objects must fit within the transmutation circle, at big enough sizes this means taking into account the Earth's curvature. The time to transmute is proportional to the volume.

(Master/Trump) Doll Master

Cost: 20 SP

Gain: 6 DP

You can summon and control dolls. You can create an arbitrary amount of dolls but only have up to 10 active dolls at once. You can see, hear, and feel (but not smell and taste) through your dolls. Your maximum control range is 1000 meters, if a doll goes outside that range it will deactivate. Your capacity to multitask matches the amount of dolls you have active. You cannot summon your dolls further than at arm's length (~60cm or 2ft).

By default the dolls you create have the same strength, speed, and resistance as your own body but no other powers. When created they will not have any clothes. The size of your dolls can range from 10cm to 80cm and must have a human form.

(Trump) Replicator

Cost: 20 SP

You have the ability to copy extremely weakened versions of the powers of Parahumans and three slots to use those powers with. To copy a Parahuman's power you must get within a meter of them. If you copy the power of an Endbringer or Entity, you get every single power they have separately, instead of just one power.

You can switch what power is in your slots at will. Every day you get a charge (two with Negentropy) you can use to increase the strength of a power, though you can save these charges as well. Once a power reaches the same strength as the original, you can no longer dump charges into it.

On average it takes 7 charges to fully charge a weak power, 14 charges to fully upgrade a mid-level power, 21 charges to fully upgrade a high-level power, and 28 charges to fully upgrade an extremely powerful power.

You can also use those charges to increase how many slots you have, to a maximum of five. It takes 30 charges to fully increase the number of slots you have, though before you fully gain a new slot you can place an even weaker version of a power in that slot. For example, if you have a slot that has 15 charges put into it, the power is half as powerful as it would be if it were in a full slot. You can increase the number of daily charges by investing 60 and 90 charges, up to a maximum of 3 (or 5 with Negentropy).

Your powers, even when strengthened to their max, will never be the same as the original Parahuman's power. Instead, they will be a side-grade, a power that could have come from the Parahuman's Shard, but didn't. You can spend 3 charges to reroll the power expression.

(Striker/Master) Jack Slash

Cost: 25 SP

You can extend the cutting edge of a bladed object, the longer the edge the farther it extends. Also gives you unconscious feelings in regard to Parahumans and influences other Parahumans' Shards to such a degree that they can be considered to be an unconscious extension of yourself.

(Thinker) Omniscient

Cost: 25 SP

You can answer any question anyone asks you, except that if you don't have Negentropy you can't answer how to solve/negate entropy. You can ask yourself questions and automatically know the answer to any question asked of you, even if the answer to that question harms you.

(Shaker/Thinker) Omni-Kinesis

Cost: 25 SP

In a radius of 50 meters around you, with nothing but your will alone you are capable of shaping the physical world. Moving objects, generating and manipulating all forms of energy or matter, or even creating psychic constructs.

The world is a vast ocean of vibration, matter, and energy to your senses, and all it takes is a thought to send it moving according to your wishes. Complex systems such as biology and technology will require a great deal of practice before you can reliably work them the same way you would matter and energy, with other powers here being far better at doing so and developing faster.

(Mover) Door Me

Cost: 25 SP

You can make portals to anywhere you've seen since triggering, even if only through pictures or videos. As many as you want, and anything that passes through one keeps all its momentum.

(Master/Thinker) PeaceBringer

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

Counterpart to the vicious power of the Endbringer, you gain immense power in conflict resolution, you gain these abilities to help you resolve conflict. In a passive aura around you, equal to half of a mile in all directions, you completely disable a shards conflict drive. You gain the ability to soothe emotions, able to cancel violent feelings and induce minor joy and euphoria in all those within your aura range. You can cancel any powers actively being used for conflict within your sight line. You gain a thinker ability which lets you sense all violent emotions, thoughts, and actions within your aura range. You also become a tinker specializing in all machines, with minor enhancement, however you are given a massive boost in one area for 6 hours after you witness active conflict that could be best stopped by that specialization. (You see Fire users fight, you get a massive bonus in Cryo tech and heat absorption and dispersion tech) You are not given incredible strength, only equal to a level 4 brute. Your speed is equal to a level 8 mover. While you're defense and stamina get massive boosts, giving you enough to go at your best for at least 3 days straight and your defense is strong enough to easily tank Endbringer attacks and at least 10 full-power Entity attacks.

(Thinker/Trump) [Query] [Response]

Cost: 15 SP

You gain the conscious ability to reach out and speak to other shards, allowing you to understand them and them to understand you in turn. You can use this to request Data transfers between your shard and themselves and gather environmental or personal information they might have access to, such as Host Data and ability data which could allow your shard to replicate their powers. This relies on your ability to get the shard to agree with your request and comply with their demands. You gain an awareness of a shard's current power and function when within 30ft of its user and a burst of information pertaining to their rank, function and potential power within the Entity network when you connect with them for the first time. This power also assures that shards you interact with will not report back on your abilities, interactions or plans. (Shards will not sense your Negentropy unless you bring it up.)

(Master/Trump) Logic Virus

Cost: 20 SP

Your body emits an undetectable virus within a small range of 5ft around you. You can choose which people are actively infected with a thought. (Everyone touched by the aura is a dormant infected) Active infected limit is 200 and shard users take up more than one slot depending on ability, Eidolon for example takes 100 while Alexandria takes 35. Endbringer's cores are the only part that can be infected with this power, the range still applies but it must be in relation to the core. An active infected Endbringer costs 120. (You'll need some help for this one) The infected will begin to act differently from their normal selves, becoming stronger and more powerful ability-wise as well, they will also begin to hate what you tell them to and think about things as you do. These changes are not instant but slow and will take about a week. You can change an Active infected back to a passive infected, this will take only 30 seconds and the person will remember everything they did during their time active. They will almost certainly assume you mastered them if you ever gave them direct commands but will assume nothing other than the fact that they were acting strange if all you did was a subtle influence. After activation, they will be incredibly loyal to you and never question why, they will hang on to your every word and command even dying for you. When not near you they will act on your mental commands, or in your best interests. (Entities are immune)

(Trump) Paramount

Cost: 22 SP

You can give yourself any one of the Tier 1 powers in this CYOA. The power takes a couple of minutes to build up strength, although it's still usable before reaching full strength.

(Trump) Randomizer

Cost: 20 SP

Every day you get to roll for 3 random powers. However, these powers are completely random, last for a random amount of time, and how powerful these abilities are is also completely random (never higher than a 9). After a power disappears, you can roll for another power. There is a 1 in 100 chance that a random power is permanent and will not disappear. This chance is not affected by luck powers. When you get a permanent power, you gain another slot to roll powers in so that you are always able to roll for 3 powers. The powers may be inconvenient to you, such as an aura that causes everyone within to have bad luck, including you.

(Master) Manton

Cost: 15 SP

You can create a projection that is a hole in reality, only selectively affected by physical forces and it can extend this effect to anyone and anything it's touching with the exception of yourself. The projection can be in any shape and form you wish.

(Blaster/Master) Pithing Needle

Cost: 23 SP

You can create and control long astral needles with precision at up to 50mph. When a needle is piercing someone you can access and harvest something from their mind. This could be a memory, skill, personality trait, or anything else that is purely mental. You can then inject what you took into yourself or someone else. You can remove and insert partial aspects, such as taking hatred toward something and putting it into someone else tied to something else. You can only interact with aspects of the thinker's powers that would remain even if the Parahuman's power was nullified.

Your needles can access the corona of pierced parahumans. You can harvest and inject traits of powers, such as methods of control, power-granted senses, and other such things.

(Trump/Thinker) Who Do You Think I Am?

Cost: 23 SP

You will have the powers, skills, and abilities people of a certain collective think you have. For instance, if you choose the PRT you will have all the abilities, powers, and skills that they think you possess. The more people in a collective the more stable this power is. And over a certain amount, the powers gained are much stronger than what anyone thinks. If the majority of the global population thinks you have something, you possess that power permanently. However, you cannot become strong enough to destroy the planet. But if they think you can move the stars, you'll be able to gain a power that lets it seem like you can.

You can swap between which collective you are currently gaining powers from, but it takes a couple of minutes. The more a collective disagrees with what you possess, the more unreliable and weaker it is.

(Mover/Thinker) Ideal Transit

Cost: 20 SP

You can warp yourself and those you touch anywhere you ask. If you want to go somewhere safe, you will teleport somewhere that will be safe. If you want to teleport somewhere that will help you achieve a goal, you will teleport to a location that can assist with that. You don't even need a clear image to teleport.

(Shaker) The Sound of Silence

Cost: 25 SP

Hear that? Perhaps you didn’t. Sound and vibrations are yours to control. Among these abilities, is the power to generate and control shockwaves; you can generate shockwaves strong enough to send large cyborgs flying off their feet, or to destroy objects, to the point that you could easily collapse buildings with them. Alongside this, you can also manipulate or shatter things with acoustic resonance. You are also able to use vibrations for sensory purposes, such as with echolocation. This manipulation of vibrations also allows you to deafen or even remove sound and vibrations from you and your surroundings, rendering yourself and/or the environment silent.

(Shaker/Mover) Dimension Tripper

Cost: 25 SP

You can create and visualize alternate dimensions and universes that allow you to send designated targets within your vision to them. This is accurate enough to send handheld tools or even worn armor to different pocket dimensions while being held. You can even send yourself or other people there. While there are a vast amount of options, you can create hostile miniature dimensions that can have a variety of different effects that don't match normal physics. Such as Dimensions where Machines cannot work or Dimensions where it perfectly matches a universe.

You cannot create sentient life with this ability. And the effects of the created dimensions apply to you as well as anything or anyone there.

(Master) Perfect Phantom

Cost: 20 SP

You can change your shadow to be a replica of a single person that possesses all the abilities, skills, and knowledge of the subject. You have complete control over it and can utilize the replica to be indistinguishable from the original. It can even pretend to be a real person.

The phantom can swap between chosen forms freely, but they must be real. The phantom cannot be larger than your own shadow. For the duration of the Phantom's existence, you no longer have any shadows.

(Breaker/Changer) Cogito Ergo Sum

Cost: 25 SP

Your self-belief has power. As long as you believe yourself to be something, you will be it. This lets you instantly teleport to any location by believing you are there, heal from any wound by believing you are unscathed, or change your form by believing that it is your appearance. The only limitations are that it cannot augment your powers or mind, create items, or affect others. You cannot believe you have the powers of Eidolon and suddenly have the powers of Eidolon or believe that you are the richest person in the world to get money. This power also maintains your consciousness if you assume a form that doesn't have a mind, such as a pool of water. Your consciousness is maintained even in death, allowing you to resurrect yourself.

(Master/Trump) Sin Manifestation

Cost: 20 SP

You can create a monster based on the sins of the selected person. Their strength correlates to the amount of good and bad sins they committed in their life based on personal ideology. It's power will be capable of countering the chosen target.

The Monster's intelligence and strength scale directly to the number of sins the target selected. You can target them from anywhere as long as you know their name. If they committed enough sins, the Monster would be able to outsmart their enemy like some kind of 5D chess. If the Monster defeats the target, they stay and help you for other things.

(Tinker) Infection

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You're a Tinker specializing in biological plagues and horrors. You can build all sorts of weapons that can wreak havoc on the population. From zombie viruses to fungus that infects anything alive, you can even create creatures that overtake sewers and create earthquakes. Your zombies are even able to use their knowledge, skills, and powers in life to best infect others.

You can make yourself or others immune to any form of pathogen or infection even if you didn't create them. Your zombies won't target you or your work either even if you're a perfect meal.

(Tinker/Thinker) Solarpunk

Cost: 18 SP (Cache)

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

You specialize in conceptual form of tinkering focus on the idea of Solarpunk, a movement that focuses and envisions a potential sustainable future where both nature and technology are one. You have specialties in renewable energy, arcology design, climate tech, alternative materials, drones, medicine, horticulture/agriculture, prosthetics(complete replacement limbs), terraforming, biological enhancements/genetics, information storage. But that's not only thing you are also able to redesign technology to accommodate the solarpunk way. Turn a gas guzzler into an EV that gets power from integrated solar panels on the roof. Or maybe redesign that phone in your pocket to use safer materials and can last up to several decades. You also get a minor power to convert plant material into usable components for tinkering as well as enhanced memory concerning green technology and positive social engineering. They become just as similar to any inorganic version but also have the properties of a plant. They could even be replanted to grow more and they become resistant to supernatural manipulation; other chlorakinetics wont be able to alter them. Reject the doom and praise the Sun!

(Tinker) Cyber Dystopia

Cost: 18 SP (Cache)

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

You specialize in a conceptual form of tinkering that goes against the principles of Solarpunk, envisioning a potential future that diverges from the sustainable ideals of harmonizing nature and technology. Your expertise lies in areas that deviate from renewable energy and environmentally conscious practices. Instead, you focus on fields such as fossil fuel extraction, heavy industry, resource exploitation, advanced weaponry, surveillance technology, genetic manipulation for profit-driven purposes, and disruptive technologies with little regard for ecological balance.

With your knowledge, you excel in redesigning technologies to maximize efficiency, profit, and power, often at the expense of environmental well-being. You have an enhanced memory for these exploitative practices and possess the ability to manipulate and corrupt plant material for industrial purposes, devoid of their natural properties. These modified components resist supernatural manipulation, making them impervious to chlorakinetics or any other form of natural influence. Embrace a dystopian vision and prioritize the pursuit of power and profit over environmental sustainability.

(Tinker/Trump) Mind is Matter and It'll Make the Whole World Go Round

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You specialize in psychics and psionic technology. The way the mind expands to the nervous system that connects it to an organisms body, are your plaything. From tractor beam like devices that use telekinesis to scanning tech that uses psychometry, to Brain-to-machine interfaces that can easily grants people technopathy like power. You even now the wet work version of this tech and can induce psionic powers to people or even animals through careful experimentation. Finally you can create psychic stabilizers and augmentation devices to give boost to these powers.

(Tinker) The Factory Must Grow

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You gain the technological knowledge specializing in mega factory, mass production, and industrialization. With expertise in building massive industrial complexes, optimizing production lines, and managing vast logistical networks, you become a master of this advanced field. Your abilities encompass constructing colossal factories, automating processes on an unprecedented scale, and streamlining the mass production of goods. Armed with this knowledge, you revolutionize industrialization, reshape economies, and propel civilizations into a new era of productivity and abundance.

With your combined expertise in mega factory, mass production, and industrialization, you become a visionary leader, driving the rapid expansion and transformation of industrial landscapes. You harness cutting-edge technologies, employ advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, and optimize resource utilization to fuel unprecedented levels of output. The world becomes your canvas as you create towering manufacturing complexes, interconnected networks of production facilities, and vast supply chains spanning entire continents. Your mastery of mega factory technology propels you to the forefront of innovation and economic prosperity, forever shaping the destiny of civilizations.

(Tinker) Upcoming Century

Cost: 18 SP (Cache)

Cost: 9 SP (Cache)

You acquire the unparalleled skill and knowledge to invent anything that is theoretically possible within a century. With a deep understanding of scientific principles, engineering concepts, and innovative thinking, you possess the ability to bring forth groundbreaking creations and technological advancements.

Armed with this expertise, you can conceive and develop revolutionary inventions, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in various fields. From advanced robotics and artificial intelligence to renewable energy solutions and space exploration technologies, your creative potential knows no bounds. With your visionary mind and mastery of scientific principles, you become a catalyst for progress, shaping the future with inventions that were once only dreams.

(Tinker) Dyson Sphere Program

Cost: 25 SP (Cache)

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

You gain the technological knowledge specializing in mega structure and stellar engineering. With expertise in harnessing star energy, constructing colossal structures, and optimizing production on a massive scale, you become a master of this advanced field. Your abilities encompass building Dyson spheres, creating interstellar factories, and designing intricate supply chains. Armed with this knowledge, you reshape celestial bodies, unlock untold potential, and become a visionary architect of a grand technological civilization in the cosmos.

(Master/Tinker) Master of Green

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

You have the power to manipulate plants in various ways. You can make them grow faster, stronger, and larger than normal, or alter their shape and properties to suit your needs. You can also create new types of plants by combining different species or adding your own modifications. You also will be able to control them with your mind, making them move and act as you wish.

(Shaker/Mover) Nyx

Cost: 20 SP

You now have the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows with precision and control. Able to create, shape, and harness them for various purposes. While Darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into complete obscurity, it can also be harnessed as both the absence of light and a tangible substance. With it, you possess the capacity to manipulate entities existing within darkness, establish and dissolve shields and areas of absolute darkness, construct tools and weaponry sharp enough to rend through steel like a hot knife through butter, make shadowy servants that are able to go toe to toe with high-level brutes, teleport vast distances by traversing through shadows, your versatility with this power is bound only by the extent of your imagination. Your range extends within a radius of 200 meters around you. You also get unlimited multitasking with this. It is worth noting that powers based on light are particularly potent against you. However, your ability to withstand and resist these light-based abilities increases in darker environments, allowing you to maintain a stronger defense against them.

(Shaker/Mover) Eos

Cost: 20 SP

With this power, you can manipulate light with precision and control. You have the ability to create, shape, and harness light for various purposes. While light is typically used to illuminate everything, it can also be harnessed as a form of extreme heat and a tangible substance. With this power, you have the capability to manipulate entities within light, establish and dissolve shields and areas of blinding light, construct tools and weaponry sharp enough to rend through steel like a hot knife through butter, create radiant servants that are able to go toe to toe with high-level brutes, teleport vast distances by traversing through bright light, and your versatility with this power is only limited by your imagination. Your range extends within a radius of 200 meters around you, and you can also harness unlimited multitasking with this power. It's worth noting that powers based on darkness can pose a significant threat to you, but your ability to withstand and resist these dark-based abilities increases in brighter environments, allowing you to maintain a stronger defense against them.

(Trump/Striker) Fictiportation

Cost: 15 SP

Imagine being able to pull out any object from your favorite stories, as long as it fits on a screen or a page. You can reach out and grab anything from fiction, whether it's a magic wand, a lightsaber, or a sonic screwdriver. The only catch is that the more powerful the item is, the more energy it drains from you. And the more popular and widely known the item is, the easier it is for you to access it. So you can't just grab some obscure artifact from a forgotten book and expect it to work. But you can use Harry Potter's invisibility cloak or Doctor Who's psychic paper with no problem. This ability is limited to things that the PRT labels as danger level 7.

Your power will grow with time and eventually you'll have no restrictions at all. (Rough 1 in PTR scale with 1.5 weeks for a fairly know source)

(Changer/Brute) Carrion

Cost: 18 SP

You have gained the ability to transform into a nightmarish creature of flesh and bones. Your body undergoes a terrifying metamorphosis, granting you a range of unique biological abilities and advantages, turning you into a grotesque amalgamation of writhing tendrils, razor-sharp teeth, and flexible appendages. Your very form is now highly malleable, granting you the ability to shapeshift into any form you can think of and allowing you to effortlessly navigate through cramped spaces and contort yourself to fit into tight crevices.

Your physical prowess is greatly enhanced, enabling you to shatter barriers and crush obstacles with your raw strength. Additionally, your regenerative capabilities become extraordinary, allowing you to heal and adapt rapidly from any wounds and instantaneously reattach severed body parts.

In this form, you possess an arsenal of biological attacks. Your tendrils can lash out, ensnaring and pulling enemies towards you, while your teeth can tear through flesh and bone effortlessly. Consuming the biomass of defeated foes replenishes your vitality and grants you knowledge of those you've devoured. The more biomass you possess the stronger you become.

Your biological adaptations extend to your sensory capabilities as well. Your perception is heightened, allowing you to sense the biological composition of living creatures and analyze their vulnerabilities. This enhanced awareness grants you a form of weak precognition, enabling you to anticipate your opponent's moves to some extent.

(Changer/Master) The Flesh That Hungers

Cost: 20 SP

You've gained the ability to generate a flesh seed from your own blood, which, when planted into the ground, triggers a macabre transformation of the surrounding land and living creatures.

At its initial stage, the flesh seed will sprout into small, grotesque plants that will begin to twist the other flora and fauna around it into biological abominations. These abominations exhibit a primal nature, driven by their insatiable hunger for flesh and their instinct to grow and adapt. As you progress and nourish your creations, they evolve and become increasingly formidable, growing larger, more complex, and more dangerous.

The twisted biome you cultivate possesses a symbiotic relationship with you. As the progenitor of this horrific ecosystem, you share a psychic link with the creatures and plants under your control, allowing you to exert influence over their actions and direct their growth. Through this connection, you gain an understanding of their needs and motivations, enhancing your ability to guide and command them.

As the twisted biome expands, it begins to exert an influence over the surrounding environment, gradually warping and distorting the land. This transformation grants you an increasingly advantageous position, as the corrupted environment supports the growth of even more formidable and monstrous beings.

(Shaker) Liminal Landscaper

Cost: 20 SP

You have 3 regenerating charges of power a day that can be invested into a [Liminal Threshold], which can be defined as the boundary between any two differentiated areas, investing a charge of power into the Liminal Threshold creates a separate layer of reality called the Liminal Landscape, that things cross into if they pass over the invested liminal threshold. This is a directional threshold, and connected thresholds can be used to implement other bits and pieces into the landscape. Each charge increases the size of the Landscape as well as the depth of your control over it. Your control over the liminal space is determined by the amount of charges you have, + whatever charges are invested in the landscape. You are able to change multiple properties of the landscape beside the topology, within the landscape you can summon or create tools/interfaces in order to allow you to change and manipulate any of the sensorial features of the Landscape Such as sound, lighting, smell, and various other cosmetic or aesthetic things. You cannot directly control around living things, but your speed of change is rapid outside that area.

(Striker/Shaker) Overhaul

Cost: 20 SP

You have gained the incredible power to reconstruct the molecular structures of anything you touch with astounding precision. By making contact with an object or individual, you instantly comprehend their molecular arrangements, granting you the power to rearrange and alter them at will. With this knowledge, you hold the ability to reconstruct your own body, granting you the power of pseudo-shape-shifting. Through precise manipulation of your molecular structure, you can adapt your physical form to suit various situations or assume different identities. Initially, the range of your Overhaul power spans approximately 99 meters from your point of contact. However, as you grow in mastery and experience, both the potency and range of your abilities will expand over time. This gradual growth ensures that you can exert your influence over a broader area and manipulate molecules with increasing finesse. In addition to these extraordinary capabilities, Overhaul grants you the option to disassemble, restore, or reshape any target you touch. Whether it is living or non-living, the choice rests in your hands.

(Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Cost: 16 SP

You possess the ability to create flawless simulations of any individual from around the world within your mind. These simulations act as your personal teachers and advisors, dedicated to guiding and supporting you in your endeavors. Regardless of the person's identity, they willingly offer their knowledge and expertise, without any ulterior motives or intentions to harm or betray you.

Engaging with a simulated advisor allows you to benefit greatly from their wisdom and experience. While learning under their guidance, you experience twice the benefits, while requiring only half the effort. This advantage accelerates your learning and enables you to acquire any skill that your simulated advisor has mastered.

It is important to note that while the simulations can impart knowledge and skills, they cannot grant you powers or abilities that are beyond your inherent potential. You can only acquire abilities that align with your existing capabilities, and the range of expertise possessed by your simulated advisors.

You are capable of maintaining one simulation at a time, ensuring a focused and dedicated learning experience. Although you can create simulations of anyone, you can only change the individual being simulated once every three days. However, you have the freedom to drop the simulation at any time should you desire a change or feel the need to explore a different mentor.

(Tinker) Research And Development

Cost: 16 SP (Cache)

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

You are an Omni-Tinker with access to every technology tree, however, your access is initially limited, but as you create Tinkertech, your access to these trees expands. Initially, your inventions closely resemble conventional technology. Yet, by crafting Tinkertech, you unlock greater access to every technology tree involved in its creation. Furthermore, studying Parahumans and other Tinkers' technology grants partial access to their respective trees. With extensive analysis, you can eventually gain full access to any capability possessed by those Tinkers, and even create Tinkertech that replicates or is based on any power you have sufficiently analyzed.

(Master/Shaker) Goddess

Cost: 17 SP

You have six powers:

Your primary power is a Master power that lets you influence anyone in your vicinity, which realigns parahuman cognition into being your subjects.

The second power is telekinesis; as a powerful long-range expression of this ability you can fly, have super-strength, and manipulate objects and people. Your telekinesis manifests as fractal patterns in the air, and although you are only capable of moving inorganic objects, you are capable of seizing people by their clothes.

Third, you have a touch-based Trump ability that lets you tune abilities and defenses in a manner akin to Scion.

Fourth, you have a danger sense. Your danger sense will alert you to the strength and direction of any danger that you face. If the danger is overwhelming, such as in the case of Scion or Contessa, you will feel danger with a distinct lack of direction.

Fifth, you have a personal power battery, that you can tap to strengthen your abilities for limited amounts of time. When used in conjunction with your Master ability, the influence can spread between capes like a virus.

The sixth power is unknown. You may freely decide what it is so long as it's no stronger than high Tier 1.

(Shaker) Phir Sē

Cost: 20 SP

You can make golden doorways back in time for around a few minutes. it takes concentration to open them and maintain them so you can only open them nearby or through a screen, It gets harder and harder to chain multiple portals so you can't travel through days and days on end, Anyone passing through will replace their past selves but now have their future's injuries and possessions.

You can make a "time bomb" by looping light between 2 portals aided with your power to become increasingly more powerful with time.

(You're unable to go before your entry unless you have Homecoming)

(Trump) Nullification Hazard

Cost: 15 SP

Anyone who has you on their mind loses their connection to their shard, causing them to be unable to use their powers. This power is always active by default, but Holding Back allows you to decide who is affected.

(Master/Trump) Ribbons

Cost: 20 SP

You are able to create ribbons from your body that you have precise telekinetic control over. By default they are as strong as steel, and they can get stronger by leeching powers off of living parahumans they touch. As you drain parahumans, their powers get weak and weaker until they are gone forever. While you do not get these powers yourself, you will have control over the different powers that your ribbons manifest. Your ribbons may have an unlimited number of powers, and they all share them with each other, making it impossible to lose them without outside trump influence. It takes 8 minutes to completely drain a parahuman's powers, and you may turn off the leeching at any time.

(Trump/Master) Magical Plant

Cost: 15 SP

You can grow magical plants that can grow shards of their own, causing them to gain powers. When you first plant them, you can choose a theme that the power will take on, though the exact specifics will be random. They grow at a rate of 1 SP every three days, but the growing rate halves every 15 SP. Every day you can choose to either plant a new plant, or boost the growth of a previous plant, causing it to instantly grow 3 days of growth in any direction you want. The ways these plants may manifest their powers vary, but you have a natural psychic link with the your plants, allowing you control their powers. These manifestations may be things like plants that shoot fireballs, slow time around them, or even grow fruit that when consumed give temporary powers. By taking care of and showing love to your plants, you can slightly encourage how the plants improve their powers, with their surrounding environment playing a heavy factor. New plants may germinate from the seeds of these plants, though they will only start half as strong as the original, and grow half as fast.

(Striker/Shaker) Tyrant

Cost: 20 SP

You possess near-absolute dominion over all forces within a 15cm radius of your body. In combat, you can unleash punches and strikes that appear ordinary but carry unimaginable force, amplifying the energy behind them to levels beyond comprehension, resulting in devastating impacts akin to meteoric collisions. Or, through your precise control over kinetic energy, effortlessly drain the momentum of bullets fired at you, suspending them in mid-air as harmless projectiles.

Beyond raw strength, you can even manipulate all electromagnetic fields near you. With a touch, you can render electronic devices useless or generate devastating surges.

Furthermore, your mind is enhanced, enabling subconscious calculations of the forces you control with precision. This heightened cognitive ability allows you to effortlessly and intuitively manage the vast array of forces at your disposal, ensuring unparalleled and seamless control over the forces within your 15cm radius.

(Breaker) How The Turns Have Tabled!

Cost: 18 SP

You have gained the power of Inversion, allowing you to manipulate the cause and effect of your actions within a 30-minute timeframe. With this ability, you can achieve astonishing feats by bending time to your advantage.

In your everyday life, simple tasks like packing your bags, or cooking become instant as you invert cause and effect, making your bag already packed with precisely what you would have included, or a meal already cooked the moment you walked into the kitchen. However, the accuracy of the outcome decreases the further in time you go, due to the increasing variables of possibilities. Within the first 10 minutes, you maintain nearly 99% accuracy in achieving your intentions. At the 20-minute mark, your accuracy remains around 90%, while at the 30-minute limit, it decreases to 80%.

In combat, your actions become unpredictable and unstoppable. You can fire a gun, and by inverting cause and effect, the bullets appear to have already hit the target before you even pull the trigger. As with everyday tasks, your accuracy diminishes as you approach the 30-minute limit.

(Shaker) Natural World

Cost: 20 SP

This power allows the user to replicate any natural phenomenon they understand. This power requires the user to have a thorough understanding of the specific phenomenon they wish to replicate, such as combustion or gravity. The better the user's understanding of the phenomenon, the easier it is for them to replicate it and control it. However, the user's understanding of the phenomenon is crucial to the effectiveness of their powers, and a lack of understanding or knowledge can result in weak or unsuccessful effects.

(Master) Chessman

Cost: 20 SP

This power allows the user to animate and manipulate objects to fit their needs. However, the objects need to meet specific guidelines in order for the user to do so. The objects must be palm-sized before they are animated and will grow to human-sized after the animation process is complete. To use this power, the user must spend time using the objects and detailing or improving their quality. The durability and quality of the animated object are directly related to the starting material and the amount of time the user spent using or improving it. The power of the animated objects is directly related to how much the user understands the rules governing the object's source material. Melee weapons or ballistics, which have simpler rules, can be easier for the user to replicate than more complex systems, such as magic, which can have highly varied and unpredictable attacks. Shard limitations prevent the user from making anything that would match the power of an Endbringer.

(Trump) Mix And Match

Cost: 15 SP

"Mix and Match" gives you the ability to copy and combine components of powers, fusing, modifying and forging them to create usable abilities. By looking at a Cape, you will gain an understanding of how their power works, and of each component. You can copy no more than three components from each cape.

The strength of each power is capped, with a peak power level equivalent to peak Eidolon. The construction of Trump powers has specific guidelines to prevent altering rules, such as permanently acquiring or creating other powers, as well as bypassing the limited capacity of the power. However, creating temporary copies of powers is allowed.

(Stranger/Master) Identity

Cost: 20 SP

With a single touch, the user is capable of erasing their target's existence, including other people's memories of them and all traces of their identity in the form of photos, documents, and the like, preserving only the user's own memories of the target. Upon doing so, the target becomes a featureless humanoid creature that the user can control. This power allows the user to manipulate their target's actions and thoughts, making them an unquestionable and silent servant.

(Master) Dead Body

Cost: 20 SP

This power grants its user the ability to revive themselves in a replicated body after their original form dies. When the user dies, a replicated body is created next to the corpse. The user's consciousness is then transferred to the replicated body, which resembles the original, allowing them to continue living. The replicated body will have all the equipment and objects on their original body's person, although it is limited to no more than three times their weight. The user may also control their original body after their death, transforming it into a zombie connected to the user as a hive mind. However, they are limited to only four zombies under their control simultaneously.

(Master) Cloning

Cost: 25 SP

You can absorb the DNA of a single parahuman via touch, which can be used to produce a single clone of that parahuman. You can create multiple clones of a specific Parahuman. The cloning process takes 180 minutes, and the user can only create one clone at a time. During the cloning process, minor alterations to the clone's physical appearance and power expression can be made. You have a telepathic link with the clones, allowing you to command them from afar. All clones produced retain the original's memories and are capable of acting on their own. They are able to solve complex problems and think for themselves, and are given autonomy to make their own decisions. They are still loyal to their creator, but they are not completely obedient and can act independently if they believe it will benefit the creator. You are unable to create clones from other clones.

(Tinker) Techno-Organic

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

From Flesh to Metals. To veins and wires. From brains housing debatable definitions of sapience to powerful AI cores to blood and coolant; there are a long list of different specialties that can focus on either wetware or hardware. Sometimes merging in limited ways but all the same a difference between them. Biology is able to grow and evolve but can be slow when it comes to strong change. Technology is the aspect of progression and adaption; able to be improved on countless times; but it is static if nothing advances it, it will stagnate and rust. But you? You my good friend are the singularity in both fields. You specialize in techno-organic or Bio-mechatronics, deleting the boundaries between hard and wetware to create something better than the sum of its parts. From a set of power armor that can fused and stored within one's body granting increased protection to access to advanced weapons and digital systems. Creating modules that absorb other unclaimed tech and adapting to a system. Devices that can regenerate or even T.O.-nanites that can think and make quick adjustments faster than an average nanite could. Produce advanced T.O.-ware that can grant someone advanced nano-netics with nothing but a simple pill or shot maybe even a way to transfer one's consciousness perfectly with no error after enough study. Beasts of all shapes and sizes can be made, all outfitted with technology weaponry integrated in them so deeply their descendants will have their modifications. The sky is the limit and nothing can hold you back.

(Tinker) Supervillain

Cost: 25 SP (Cache)

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

Unleash your inner Bonds Villain, and turn any object into a reality-warping device, whether it be a gun, car or even toaster, granting it phenomenal power. Convert your weapon into a devastating space-shattering super beam, transform your car into a space-time manipulation device or even turn your toaster into a device that can heat the entire world and launch it off its orbit. However, these devices will come with a high price, requiring vast amounts of resources and manpower. Specific rare elements serve as the cornerstones of the devices, elements that cannot be fabricated in a lab or purchased commercially but are found in locations that may be dangerous and inaccessible. Obtaining these resources can consist of a trip to a challenging location, such as a deep sea trench for heavy water, a core sample from an unstable glacier, geodes from the Earth's mantle or mineral deposits from the dark side of the moon. Other resources may require materials from someone's possession or even regarded as a national treasure, such as the Hope Diamond, to work. The actual diamond itself is needed, not a similar stone or even an atomically perfect replica, as there is always a crucial component that facilitates the enormous power of these superweapons. Your arsenal of super devices grows with your familiarity with technology and your ability to apply those specialties to new weaponry, such as robotic giant robots that grow as they eat metal or mutagenic spores that can mutate the planet.

(Master) Undead

Cost: 20 SP

The user is capable of reviving deceased individuals and returning them to life. They will all have the (Brute) Zombie power. The longer a subject has been deceased before resurrection, the less memories and mannerisms they will retain. The user has 10 slots to control their zombies at any given time, and these zombies are free to act independently, though those who have been dead for longer will display less independent thought. Also, the power of a revived individual will affect the amount of slots required to control them. A zombie of an ordinary human will take up one slot, a zombie of a parahuman with a power equivalent to T1 will take up two slots, a zombie of a parahuman with a power equivalent to T2 will take up four slots, and a zombie of a parahuman with a power equivalent to T3 will take up seven slots. Finally, zombies of ordinary animals will take up less than two slots, depending on the abilities of the animal.

(Thinker) Clairvoyant

Cost: 20 SP

Your senses have been greatly expanded. You can now extend your senses, for example, to see wide areas, multiple things at once, in other universes, whole cities, anyone, and anything. You can even recognize someone calling your name in an entirely different universe. You can scale your ability up and down to your normal senses at any time, and you can choose which senses get amplified and which don't. You can choose to exclude certain areas or subjects from your sight if you wish. You have also been granted the ability to actually make sense of everything you see, capable of easily handling the load of information that comes with seeing everything at once. Looking at everything at once is no more difficult than looking at a single thing at once in normal vision. You can bestow your vision on anyone you touch as well, and you can optionally choose to withhold your ability to withstand the information load to paralyze those you touch.

(Shaker) Baryonic Creation

Cost: 15 SP

The power of creation is in your hands! How quickly you create complex matter from seemingly nothing entirely depends on the scale, complexity and your understanding of the end product. Creating a cubic foot of steel would only take moments, while an assault riffle will take minutes. However, something complex like a modern car would probably take a few hours or more, assuming you understand its inner workings.

(Tinker/Thinker) Gaia's Hand

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You gain an extensive understanding of planetary formation, evolution, taxonomy to build tinker structures that artificially restructure worlds to contain sustainable habitations for sentient/sapient life with sufficient time and resources (as well as per-existing conditions). You also gain a comprehensive understanding of sociobiology (stuff like behavioral simulation, population biology and game theory) as well as models on altruism and evolutionary strategies through intuitive socio-metrics tailored to pinpoint precisely how to expedite the growth of complex and sapient life through evolutionary pressures.

(Tinker/Thinker) Hades Protocol

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

The opposite of [Gaia's Hand], you know how to construct tinker structures that methodically reduce a planet's capacity to sustain and grow life. Build massive structures that poison a planetary biosphere, or leverage your intuitive socio-biological understanding to gradually undermine the natural selection of a few planet's species in order to introduce fatal flaws in their biological makeup. This would obstruct progressive acclimatization to environmental changes, starting a domino effect that would eventually lead to ecological collapse.

(Tinker/Trump) Tinker of Chance

Cost: 25 SP (Cache)

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

You gain three slots to put tinker specialties that you can hold for up to three weeks each or change after at least one. They are random, usually single-word things, like 'flames', 'robots', or even 'frogs'. While what you can build is vast in your specialties, they must fall within their topic: you wouldn't be able to create a cloning machine with 'robots', but could build an amphibian tank with 'frogs'. You can mix the specialties for better results, and things once built can be built again even after the specialty change, and can even be incorporated in new ones. You can maintain any tinker tech as well, regardless of your specialty. You don't have to change all specialties at once, but can’t hold the same one for longer than three weeks.

(Master/Thinker) Memetic King

Cost: 25 SP

You harbor an unparalleled awareness and insight into all entities that possess knowledge of you. This ability manifests as a sixth sense that enables you to detect their presence and discern the depth and nature of the information they hold about you. You can subtly manipulate those who are privy to your existence, as the number and specificity of those who know you dictate the extent of your control. Once at least 200 individuals possess in-depth knowledge of you, you can possess one person to act on your behalf for 10 minutes. Upon surpassing 500 individuals possessing in-depth knowledge of you, you are capable of possessing three individuals simultaneously for 1 hour. With more than 1000 individuals possessing in-depth knowledge of you, you can possess 10 people simultaneously indefinitely, with this cap increasing with further exposure. Your capacity to multitask scales with the number of individuals you can possess.

(Tinker/Trump) Embrace the Punk, Become PUNK

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

Choose a Punk specialization (Atom-Punk, Diesel-Punk, Bio-Punk, Arcane-Punk, Clock-Punk, Nano-Punk, Etc.) and gain beginner-level knowledge of it. At level 0, you acquire basic knowledge of personal gadgets, equipment, and tools to Tinker. As you progress and reach an arbitrary level of production/infrastructure, you have the option to either level up within the same specialization or choose another one. A level-up is qualitative, allowing you to comprehend and produce more complex and far-reaching technologies, such as vehicles, bases, and troupe equipment.

At level 5, you become proficient in building all non-space-specific Tech of that specialization, giving you the ability to create entire continental structures and make world modifications. This includes societal, mechanical, auto-catalytic, or mental constructions, such as designing governmental structures or ideologies for the masses.

All level 2 specializations synergize in a positive feedback loop, allowing you to produce increasingly advanced Tech and push the boundaries of what's possible within each specialization, capable of merging multiple punk styles seamlessly so they're not separated.

(Trump) Fading Star

Cost: 25 SP

You have a trump version of Leet’s power meaning you can manifest and use any possible combinations of powers at any level of strength a shard can hand out to a host in a normal cycle these powers and any effects that rely on those powers last for up to a day each then fade away.

Unfortunately this power comes with drawbacks similar to Leet, while you can attempt to manifest the same exact power on separate occasions the more alike a power you manifest is to a power you have previously manifested the worse it is. This manifests in multiple ways the power might be weaker, less accurate, harder to control, or fail to activate at all.

You can’t summon another copy of a power while you have a version of that power summoned, and while there’s nothing stopping you from using hundreds of different powers at once in order to overcome the weaknesses of repeated powers with sheer quantity, your power will be far more critical of you and the data you generate the more powers you use at once. Leading to if you aren’t a good host and have a good relationship with your power for your power to start sabotaging your powers more severely. For example a power to generate flames might not come with resistance to flames and be extremely difficult to control.

If you use each and every possible power that can be handed out during a cycle at once but don’t generate as much data as a cycle in its entirety does in a day well you might be able to fight The Warrior’s avatar to a standstill while the entity is playing around for that period of time but at the end your power will levy severe penalties against you regardless of your previous relationship with your power unless you reached endgame QA and Taylor level host shard bond affinity.

(Master) Dragon-Mail

Cost: 20 SP

Your allies are mushy, squishy and weak. Your enemies are dangerous and powerful. There are ways around this, but you cannot allow your allies to die so easily. As such, those you designate as allies grow powerful biological scales over themselves, capable of stopping most kinetic impacts (up to even Behemoth punching them) and even esoteric defenses that allow your allies to withstand up to 40% of the damage they would normally take by the enemy.

The scales have a third function. As the biological scales grow over your allies, they undergo a biological change, allowing them regeneration comparable to Lung in his base form, as well as Breaker defenses half that of Immune Response. These biological alterations fade with the scales after the battle ends, but they will allow your allies even further survivability.

If you do not have allies, you can instead grow them from yourself, biological living entities made of these same scales. They are much weaker, and far more stupid, and will only ever last two minutes, but you can create a dozen before replenishing.

(Tinker/Trump) Power Tinker

Cost: 25 SP (Cache)

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

You are a genuine power tinker, meaning you create devices that interact with powers in general including your own. This power has a lot of leeway in how you go about it. Maybe you give a mundane individual the potential for a power via a simulated trigger event. Giving them an appropriate ability based on the shard they connect with and the parameters of the simulated trigger. Or instead, you force a second trigger on an already powered individual. You are also able to make devices that empower and refuel shards, make it easier for their users to control their abilities or use them for longer periods overall, or make temporary or permanent alterations to their powers. Though there is a drawback, the creation of these devices is especially costly and complicated at first. This power is unable to interact with itself.

(Tinker) Cause And Effects

Cost: 25 SP (Cache)

Cost: 12 SP (Cache)

You possess a unique ability to harness the laws of cause and effect, allowing you to create technology that can bend and manipulate reality in incredible ways. Your creations are capable of achieving seemingly impossible feats. such as the creation of a spear that's able to strike a lethal blow through the heart regardless of the circumstances, or the creation of a machine that can simulate the effects of a cause, giving you a prediction of the future. However, you must acknowledge that this power is not without flaws, as some effects are simply impossible to achieve, such as trying to strike a lethal blow through the heart when the target has no heart. Your technology is extremely costly to create, and it is considered a blindspot due to its effects.

(Breaker/Tinker) Might Make Real Tinkers Mad

Cost: 20 SP (Cache)

Cost: 10 SP (Cache)

You have four breaker states, each one affecting a single section of your body: both Arms, both Legs, Torso, and Head. The affected area will gain a metallic gray color. All of them give the body part they are in durability equivalent to Glory Girl strength as long as the breaker state is active.

They all produce tinker tech, each one having a different speciality, you can for example have arms focused on melee tech, legs focused on mobility tech, torso focused on defensive tech and head focused on sensory tech. This tinker tech is not produced through traditional means and instead quickly grows out of the body parts under one of the listed breaker effects. alongside making the tech you can also alter the affected body part with tinker tech, for example: if your arm is focused on explosives, you could change it to a grenade launcher. The user does not know how to produce the tech manually instead having a mental catalog/search engine for any technology they desire that their power provides and updates.

This technology is powered by your breaker state. The produced tinker tech dissappears if: it's broken, the user is not in a breaker state that this power provides, if taken more than a hundred feet from the user. The tinker tech produced is actual technology in design but is less diverse or effective than any decent tinker power specializing in those types of technology, If you have other tinker powers, you can use them though any of your breaker states, with both specialities mixing.

(Note: if you transform a body part with tech from this power it will not stay when you switch your breaker state)

(Trump) Connection

Cost: 15 SP

With a touch you can alter the power of a parahuman by modifying the Corona Pollentia. Doing this makes the mind of the shard and its host to slowly merge, resulting in the shard having greater control and the host mind degrading, the more you modify the connection the quicker the merge happens and the more the host power is amplified. With a touch you can return the connection to normal, but the host mind will need time to become whole again, the further the host and shard are merged the longer it will take for the host mind to recover.

When you alter the connection between host and shard you can give the host a new power that the shard could have given during the host trigger event by sacrificing parts of the existing power with the new power potency being directly proportional to the sacrifice, for example giving a pyrokinetic the capacity to slowly fly by reducing their control over their fire.

(Trump/Thinker) Split

Cost: 15 SP

With a mere touch, you can gain a copy of the memories, skills, and powers of your target. These abilities are permanently gained, and your target will experience a period of weakness.

Be vigilant of the consequences. The memories gained can, and will influence your identity. Certain thoughts and beliefs may be either overwritten, or at the very least somewhat influenced by your target's memories and thoughts.

(This power can affect Non-Parahumans. This also doesn't affect your appearance)

(Breaker/Master) Eldritch

Cost: 25 SP

The user possesses the ability to transform into a gruesome creature covered in mouths and hands. When perceived by others, the target will experience a gradual decline in their mental state. The effects of this decline can manifest differently depending on the individual, and can lead to varying degrees of delusions, panic, and paranoia. Once this transformation has occurred, the effects will continue to intensify over time, making the target increasingly susceptible to manipulation and control. Even without prompt, the targets will act in the users favor, their actions assisting the user in reaching their goals.

(Breaker/Stranger) Vanish

Cost: 20 SP

When the user activates their power, they can force any combination of two objects or people to not exist relative to each other. They appear to vanish from each others’ perspective, and any third party observing them will see them look and move straight through each other. Anything that either of them does will not affect the other until the user ends their power’s effects. Anything that a person is holding or wearing is shunted alongside them. This power can also be used by the user.

(Shaker/Stranger) Call of Oblivion

Cost: 25 SP

Anything that hears you singing has their perception of you erased, this affects any senses, even power granted ones. They can't see, smell, hear or even feel you. Do note that even if someone can't feel their hands touching your face, they can still feel their own hand being stopped by something.

Your singing can also make someone act upon their intrusive thoughts, someone driving could end up hitting a tree because they thought of it, or jumping off a cliff.

Anyone killed by you, be it directly or indirectly, has memories of them erased from this world. Their parents do not recognize the face on the pictures on their house, their significant other can't see to remember who they lived with.

(This doesn't work through recordings or electronics, it also can't affect Entities)

(Stranger/Trump) Exchange Broker

Cost: 18 SP

The user possesses the ability to act as an intermediary for any exchange between two willing participants. These exchanges can include anything the participants own, including physical, mental, and even esoteric possessions like age, lifespan, traits, and even powers, but they can’t affect anybody besides the participants. The participants must have a verbal or written agreement approved by the broker, and none of them can be under a master effect.

(Master/Trump) Multiversal Emulator

Cost: 20 SP

You are now the proud owner of a Multiversal Emulator. Searching the multiverse, your shard will project a random sentient minion that will emulate a real person. They can be anything, from a mighty wizard to a seasoned knight, and even, perhaps, a talking vending machine.

While you can command this minion, they are an independent person who will be loyal to you. While they will reflect the personality of who they emulate, they will retain the memories of each interaction and mannerism.

These projections will never be someone ordinary, and will always carry unique powers and skills. Each emulation comes with an energy pool of 20 “points”, and has a handful of skills and powers you can learn from them. Each skill/power is 10 points worth, and they can be acquired either by training, or by spending energy to acquire them. Your emulation can also use this energy to use special actions such as using their powers or delivering special attacks. When the current emulation runs out of energy, they will disappear and be replaced by a new one. At the end of each emulation, they may leave an item associated with them.

The range of your emulation is up to two hundred meters from you. The Emulation can’t be permanently killed and will respawn an hour later if so. Negentropy raises the emulation energy poll to 30, and Esoteric Knowledge makes your power authentic copies rather than your shard emulating them. Shardless counts as you having both perks.

(Stranger) S-Class

Cost: 18 SP

Anyone and everyone fears you; they believe you are the strongest and most dangerous, to the point they don't dare even try to confront you. This is the effect of your power, which can affect any biological lifeform, no matter the range. There won't be any particular reason why they believe this, and even when confronted about their logical fallacy, they will still think you are the strongest, unable to see reality.

Be ready for everyone, including friends, family or lovers to fear your every actions. Unless if you take Holding Back.