Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Master/Thinker) Memetic King

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Master/Thinker) Memetic King

Cost: 25 SP

You harbor an unparalleled awareness and insight into all entities that possess knowledge of you. This ability manifests as a sixth sense that enables you to detect their presence and discern the depth and nature of the information they hold about you. You can subtly manipulate those who are privy to your existence, as the number and specificity of those who know you dictate the extent of your control. Once at least 200 individuals possess in-depth knowledge of you, you can possess one person to act on your behalf for 10 minutes. Upon surpassing 500 individuals possessing in-depth knowledge of you, you are capable of possessing three individuals simultaneously for 1 hour. With more than 1000 individuals possessing in-depth knowledge of you, you can possess 10 people simultaneously indefinitely, with this cap increasing with further exposure. Your capacity to multitask scales with the number of individuals you can possess.