Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Master/Trump) Logic Virus

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Master/Trump) Logic Virus

Cost: 20 SP

Your body emits an undetectable virus within a small range of 5ft around you. You can choose which people are actively infected with a thought. (Everyone touched by the aura is a dormant infected) Active infected limit is 200 and shard users take up more than one slot depending on ability, Eidolon for example takes 100 while Alexandria takes 35. Endbringer's cores are the only part that can be infected with this power, the range still applies but it must be in relation to the core. An active infected Endbringer costs 120. (You'll need some help for this one) The infected will begin to act differently from their normal selves, becoming stronger and more powerful ability-wise as well, they will also begin to hate what you tell them to and think about things as you do. These changes are not instant but slow and will take about a week. You can change an Active infected back to a passive infected, this will take only 30 seconds and the person will remember everything they did during their time active. They will almost certainly assume you mastered them if you ever gave them direct commands but will assume nothing other than the fact that they were acting strange if all you did was a subtle influence. After activation, they will be incredibly loyal to you and never question why, they will hang on to your every word and command even dying for you. When not near you they will act on your mental commands, or in your best interests. (Entities are immune)