Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Tinker) Research And Development

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Tinker) Research And Development

Cost: 16 SP (Cache)

Cost: 8 SP (Cache)

You are an Omni-Tinker with access to every technology tree, however, your access is initially limited, but as you create Tinkertech, your access to these trees expands. Initially, your inventions closely resemble conventional technology. Yet, by crafting Tinkertech, you unlock greater access to every technology tree involved in its creation. Furthermore, studying Parahumans and other Tinkers' technology grants partial access to their respective trees. With extensive analysis, you can eventually gain full access to any capability possessed by those Tinkers, and even create Tinkertech that replicates or is based on any power you have sufficiently analyzed.