Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Thinker) Simulacrum Advisor

Cost: 16 SP

You possess the ability to create flawless simulations of any individual from around the world within your mind. These simulations act as your personal teachers and advisors, dedicated to guiding and supporting you in your endeavors. Regardless of the person's identity, they willingly offer their knowledge and expertise, without any ulterior motives or intentions to harm or betray you.

Engaging with a simulated advisor allows you to benefit greatly from their wisdom and experience. While learning under their guidance, you experience twice the benefits, while requiring only half the effort. This advantage accelerates your learning and enables you to acquire any skill that your simulated advisor has mastered.

It is important to note that while the simulations can impart knowledge and skills, they cannot grant you powers or abilities that are beyond your inherent potential. You can only acquire abilities that align with your existing capabilities, and the range of expertise possessed by your simulated advisors.

You are capable of maintaining one simulation at a time, ensuring a focused and dedicated learning experience. Although you can create simulations of anyone, you can only change the individual being simulated once every three days. However, you have the freedom to drop the simulation at any time should you desire a change or feel the need to explore a different mentor.