Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Trump/Tinker) Artificer

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Trump/Tinker) Artificer

Cost: 15 SP (Cache)

Cost: 7 SP (Cache)

You can enchant objects with non-Tinker powers by touching them, with a maximum of three enchantments on a single object. You can choose whether the object grants the wielder use of the power, or has a variant of the power itself. This power does not allow creating Variable Trump powers like Eidolon, picking from a fixed set is possible like Othala's power. At their highest, your enchantments will be on the same level as what Eidolon could do in his prime.

To enchant an object you need a pattern and enough charges to empower the object. Patterns can be researched by tasking your Shard to research a power, this usually takes 6-8 hours per power. You can have up to 3 (5 with negentropy) concurrent research. You gain 12 charges (18 with Negentropy) every day at midnight. Charges do not expire.

The strength of the power is proportional to the number of charges invested, with the minimum being 3 charges. The efficiency of charges drops by 20% for every 36 charges invested into a single power up to a maximum of 216. It takes 30 seconds to empower an object regardless of the number of charges used.