Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Shaker/Stranger) Call of Oblivion

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Shaker/Stranger) Call of Oblivion

Cost: 25 SP

Anything that hears you singing has their perception of you erased, this affects any senses, even power granted ones. They can't see, smell, hear or even feel you. Do note that even if someone can't feel their hands touching your face, they can still feel their own hand being stopped by something.

Your singing can also make someone act upon their intrusive thoughts, someone driving could end up hitting a tree because they thought of it, or jumping off a cliff.

Anyone killed by you, be it directly or indirectly, has memories of them erased from this world. Their parents do not recognize the face on the pictures on their house, their significant other can't see to remember who they lived with.

(This doesn't work through recordings or electronics, it also can't affect Entities)