Project V17/Powers/Shard/Tier 2/(Master/Shaker) Goddess

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< Project V17‎ | Powers‎ | Shard‎ | Tier 2

(Master/Shaker) Goddess

Cost: 17 SP

You have six powers:

Your primary power is a Master power that lets you influence anyone in your vicinity, which realigns parahuman cognition into being your subjects.

The second power is telekinesis; as a powerful long-range expression of this ability you can fly, have super-strength, and manipulate objects and people. Your telekinesis manifests as fractal patterns in the air, and although you are only capable of moving inorganic objects, you are capable of seizing people by their clothes.

Third, you have a touch-based Trump ability that lets you tune abilities and defenses in a manner akin to Scion.

Fourth, you have a danger sense. Your danger sense will alert you to the strength and direction of any danger that you face. If the danger is overwhelming, such as in the case of Scion or Contessa, you will feel danger with a distinct lack of direction.

Fifth, you have a personal power battery, that you can tap to strengthen your abilities for limited amounts of time. When used in conjunction with your Master ability, the influence can spread between capes like a virus.

The sixth power is unknown. You may freely decide what it is so long as it's no stronger than high Tier 1.